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Okay so I have a few questions to ask to you guys and girls. I need some of your wisdom as I have none :/

So here's my current team and some of them seem weak, but I can't figure out if I'm missusing them or if they're just not good choices.

Serperior (f)



Leaf Blade


Grass Knot

Leech Seed

Obviously the moveset is not good, Too much grass type moves. I plan on giving her this asap:

Leaf Storm considering it would work great with contrary.

Toxic to kill pokemon like that Ditto-Arceus, in case Ame plans on doing this again (I don't remember if it's available yet though)

Protect for the toxic/leechseed effects Or Dragon Pulse if possible

Leech Seed is definitly going to stay, it helps with my Gyarados DragonDancing and my Gardevoir Calm Mind

As of now I use his Leaf Blade to kill when can, but mostly I use Leech Seed to help other pokemon surviving while getting stronger as I said.

Ninetales (f)

@Heat Rock





Will-O-Wisp for physical sweepers

Problem with Ninetales is she keeps dying before she can do a damn thing D:

Almost every time she gets OHKO, Only Will-O-Wisp gets used before she dies :<

So I was thinking of changing her for Chandelure since I recently found out he was available and I lack a gost type

Luxray (f)

@nothing yet but i'd like to give it Flame Orb

©Guts (thank you ability capsule)

Thunder Fang


Scary face

Baby-Doll Eyes

She's weak too and dies easily thgouh. Also I would want to teach her Facade which is really strong with Guts and Flame Orb.

Gardevoir (m)

@nothing yet probably give it leftovers but I'll take suggestions


Moon Blast


Shadow Ball

Calm Mind

Obviously she's my calm minder and trace works nice against some abilities like intimidate or volt absorb (jolteon can kiss her butt :o)

She doesn't die that easily and Serperior makes sure of that too.

Gyarados (f)

@Mytic Water (will probably change for something better so any suggestion is welcome too)


Aqua Tail

Ice Fang


Dragon Dance

And she would be my dragon dancer (duh) Strong too doesn't die easily either, althgouh Moxie would be a better ability Intimidate is nice too when used correctly

Linoone (f)




Covet (to be replaced by thief asap)


Rock Smash

That is my little pokemon slave for now, with his PickUp ability to give me some good items, strength and cut as HMs but also work well in battle, rock smash is weak and the defence drop doesn't proc very often.

Covet to get some items from wild pokemon when needed.

Problem: She dies easily too but I don't really know what to do since Linoon is one of the best slaves that exist, and she's cute too :3

Also, when i first started playing Pokémon when I was ten (pokémon red), and the game would ask me "do you want to give your pokémon a nickname ?" I was always thinking "naaah Ash doesn't nickname his pokémon so I won't"

But now I think nicknames are kinda cool, only problem is I lack of inspiration, so I was wondering, how do you guys choose what to call you pokémon ?

Just so I can get an idea on how to do it and maybe get some more inspiration :/

Pointless Edit : Also please Ame gimme my Feebas D:

Edited by AngelGozen
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For Linoone, I suggest Furfrou as a substitution (can be caught in the Adventurine Forest), at least in battle. Furfrou with Charge Beam can prove useful alongside Dark Pulse, and the natural learning of Cotton Guard helps you survive any physical attack. The last slot can be anything else, like Grass Knot or Facade (can be bought for 4,000 coins at the Game Corner. Use Facade, it's great) for coverage.

Gyarados and Gardevoir look alright. Although Gyarados might want to get Bite replaced.

Luxray needs a deeper movepool. I believe it can learn Fire Fang and Ice Fang through breeding, so that's a viable option for a physical attacker. Otherwise, Facade can replace Scary Face.

Your Ninetales can't really be improved much. Even in Reborn, it's difficult to use, but that's probably the best you can run.

You essentially pointed out Serperior's issue, which is too much grass. Although at level 62, you get Leaf Storm. If possible, I'd suggest power-leveling that thing, then using common candies if you don't have enough badges to keep it under control.

For Reborn, your team is good, but not great. Since you basically have five fighters, because Linoone is more an HM slave than an offensive threat, you could get another attacker. Personally, I love using Zangoose. It's quick, fast, and has a great movepool for Reborn, such as Slash/Facade, Close Combat, X-Scissor, and Swords Dance. Anyway, you have a potential Sp. Def. wall in a boosted Gardevoir and an alright Defensive set in Serperior with the Leech Seed. There's room for improvement overall, but this is Reborn, so it's tricky.

