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Graterras Chapter 2: A Second Chance [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Marcus pondered the other's arguments and spoke again. "Yeah, you guys have a point. I'm still not confortable with this but if you want to stick to the plan I'll help." He heard the voice of the Death Knight and looked at Nero, waiting for him to answer.

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"So, Spellsword, what is you answer?"

Nero turned to face the horde as he called out his reply.

"I will accept your duel, Death Knight! And know that this time, it is I who will be the victor!"

When he finished his response, he turned back to the group, particularly Marcus and Xavier.

"...So you two believe in battling with "honor." May I ask why?"

He was curious as to how people could find "honor" in trying to kill one another. A friendly duel was one thing, but this was a real battle, with their lives at stake. Would they really risk them over so foolish a thing as honor?

Edited by Flux
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"Good, I will look forward to your death mortal. You will make a good addition to my army." The Death Knight said in reply. "Meet me by what the locals around here call Blossom Hill. You can't miss it, straight on from here, adorned with a Single Cherry Blossom. It is in the middle of the forest clearing up ahead."

"Blossom Hill, eh?" Brass said. raising his eyebrow inquisitively. "I know that place it is close to here. It is a pretty open area, so we can't get too close to make an ambush, perhaps why he picked the location. However, we can hide in the treeline and pop out if we avoid being spotted."

"The place with the Crystal Isles's gift to this land? It seems he did plan ahead at least a little." Orpheaus added. "Strange he would pick his fight there, though I guess it is a statement as well. That marks the influence of Nevermore, and that spot is directly where it ends as of now. Perhaps, he is going to challenge them next by taking their precious Landmark from them."

"Hmmm, not to answer for the lads, but honor is sometimes important. It shows that you need no tricks or underhanded tactics to defeat your foe." Odin mused. "It also is a symbol of order, that a Knight will not stoop to the tactics of Bandits or Highwayman. Perhaps honor doesn't make sense to us simpler folk, since we have no need for it. Or perhaps it is because it is something only a Knight would consider a worthy thing to aspire too. However, it is not up to me to decide it's worth. I am just a Former Father, and a Former Merchant, really I am just a lost soul in the maelstrom that is life." Odin sighed out of a bit of frustration. He then composed himself, his eyes newly heated forge embers. They flamed like cinders of fire, newly birthed from the forge. "However, I do know one thing that keeps me going. I must fight to keep Magni's legacy alive. His life shall not be meaningless, and I will make sure that the Gentleman falls. And honor, or no honor, I am glad you lot are the ones with me." He reached into his coat pocket, and produced the small vial of ashes he still had. He placed it to his heart in his clenched fist, being very careful not to crush it. "You are all family to me, and no matter what, we can get through this. The First Thunderbrews survived the First Dragon War, not losing a damned soul. Then they brewed the first Thunderbrew Ale with the very Blood of the bastards. If they could do that, I reckon we can do this." He raised the ashes in the air high above his head. "FOR MAGNI! FOR THE THUNDERBREWS!! FOR ALL THE RACES OF THE WORLD!!! FOR GRATERRAS!!!!"

((just so you are aware Flux, Nero would totally recognize the Ventriloquism spell the Death Knight was using as it is a low level Illusion spell. However, he wouldn't be able to tell where he is, since he could be anywhere within 200ft[rough guesstimate] due to how powerful his magic is. He would't know that exact number either, he would just know he has to roughly be in the area since they can feel his presence due to what Darkness or powerful Evil in Graterras does to the surrounding.))

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A howl echoed into the sky. Hunter bound toward them, his muzzle noticeably stained with dark blood. His hunger satisfied, he was back to his senses and growled in anticipation of a challenge.

The ranger climbed back up onto the wall to stand by Jupiter, having commanded the wolf to provide support to the front liners. Apparently, some strange presence issued a challenge to one particular person-- Spellblade. Nero Spellblade, the illusionist, she remembered. Taking down a powerful foe... Now that was a feat she wanted to pull off. Her fist clenched around the riser of her bow, remembering how that bastard monster slew her back in Brinestar. But, this was the spellcaster's battle, and she knew that she was needed back at the wall even more now that Brass had gone on ahead. "Hope you guys left me some Undead to punish," she said to Jupiter.

