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gen 6 bagon breeding


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so I received a female naive bagon with almost flawless ivs(everything other than hp) off wonder trade

it has dragon dance as its egg move, but sadly it doesn't have hidden ability

so how do i use that to breed a sheer force bagon with dragon dance with similar ivs?

i tried to breed it with everstone on the bagon and destiny knot with the ditto but dragon dance was not passed down

oh yeah i bred without everstone and destiny knot first and all the egg moves were passed down

any help would be appreciated

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iirc it's random when a female is trying pass down egg moves. Everstone and destiny knot have nothing to do with it.

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Everstone gives you a 100% chance of passing down the holders nature.

Destiny knot selects 5 random IVs from the combined pool of 12 (6 from each parent) and passes them down to the offspring. (Normally it's just 3)

To pass down egg moves simply breed the parent that has the desired egg move with a female of the desired species. (If the female has the egg moves just breed it with a male from it's egg group or ditto) The offspring will always inherit the possible egg moves from both parents. (up to a limit of 4)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everstone gives you a 100% chance of passing down the holders nature.

Destiny knot selects 5 random IVs from the combined pool of 12 (6 from each parent) and passes them down to the offspring. (Normally it's just 3)

To pass down egg moves simply breed the parent that has the desired egg move with a female of the desired species. (If the female has the egg moves just breed it with a male from it's egg group or ditto) The offspring will always inherit the possible egg moves from both parents. (up to a limit of 4)

It seems like, in my experience breeding DDance Bagon and Extremespeed Dratini, egg moves are always passed down from both parents in Gen VI. Also, there's no limit on egg moves anymore, meaning all 8 could be passed down. You'd need to visit the relearner to access all of them, though.

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