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You know, I only just realized, but this song that i found on Youtube is kind of like what we're going through, except that it's only symbolically similar instead of actually similar.

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Ok, does anyone know where Flux, Rielly, or Super is? Haven't seen them in awhile... Also, if you're still in this, post below so that I can start figuring out who I need to bunny

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Oh, you KNOW I ain't leaving this thing.

as for where those three are... Hell if I know, but Super has been gone for over 3 weeks now. Something must've come up on his end. I've got nothing on flux or Riley though.

If you see either Super or Flux though, let me know too, since I'm waiting for them in my own RPs as well...

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Ok, I'm thinking of picking this up, something I probs shudda done a while ago, but I feel like there's so much stuff to catch up on, could I maybe get a brief overview of the happenings in the Hill?

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Dobby, submit your character, and I'll get you up to speed via PM.

And folks, just a reminder that Kuna is an honorary cohost of this RP, so treat him with the same respect you'd give Notus or myself~

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Character name: Noela Chimdale

Appearance: 5"9, long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, brown/golden eyes the colour of maple syrup. She has a silver earring in her left ear in the shape of ø with emeralds taking up the gaps between the lines


Personality Overview: Bright, cheery, but she has a deceptive side to her. She'll laugh with you when a plan goes right, then laugh at you when her plan goes right. Also not afraid to get her hands dirty. lives by the creed "Appearance is everything"

Backstory: Started life in a middle class environment, did well enough in shcool to get her foot in the door of a large corporation and she began rising through the ranks via a lot of shady deals and ass-kissing. One day she tried blackmailing someone and things went too far. There was a big mess and her llife seemed to be in tatters as no-one was willing to help her. Then she heard through one of her last remaining sources of information about the Hill. She set off hoping to turn things around and make a tidy profit doing so

Ability/Cost: Her ability resonates with her tricksy nature, she has an uncanny ability to misdirect people and know when she is being lied to, though not the details of the lie. However, this does not extend to lies of omission. She can create minor illusions in regards to her appearance, anything from a simple hair colour change to camouflaging herself as well as where she may appear to be, the further away these illusions are, the quicker they run out, though any trick within five feet can be sustained almost indefinitely barring extreme fatigue. The cost is that she has no combat abilities. At all. Furthermore, more illusions are harder to maintain and they all require a few moments of intense focus to create

((I'm not gonna lie, I think the lack of fighting ability makes up for not really having a cost, but I'll definitely change if needed))

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Ok, I'm going to trust you to play that well Dobby, and we'll talk if it's not working out. I'd personally like to see her fatigue while doing these things, to show that the action's are taking some toll on her. But anyway, welcome to hell!

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Well, she certainly isn't physically fit, she's had an office job for most of her life, fatigue will be an issue for her. I'll also specify that to create the illusions it requires a few moments of focus

EDIT also should have mentioned that she doesn't know the exact nature of any lies she is told, naturally, only the sense she is being lied to.

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