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ever fought on a level playing field where no one has powers...?

Notus, just out of curiosity, doe either Team have Firearms at their disposal (I mean like, the actual forces we're being made to work for, so do the actual people running the Bank have armed guards down there?)

No firearms! Can't have you killing each other that easily ;) NPCs are another story
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Ask Notus how he wants to go about introducing your PC when he gets on here.

Okay! :)

Actually just what I have already said: Assume your char was already in C.4 when the main group arrived and then throw him in. Right now you can be anywhere in the bank, so just choose a PC/NPC you want to interact with and make him talk/bump/fight with them. ;)

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...What exactly do you want me to do? I can't really think of any way for Phantom to interact with anyone besides just butting in to a random scene with someone else.

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Actually that might be good if Ethic and Super agree. Sorry, it's just that I can't reach Phantom in the Mirror Dimension either (your last post ended wit him entering it), and I didn't know where he was going to describe what he found. XD

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I don't mind with the whole Enya sense thing so long as it's done in such a way that doesn't overpower my character or that it renders her useless in the long run lol. I do plan to keep this up as long as I can until we get to the Ninth Circle at least. But if you feel uncertain about anything, feel free to ask me here or in PM XD

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No problem at all by me, my concern was the same as your's (a.k.a, having your char in an unfair situation). I trust you and Eagle can sort it out and make some pretty interesting scenes with this thing, so go on!

EDIT: Also in an unrelated note: DAT AVY CHANGE WAS PERFECT FLUX! XD

Edited by Notus
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Well, I did the same last year with my old avatar, so I figured why not? It did turn out rather comical though. :P

Anyway, glad you guys like it! I'd also like to see a Santa boat...

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Actually just what I have already said: Assume your char was already in C.4 when the main group arrived and then throw him in. Right now you can be anywhere in the bank, so just choose a PC/NPC you want to interact with and make him talk/bump/fight with them. ;)

I'll just eat a banana in the bank.

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Eeeh... No, really Panda, this is not exactly a nice way to introduce your character. Or if you do want to just have him sitting and slacking off like this, at least make a post with a little more substance... Tell something about how he ended up deciding to simply sit there, after all, he is in C.4 for some time and should know what happens to slackers. It's your first post, try to make it cool. ;)

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Fourth wall references away! Hey, if anyone's allowed to do fourth wall references, it would be The Omniscient Guy.

Anyway, this is the first time my guy died, so I'm not to familiar with this. About how long should I wait to respawn? I was thinking about doing it after the next time Kenny does something.

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