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Okay, let me see this real quick:

Okay so I have a few questions to ask to you guys and girls. I need some of your wisdom as I have none :/

So here's my current team and some of them seem weak, but I can't figure out if I'm missusing them or if they're just not good choices.

Serperior (f)



Leaf Blade


Grass Knot

Leech Seed

Obviously the moveset is not good, Too much grass type moves. I plan on giving him this asap:

Leaf Storm considering it would work great with contrary.

Toxic to kill pokemon like that Ditto-Arceus, in case Ame plans on doing this again (I don't remember if it's available yet though)

Protect for the toxic/leechseed effects Or Dragon Pulse if possible

Leech Seed is definitly going to stay, it helps with my Gyarados DragonDancing and my Gardevoir Calm Mind

As of now I use his Leaf Blade to kill when can, but mostly I use Leech Seed to help other pokemon surviving while getting stronger as I said.

Serperior doesn't have a lot of options by level up, which is bad actually. So just give it Leaf Storm when you can and hope for better TMs in the future. You could give it Coil also for the defence drop ^^.

Ninetales (f)

@Heat Rock





Will-O-Wisp for physical sweepers

Problem with Ninetales is she keeps dying before she can do a damn thing D:

Almost every time she gets OHKO, Only Will-O-Wisp gets used before she dies :<

So I was thinking of changing her for Chandelure since I recently found out he was available and I lack a gost type

Since the sun doesn't make a lot of difference for your team, you could change Ninetales. Chandelure is a very good option in place of it, and the coverage really helps. Just a tip though: Litwick/Lampent doesn't learn Flamethrower, and since we don't have the TM, you could breed it with a Slugma/Magcargo to get Heat Wave. It's better than most things in it's movepool, unless you don't care about the Sp. Attack drop from Overheat.

Luxray (f)

@nothing yet but i'd like to give it Flame Orb

©Guts (thank you ability capsule)

Thunder Fang


Scary face

Baby-Doll Eyes

She's weak too and dies easily thgouh. Also I would want to teach him Facade which is really strong with Guts and Flame Orb.

Since there's no way to get Electivire anymore , Luxray is your best bet at "Physical Electric Type" right now. Luxray Sp.Atk is not really that bad though, you could try using a mixed Luxray. But if you're really bothered by Luxray defenses, then you should get a Magnezone. I'm pretty sure Magnezone can take some attacks better than Luxray, and it can at least survive one EQ if you use that Sturdy. But even then, meh. I'm not the biggest fan of physical electric moves, so i'd recommend you get a Jolteon, a Rotom or an Ampharos. Jolteon is fast enough to attack before it takes a hit, though is frail too, so it's probably going to die fast too. Rotom for now is a Ghost, but in the future we're going to get the other forms, so you should look into that. And Ampharos has an awesome movepool right now.

But from what i can see, it's the defenses that bother you, not the movepool. So you can decide what to do by yourself.

Gardevoir (m)

@nothing yet probably give it leftovers but I'll take suggestions


Moon Blast


Shadow Ball

Calm Mind

Obviously she's my calm minder and trace works nice against some abilities like intimidate or volt absorb (jolteon can kiss her butt :o)

She doesn't die that easily and Serperior makes sure of that too.

You don't like Jolteon? Boo...

Gardevoir is good as always. Nice movepool right now, and nice everything. I don't have anything to say. If you have something to power up Shadow Ball, give it to him, since it's the only move that doesn't get STAB.

Gyarados (f)

@Mytic Water (will probably change for something better so any suggestion is welcome too)


Aqua Tail

Ice Fang


Dragon Dance

And she would be my dragon dancer (duh) Strong too doesn't die easily either, althgouh Moxie would be a better ability Intimidate is nice too when used correctly

Gyarados is destruction, Gyarados is power, Gyarados is the janitor, Gyarados cleans, Gyarados sweep.

The only difference between your Gyarados and mine, is that mine has Strength in place of Bite, but whatever. What can i say, it's Gyarados. Powerful.

Linoone (f)




Covet (to be replaced by thief asap)


Rock Smash

That is my little pokemon slave for now, with his PickUp ability to give me some good items, strength and cut as HMs but also work well in battle, rock smash is weak and the defence drop doesn't proc very often.

