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Looking for some good pokemon to add to my team


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What's up Guys!!!I recently finished episode 11 and i want to make some changes in my team.I need some opinions because i want to change some pokemons.My current team is:

Infernape-Iron fist(mach punch,acrobatics,flame wheel,close combat)

Gardevoir-trace(Psychic,shadow ball,charge beam,moon blast)

Gyarados-Intimidate(Ice fang,Aqua Tail,rock smash,dragon dance)

Exploud-scrappy(strength,crunch,uproar,Boomburst)(good special attack)

Arbok-intimidate(crunch,glare,acid spray,belch)(paralyze,sp def lowering,strike whith belch)(also good to catch wild pokemon)

Raticate-Hustle-(hyper fang,Crunch,Double-edge,suckerpunch/endeavor)( gen 1 favorite,its abilty helped me a lot in the firt badges and against radomus but it cant keep up with the other pokemon so i decided to change it)

I wanted some opinions for the replacement of raticate and maybe some other ideas to that can help me in my team(maybe changing another pokemon,changing moves ect)

All your opinions are welcomed and appreciated

Edited by Bessi
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Get an Aggron ... Thats Right an Aggron this thing is soo badass that its the King of Badasss in the games it debuted in Ruby and sapphire only 1 trainer had one of these beasts and that is the CHAMPION Steven it was his second best pokemon and it was second only to his beast METAGROSS then it was a beast and it still is he will F*** you upp if you dont watch out and it will take a damn load of hits to take this Metal beast that came from the College of badasses down for GODs sake he has a SKULL HELMET!!!!!! if that isnt bad ass i dont know what is and That is only its normalform his mega aint available yet

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If you want a bulky physical attacker, you could go for Swampert as it can switch in Electric moves aimed at Gyarados (also helps with Hardy, Charlotte and Terra). It doesn't share any weakness with the rest of your team, but on the other hand won't give you much more type coverage and it's slow.

For a priority user/fast physical attacker that also has decent bulk, you can go with Arcanine. It gets Extreme Speed, Crunch and Outrage by level up, so it gives you a neat coverage along with stab Flare-Blitz, but it shares weaknesses with Infernape.

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I'm always an advocate for ampharos. Decent bulk (can take a hit or two) and strong special attack, but it real strength is movepool. In a game without many TMs, this thing has insane coverage, getting access to Discharge, Power gem, signal beam, dragon pulse, and fire punch. The only worry is that this would leave your team kind of weak to ground.

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What about Magnezone guys???Good def and sp atk.Also with Sturdy and magnet rise.Give me more alternatives.Only the top three of my team i think i will keep until the end!!!

Edited by Bessi
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What about Magnezone guys???Good def and sp atk.Also with Sturdy and magnet rise

oh yeah a decent atl. to aggron. More balacaned in defense(magnezone) than aggron only high hp and physical def. nickaboo used one in his playthrough but nothing is more powerful bulk than aggron, seriously. Only things that beat it is ferrothorn and blissey but they are more defensive than aggron,

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Okay, let me see:

What's up Guys!!!I recently finished episode 11 and i want to make some changes in my team.I need some opinions because i want to change some pokemons.My current team is:

Infernape-Iron fist(mach punch,acrobatics,flame wheel,close combat)

Just get Flare Blitz when Infernape reachs level 68, and that's it. Gotta love Infernape (I'm assuming yours is a physical one, not a mixed ^^)

Gardevoir-trace(Psychic,shadow ball,charge beam,moon blast)

Is Charge Beam there for coverage, or for the status boost? Because Gardevoir gets Calm Mind, and a boosted STAB Psychic/MoonBlast would probably do more damage than a SE charge beam (Unless, of course, you're facing something that resist both of Gardevoir's STABs).

Gyarados-Intimidate(Ice fang,Aqua Tail,rock smash,dragon dance)

Gyarados is the killer, the janitor, the sweeper, Gyarados comes in, dances in front of the enemy, and murders them.

While i don't like Rock Smash, we don't have a lot of options right now. So, i guess that works. You could give it Strength in place of Rock Smash. Still a HM, but it's more powerful. Of course, Strength doesn't have better coverage than Rock Smash.