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After Nero explained his plan, Sigurd stayed quiet. He didn’t agree with Nero’s plan and remark about honor not being important in battle. In every other case he would’ve spoken up, but not this time. The wind felt still uneasy while carrying that disgusting feeling. It was the first time Sigurd had felt such a wind and he was taken by surprise that someone could pollute the most beautiful, yet unpredictable, element out of them all. He saw it as an insult to the purity of the Lady Aelia and knew this Death Knight must be slayed, whatever the cost may be. He took a deep breath and started to pray.

Oh Lady Aelia, this foul creature is polluting the very wind you created. As your humble servant I will not let such action pass by. I will slay this creature whatever the cost may be. My life, my honor, my skills, it all belongs to you. Even if I fall in this battle, I hope I will have honored you.

Sigurd opened his eyes again and spoke up. “I don’t care anymore. Normally I would be against an ambush after you agreed on a one-on-one battle,” he said to Nero. “But this time I’m willing to participate. That bastard is violating the wind with his impure existence, thus insulting the Goddess Aelia. I will follow the plan as long as it results in his death.”

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Sigurd felt a wind wash over him, it was warmer than the ones before. He realized it was Aelia accepting his prayer, she had heard it, and approved of what he said.

"We can lead you to the site he mentioned, but you will need to go in alone." Brass said. "So, how about we go along since everyone is in agreement?"

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"Honor is what makes us different to the villains we fight, Nero. If we use of treason and trickery to defeat them, what kind of heroes are we? Does the end always justify the means?" Marcus said, repeating what he had endlessly heard on his training. Then, raising his shoulders, he kept talking. "...In this case, I agree that it does. And as Brass said we should get going anyway. If we've already decided to do this, than it's no use to waste time here."

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Dru sighed as he flung another wave of rocks at another wave of skeletons. The horde had begun to thin out, and Nero had decided to go face the Death Knight in order to draw him out. They need me more down there then they do up here, he realized. He turned to Jupiter. "Lady Jupiter, if you could hold the wall please?" With that, the half-Orc smiled and jumped off the wall. He fell roughly ten feet before an earthen pillar caught him and carried him out over the battlefield. "Terra pankratia," he shouted, spreading his arms wide. Two stones flew out of the ground and onto his hands, forming two fist-shaped gauntlets. Another two stones flattened against his chest and back, forming plates of stone armor. Finally, another stone flew onto his head, wrapping it in a full helm with a T-shaped slot cut in for his eyes, nose, and mouth to be seen.

The newly armored sorcerer leapt from the stone pillar into a crowd of skeletons, falling to the earth like a rock from a catapult. As he landed he shouted, "Impeta dispersys!" The ground shook beneath him and a shockwave sent the skeletons nearest to him flying back into their comrades. The sorcerer attacked with renewed vigor, crushing the walking bones to dust with each swing of his mighty hands. He ducked as a skeleton swung a sword over his head, then turned and fired a punch into its midsection, completely severing its lower half as its spine crumbled. Another pair of skeletons rushed him, one with a claymore and one with a sword and shield. The first swung its huge sword at the half-Orc, who caught the blow on his gauntlets. He kicked out with his right leg, pushing the second foe back before headbutting the first to the ground and promptly putting a foot through its head. He then began to charge the second skeleton, which attempted to hide behind its shield. Dru ripped the shield away from the skeleton and put a fist through its ribcage before continuing on his way to his comrades.

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A Single Cherry Blossom stood in the clearing ahead. The moonlight trickled down, casting an ethereal glow on the whole area. The Tree stood bare, it being the middle of winter, and looked almost as dead and lifeless as the Creature that stood next to it. A motionless Death Knight stood vigil, seemingly completely still. His Black Armour not giving off a single shred of light. For now he didn't have a weapon drawn. he stood his arms crossed leaning against the Tree. The 2 Red pin-points of light he had for eyes were unsettling in the darkness. They seemed as if they pierced everything. The Earth still wretched though less then before, most likely due to how far away the bulk of the enemy force was now.

Brass and Orpheaus stopped, being careful to not break any twigs or make too much noise. It felt like a pin drop could be heard for miles, the silence disturbing. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. "Wait here everyone, we can pop out from the treelines once Nero has got his attention and begins the battle. I will give the single. It will be For Passtrough, when I shout that we attack." Brass whispered. It was surprising how quiet his voice was for a humanoid so large. "Now then, Nero.....it is up to you now." he whispered once more, looking expectantly at the young man.