Covet to get some items from wild pokemon when needed.

Problem: She dies easily too but I don't really know what to do since Linoon is one of the best slaves that exist, and she's cute too :3

Also, when i first started playing Pokémon when I was ten (pokémon red), and the game would ask me "do you want to give your pokémon a nickname ?" I was always thinking "naaah Ash doesn't nickname his pokémon so I won't"

But now I think nicknames are kinda cool, only problem is I lack of inspiration, so I was wondering, how do you guys choose what to call you pokémon ?

Just so I can get an idea on how to do it and maybe get some more inspiration :/

You know, we don't need HM slaves. Not now. There's no area like 1st gen Victory Road, so you should drop Linoone unless you want to use it for battles too. You can make a secondary pick up team later, and focus on training them for the pickups.

Recommendation: Your team could use a Ground type, for the coverage. Simple as that. I'd recommend Mamoswine, only because of it's awesome movepool. It's not going to disappoint you. Use it if you can.

As for nicknames, i just sit a while and think: "Okay, what does this pokemon do?" Sometimes i read the pokedex description to give a help with that.

Edited by Vinny953
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Serperior doesn't have a lot of options by level up, which is bad actually. So just give it Leaf Storm when you can and hope for better TMs in the future. You could give it Coil also for the defence boost.

Serperior (f)



Leaf Blade


Grass Knot

Leech Seed

You could give it Coil also for the defence boost.

Serperior (f)




Still love you though, Vinny.

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to be honest you are right on one thing vinnie the team needs a ground type but as it looks there's a lack of options but i personaly think flygons a better option then mamoswine considering its resistant to what we have next, think about it our next once seem to be ground, fighting, rock and steel, flygon is immune to ground resistant to rock and fire it has pritty high defences from what ive seen and as for steel well the same thing can be said on that note from fighting and when it comes to it. thats the pros

the cons are the its draconic moves are useless against fairies tho the fact that dragons are we to them self is good and bad is a dangerous balance yes but i wouldnt mess around in that fact.

thats just my opinion and i can bet vinnie will disagree and thats fine by me its good to have differing opinions, but at the end of the day the only opinion that matters is yours angel and good luck with which ever way you make your mind up

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For Linoone, I suggest Furfrou as a substitution (can be caught in the Adventurine Forest), at least in battle. Furfrou with Charge Beam can prove useful alongside Dark Pulse, and the natural learning of Cotton Guard helps you survive any physical attack. The last slot can be anything else, like Grass Knot or Facade (can be bought for 4,000 coins at the Game Corner. Use Facade, it's great) for coverage.

Gyarados and Gardevoir look alright. Although Gyarados might want to get Bite replaced.

Luxray needs a deeper movepool. I believe it can learn Fire Fang and Ice Fang through breeding, so that's a viable option for a physical attacker. Otherwise, Facade can replace Scary Face.

Your Ninetales can't really be improved much. Even in Reborn, it's difficult to use, but that's probably the best you can run.

You essentially pointed out Serperior's issue, which is too much grass. Although at level 62, you get Leaf Storm. If possible, I'd suggest power-leveling that thing, then using common candies if you don't have enough badges to keep it under control.

For Reborn, your team is good, but not great. Since you basically have five fighters, because Linoone is more an HM slave than an offensive threat, you could get another attacker. Personally, I love using Zangoose. It's quick, fast, and has a great movepool for Reborn, such as Slash/Facade, Close Combat, X-Scissor, and Swords Dance. Anyway, you have a potential Sp. Def. wall in a boosted Gardevoir and an alright Defensive set in Serperior with the Leech Seed. There's room for improvement overall, but this is Reborn, so it's tricky.

Belly Drum Linoone with Strenght is pretty powerful ;)

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Okay so first of all thanks a lot for your help.

I've read all of your answers and is what I thought :

Arkhidon :

- Linoone is indeed a bad choice, I've noticed it for quite a while now, I just thought that it would stay as a slave and that 5 pokemon would be enough. That was a bad idea and I will box it in my pc ^^

Although I'm not quite sure about Furfrou, not that it's bad, I'm sure it would work, but I just dont like the Pokémon :X

- As for my Gyarados' Bit, I was planning on changing it for Crunch, or maybe something else, I'm still not decided (as of yet my Luxray already has it so it would be redundant, I'll need to do some thinking)

- And yeah about Luxray, the movepool isn't that good indeed, I think I might go for Fire Fang since my Gyarados already has Ice Fang.