Exploud-scrappy(strength,crunch,uproar,Boomburst)(good special attack)

Normally i'd say: "Drop Exlploud", but since you're not going to use Raticate anymore, i guess you can keep it. It should have more Sp.Atk though. You should give it Shadow Ball in place of Crunch. Bad thing is that Exploud doesn't get a lot out of normal moves by level up, so whatever.

Arbok-intimidate(crunch,glare,acid spray,belch)(paralyze,sp def lowering,strike whith belch)(also good to catch wild pokemon)

Meh. I'm not the biggest fan of Arbok, but well... Since you want to use it, it's fine. It's movepool doesn't change much from that though. You could use Muk maybe, but... it's good moves are either by TM or Move Tutor, so i don't really know. Of course, if you want a better poison type, then Crobat. Simple as that.

Raticate-Hustle-(hyper fang,Crunch,Double-edge,suckerpunch/endeavor)( gen 1 favorite,its abilty helped me a lot in the firt badges and against radomus but it cant keep up with the other pokemon so i decided to change it)

It's a good movepool for Raticate if you planned on keeping it though. But if you want something else, then:

You could use a ground type. For coverage. Either Mamoswine or Excadrill could fit in your team. Apart from that, i don't know exactly what else i can say. Will think.

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aggron indeed but 2 problems is it have is sp def.A single aura sphere will ko it no matter what due 4x rock and steel typing.

As far as i know There are 0 pokemon with Aura sphere in the current version argument is deemed invalid hoewever i think Arceus dito has focu blast so it kinda is true

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As far as i know There are 0 pokemon with Aura sphere in the current version argument is deemed invalid hoewever i think Arceus dito has focu blast so it kinda is true

Blissey can't take a Mach Punch and people are not talking about it. Aggron is good, and cmon: You're not going to leave Aggron against something that has good sp.atk anyway. We're talking about the game and not online right? ^^

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Okay, let me see:

Just get Flare Blitz when Infernape reachs level 68, and that's it. Gotta love Infernape (I'm assuming yours is a physical one, not a mixed ^^)

Is Charge Beam there for coverage, or for the status boost? Because Gardevoir gets Calm Mind, and a boosted STAB Psychic/MoonBlast would probably do more damage than a SE charge beam (Unless, of course, you're facing something that resist both of Gardevoir's STABs).

Gyarados is the killer, the janitor, the sweeper, Gyarados comes in, dances in front of the enemy, and murders them.

While i don't like Rock Smash, we don't have a lot of options right now. So, i guess that works. You could give it Strength in place of Rock Smash. Still a HM, but it's more powerful. Of course, Strength doesn't have better coverage than Rock Smash.

Normally i'd say: "Drop Exlploud", but since you're not going to use Raticate anymore, i guess you can keep it. It should have more Sp.Atk though. You should give it Shadow Ball in place of Crunch. Bad thing is that Exploud doesn't get a lot out of normal moves by level up, so whatever.

Meh. I'm not the biggest fan of Arbok, but well... Since you want to use it, it's fine. It's movepool doesn't change much from that though. You could use Muk maybe, but... it's good moves are either by TM or Move Tutor, so i don't really know. Of course, if you want a better poison type, then Crobat. Simple as that.

It's a good movepool for Raticate if you planned on keeping it though. But if you want something else, then:

You could use a ground type. For coverage. Either Mamoswine or Excadrill could fit in your team. Apart from that, i don't know exactly what else i can say. Will think.

1.Infernape is my favorite.Still waiting for flare blitz beacause it is lv 60. it is a physical attacker.that can outspeed most pokemon in the game

2.I kept charge beam since the beginning because i could replace it with another tm and then replace it back.its a good idea to relearn calm mind.

3.i have held rock smash only for rock smashing purpouse.most of the attacks Gyarados can learn in late levels are special attacks(hydro pump,hyper beam) so i dont have much choice,if there was waterfall i wouldnt think twice.

4.I used it because of the high sp attack it has and because of scrappy.Ghost pokemon barely survive a a turn.Shadow ball is a good idea.I am still waiting for hyper beam(despite the recharge)There are not many good normal pokemon at the moment.

5.i started using Arbok against Shade.Then the strategy was simple:Glare the opponent,acid spray it(two stage drop sp def),then use belch

(power 120).It helped me also to catch many pokemon.I am not a good fan of arbok too.there are many good poison types like you mentioned.(nidoqueen/king for example? very good for physical and special attack)i think i will replace arbok soon.

