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Oh lord... possibly. Though our friend would probably know people can't actually die. ((as he has probably gotten killed on MULTIPLE occasions.)) so he might not resort to violence and more just being an ass we will see, we will see. *smiles wickedly.*

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For some reason, that smile gives me a good feeling about what's going to happen in the near future. Should I be worried?

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Tema, there's no need to worry. Admittedly, I don't post as often as I should considering I stay at school for 11-13 hours 4 days a week, with the 5th day being a regularly timed school day. Just post when you can, it's all good :)

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So yeah, Morgan just killed Kenny.


*Invokes South Park*

(someone who is out of sight) "Oh my gosh, she killed Kenny!"

(someone else who is also out of sight) "You B****!"

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youy're right, He's not supposed to be. I specifically remember because I gloated after Panda joined bout how you all on the Robbers team got the cowardly Ice Conjurer while we in the bank got the Medic :3

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So the show is still going on eh? Thanks a lot Rose!

Just passing to say hello, since it's been quite some time that I don't post. Everything is great at school, but my free time is really limited... I'll be droping by every now and then though to read along what you guys write! Hugs to everyone!

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Uh, K_H, where is all this split personality and Aura user rule coming from? Is there any reference point you can give me cuz I for one am confused

Let me explain what's going on:

Kenny was sent to his Vault by Gestas, where Gestas split Kenny's Consciousness in two so he could bring out the easily-controlled side of Kenny. This led to Kenny turning into LK and DK, with DK having control.after LK and DK made a Truce and shared control, Morgana Teleported Kenny, destroying his Body in the process, which killed Kenny. However, since his Body was re-built, Kenny was, for a short time, in a Quantum state. This Quantum Fluctuation separated DK and LK, both of them Respawning separately, resolving the problem.

For those of you who lost me, here's a simpler explanation:

Gestas split Kenny into two Consciousnesses sharing the same body. When Morgana Teleported Kenny, she accidentally put him into a Paradoxical state, which separated his Consciousnesses and then killed him. This caused him to Respawn in both locations.

What i'm trying to get at is this: What both Kennys are going through is the Schrödinger's Cat Paradox from the Cat's PoV, but instead of "Alive/Dead", his States are "Trapped/Free".

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and yet when Kenny teleported himself via portal, there was no issue... but for some reason when someone else does it (and let's all face it, teleportation is teleportation at the end of the day, there's really no difference in it) shit happens and the schism manifests physically?

yeah, I'm honestly not following the logic very well either.

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There's the thing, though: Kenny's Portals aren't Teleportation; they're shortcuts between two locations on the fabric of Spacetime. They don't actually Teleport things, they simply make the distance traveled a whole heckuva lot shorter. It's why I say "Portaled" instead of "Teleported" when he uses them to relocate things, whether they are himself or not.

[EDIT]: Think of it more like a Wormhole than a Teleporter. they have the same effect, but they do it differently

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Yea no sorry, this kinda seems like a play for power for the way I see it.

They are the same process. Using a wormhole, is teleportation, as teleportation is simply the moving from one point to another instantaneously. It doesn't matter HOW one does it, it is the matter of fact that one simply ceases to exist in one place, and begin to do so in another. ENtering a wormhole causes one to be spit out the other side. This is a gate between two points, but is still teleportation. You stop existing at the point of origin and appear at the end point.

Basically, I'm not buying it and this is built on pretty faulty logic, so I don;t think this is something that you should continue with. ((as you can see, others probably agree with me.))

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Let me explain: Like I said, they have the same end result. something gets moved from one location to another. HOWEVER, there's a difference in the way that they do it, which is a very important fact. Portals do it by bridging two locations, while Teleporters/Teleportation Spells turn Matter into Energy/Information, which is then turned back into Matter elsewhere. I'll go in-depth:

Portals make it so that the Departure Point and the Destination are touching, but they don't alter the things being transported, plain and simple. there's no disassembly involved.

Teleportation Spells/Quantum Teleportation, on the other hand, are a horse of a different color. this kind of Teleportation makes it so that the Matter is taken apart at the Departure point, and then transferred to and rebuilt at the Destination. that's where the big difference is. Their Modus Operandi are completely different processes that have the same result.

I'll make an analogy:

Say that you've got a flat, flexible surface, and that anything you put on it is converted from Energy/Information to Matter, while anything you take off of it is doing the same thing in reverse. Now, place something on it. Using Portals is like folding the surface so that the object can move along the surface and get to the destination without taking it off of the surface. Using Quantum Teleportation/Teleportation Spells, on the other hand, is like picking the object up off of the surface and putting it down at the destination.

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Well, you don't get hit by Magic every day, now do you?

Not that I do, but still...

Anyways, the reason I had Kenny use Portals in the first place instead of Teleportation Spells is because I was unsure of what Consciousness is and how it reacts to Teleportation that uses Spells/Quantum Entanglement. Since the Soul isn't a Physical Entity, what happens when the Body is taken apart and put back together elsewhere without moving the Soul?

Plus, Kenny was technically Two people inhabiting the same body at that point.

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