- Thank you so much for the facade TM location, I was planning on looking it up on the forum, you spared me the trouble <3

- So Ninetales is kind of limited :/ too bad I really like her, but I think I'll go for Chandelure

- As of now I have all the available badges so Power leveling Serperior shouldn't be an issue, What would be a pain is trying to teach it Dragon Pulse (I'd hate to lose the Contrary ability in the breeding process, and I need to look up who's available and can pass on the move)

- I like Zangoose too, it might be a good idea indeed.

Vinny :

- Coil ==> Contrary as Arkhidon said :D

- I kind of noticed indeed that Ninetales' Drought sometimes messed with my Gyarados' Aqua Tail too. I'm really considering taking Chandelure instead. As of using Overheat, I really don't like this move, it forces to switch out and I don't like it D:, I might go with Flame Burst, even though it's not that strong it should be enough for now (?)

- I really like Jolteon, probably one of the best Eeveelutions if not *the* but I already have Serperior, Gardevoir and Ninetales/Chandelure as Special attacker, so I think it would be best to keep Luxray. As for Magnezone, I've never tried it, but just like Furfrou, I just don't like him :X. The main problem with my Luxray is it's defenses, but I think if I can breed one with better IVs (physical defense, but also speed, which is bad right now :/ ) along with the other moves that i'd give it, it might work better hopefully.

You don't like Jolteon? Boo...

Gardevoir is good as always. Nice movepool right now, and nice everything. I don't have anything to say. If you have something to power up Shadow Ball, give it to him, since it's the only move that doesn't get STAB.

Not that I don't like Jolteon, I have one in my Pokémon Y adventure team (is adventure the right word ? I mean the team I build up while doing the story) and I loved it, and still do :)

It's just I like Luxray and Gardevoir more :/

Giving it something for shadow ball, I didn't think of that but it is a good idea

Gyarados is destruction, Gyarados is power, Gyarados is the janitor, Gyarados cleans, Gyarados sweep.

The only difference between your Gyarados and mine, is that mine has Strength in place of Bite, but whatever. What can i say, it's Gyarados. Powerful.

I couldn't agree more. So many gym leaders fell to my Dragon Dancer. She gets most of the experience in those battles 'cause I just put Serperior, leech seed, either she dies or I switch to gyarados, then dragon dance a few times and ohko all of the team :D

- Linoone is useless is what you're saying, and you're probably right, A ground type seems like a smart idea, and I always wanted to try Mamoswine, so yeah I just might.

As for nicknames, i just sit a while and think: "Okay, what does this pokemon do?" Sometimes i read the pokedex description to give a help with that.

Thanks man I'll try that and see how it goes :)

to be honest you are right on one thing vinnie the team needs a ground type but as it looks there's a lack of options but i personaly think flygons a better option then mamoswine considering its resistant to what we have next, think about it our next once seem to be ground, fighting, rock and steel, flygon is immune to ground resistant to rock and fire it has pritty high defences from what ive seen and as for steel well the same thing can be said on that note from fighting and when it comes to it. thats the pros

the cons are the its draconic moves are useless against fairies tho the fact that dragons are we to them self is good and bad is a dangerous balance yes but i wouldnt mess around in that fact.

thats just my opinion and i can bet vinnie will disagree and thats fine by me its good to have differing opinions, but at the end of the day the only opinion that matters is yours angel and good luck with which ever way you make your mind up

I get your point, and it does seem that Flygon has better resistances, but I think I'll go with Mamoswine, for one really stupid reason, is that I don't like dragon types :D (except maybe for kingdra).

I mean I'm sure they are strong, but I don't know why I just don't like them :P (which is why I enjoyed the Fairy type introduction, and especially on Gardevoir :D )

But thanks anyway for your help =)

Belly Drum Linoone with Strenght is pretty powerful ;)

Never tried it, but I can see how it would be, although I only wanted Linoone for its ability to learn a lot of HMs and its Pickup, so I'll probably switch it for Mamoswine as suggested :)

Edit : I just realised that Gyarados actually doesn't learn Crunch so I'm going to need to think of another move to replace bite D:

Edited by AngelGozen
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