6.As for raticate ,it was very useful in the beginning due to its ability and hyperfang learned early.as the game gets difficult it is outclassed by most enemy pokemon.A steel or ground pokemon Would be very useful.(think magnezone with magnet raise or the ones you mentioned above would be very good )

Or any other pokemon that can be useful in this stage of the game.WAITING FOR SUGGESTIONS!!!!!

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I didn't edit your last post. No.

As a last note: You should drop Arbok. The reason for that is simple: You're using Belch, and Belch is broken right now. That means Belch can hit even if the opponent didn't ate a berry on the last turn. So yeah, if you're going to depend on Belch, drop Arbok.

Nidoking is actually a very good choice in place of it. It's not the best right now, but it's bound to get better. It also covers the Ground typing, so you can choose something better as the last pokemon.

For people not familiar with Belch: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Belch_(move)

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Blissey can't take a Mach Punch and people are not talking about it. Aggron is good, and cmon: You're not going to leave Aggron against something that has good sp.atk anyway. We're talking about the game and not online right? ^^

I hate Blissey(not for me).I dont think aggron is bad,But it has two 4x weaknesses.Magnezone is a tank and its ground weakness can be nullified(magnet raise) or (metal sound + discharge/Flash cannon).I am looking forward to replace my one evolution stage pokemons.whith two evolutions stage pokemons because of the base overall(the reason for substituting raticate,i need arbok a little more before i substitute it with a better pokemon)


I didn't edit your last post. No.

As a last note: You should drop Arbok. The reason for that is simple: You're using Belch, and Belch is broken right now. That means Belch can hit even if the opponent didn't ate a berry on the last turn. So yeah, if you're going to depend on Belch, drop Arbok.

Nidoking is actually a very good choice in place of it. It's not the best right now, but it's bound to get better. It also covers the Ground typing, so you can choose something better as the last pokemon.

For people not familiar with Belch: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Belch_(move)

i even forgot i had sludge wave.i was keeping crunch that was useless(arbok has more sp atk than atk).Nidoking sounds great(sludge wave,megahorn, earthpower,Thrash (maybe???))as you said belch is broken.it will be fixed sooner or later so arbok will be useless(even gunk shot wont help)So Welcome Nidoking Goodbye and Thank You Arbok(Chaaarbokkkkkkk)(i will still use it to catch wild pokemon). Beware Cain cause the superior king will be my Nidoking

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i even forgot i had sludge wave.i was keeping crunch that was useless(arbok has more sp atk than atk).Nidoking sounds great(sludge wave,megahorn, earthpower,Thrash (maybe???))as you said belch is broken.it will be fixed sooner or later so arbok will be useless(even gunk shot wont help)So Welcome Nidoking Goodbye and Thank You Arbok(Chaaarbokkkkkkk)(i will still use it to catch wild pokemon). Beware Cain cause the superior king will be my Nidoking

Bad Pun Achievment Atttained and good luck still sore about nobody recomending DUsclops but Dusknoir aint available yet so ill wait

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finally i organized my team.nidoking-sheer force(megahorn/thrash,earth power poison jab,sludge wave)and Magnezone-Sturdy(metal sound/magnet rise,discharge,Flash cannon or charge beam). they replaced my arbok and raticate.also as Vinny suggested made my Gardevoir forget charge beam and learned Energy ball to cover ground weakness.I only need some suggestions for Magnezone's moveset. As for Mamoswine/Excadrill i decided not to have them because Magnezone resists more types than those two.I need only some opinions for Magnezone's moveset and i will be ready when the next episode comes out

Edited by Bessi
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Takes a bit of work to get, since it is a pseudolegendary and all, but you know, worth it, cus you have a FUCKING METAGROSS.

Oh my godddddd is metagross amazing.

Zen Headbutt / Meteor Mash / Hammer arm / Bullet punch (one of the last two preferably replaced with explosion).

Two great STAB moves (meteor mash has the possibility of raising attack, meaning the SWEEP is imminent). Hammer Arm is for type coverage, bullet punch for priority, sacrifice one of those and you get a guaranteed kill on any trouble pokemon (if you get it off, and if they don't protect / dig / dive / fly / ghost type suddenly).

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