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Nero nodded, stepping out from the trees. He walked slowly up towards the Death Knight, preparing himself for the task ahead. In order for their plan to work, he'd have to survive long enough on his own, while at the same time distracting the Death Knight enough for the others to be able to ambush. That meant that he couldn't afford to try anything risky, but still had to be involved enough to cause the Death Knight to have to focus on him. He drew his sword at the base of the hill, and continued until he was a small distance from the Death Knight. He didn't want to get too close right away, being unsure of what the knight had in mind.

"So, foul demon, I have returned. And this time, I shall be the one to reign victorious."

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"Of course Spellblade, but perhaps you should recognize when you face your demise." rasped the Death Knight. He Drew his blade, the same Black Longsword from before. He also drew his whip, it sprouted umbral pikes down it length just like the first time. He then threw a familiar blade to Nero out in front of him. "Perhaps you will be more of a challenge then that one. But I doubt it." he said, as Steele's katana clattered to the ground in front of him. He stood still for now, watching Nero with his soul piercing Red eyes.

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Nero looked at Steele's blade. He said nothing, simply raised his blade towards the Death Knight. He took a defensive stance. For his plan to work, he would have to let the Death Knight push him backwards, seemingly gaining an advantage, while in reality he would be advancing towards his own demise.

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"Ah, not one to take action I see." said the Death Knight. "Then I shall smite thee where you stand."

He dashed forward, his unnatural red eyes glowing fiercely. He raised his sword above his head, going for a downward strike, however, it seemed shallow and easy to block. Any Swordsmen worth a damn could see he was up to something, but what?

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Nero was confused as to what the Death Knight was doing. He was clearly a strong fighter from what he had seen before, but this attack seemed reckless. It would be easy to block, and Nero was sure the Death Knight knew that. He had to have some trick up his sleeve. Nero sidestepped the strike, unwilling to take a risk at blocking the attack. He thought about attempting a counterattack, before dismissing the idea. He didn't want a drawn out battle here. Instead, he jumped back a few feet, putting distance between himself and the death knight, and resuming his defensive stance. He knew he couldn't dodge forever without attacking, or the Death Knight would know he was up to something. But this time, attacking hadn't seemed like a good idea.

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The Death Knight smirked. ((well, as much as a Skull can.)). "This Fleshling is smarter than he looks." he thought to himself. "Nice dodge Spellsword, but don't get too confident."

He now cracked his whip, it responding with a crackle of Dark energy. He cracked it towards Nero's Sword arm, attempting to grab it with the Barbed Whip. As it surged towards him it crackled with a sinister energy, much like before.

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Nero tossed his sword behind him as he saw the whip coming for it. He dove backwards into a roll to avoid the whip, but it still managed to snag a glancing blow on his arm with its tip. He gave a light cry from the sudden pain of the cut as he rose onto a knee from his crouch, . He began muttering a simple spell as he moved to retrieve the sword from the ground. He raised his left hand as he loosed the magic, and raised his sword in preparation for his next move.

Earth magic had never been Nero's specialty, but he still knew some basics. He willed the earth to crumble in the area just underneath the death knight's left foot as he released the spell. He prepared a stabbing lunge with his sword for when the death knight lost his balance.

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The Death Knight was indeed caught off-guard by the Earth crumbling under his foot. He managed to stay upright as Nero's Sword plunged into his chest. The dry crack of a rib could be heard, the Death Knight's high and mighty attitude possibly having got to him, caused him to sustain a hearty blow. Though it would tkae much more than this to defeat him.

"No matter, Now I have you where I want you." his dry voice cracked. as he dropped the whip from his hand. He touched Nero with his skeletal hand shouting a dark incantation. "Schwarz-wort: Wunde!" he yelled in a strange tongue. A searing pain shot up Nero's arm, as a deep gash opened up on his arm.

Brass seeing this was concerned, he didn't know if they should go. He hesitated to call the signal just yet, overcome by his fear of the creature. He hadn't really feared the being until now. It felt if it was hitting him in waves, as if it wasn't a true emotion, but one being forced upon him. He tried to mentally will himself to yell the signal, but he couldn't find the words yet.

((not sure what handiness Nero is, however the Death Knight was not aiming for an arm in particular, only the one he could reach easiest. Up to you which he hit Flux.))

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Akuma was itching to get to the fight after he saw Nero landed an attack, It didn't even flinched the Death Knight as the trickster got impaled in return, the Birdman questionably looks at Brass that seems to be hesitating to give the signal "Screw this, I'm not gonna stand here and watch as my ally got stab right infront of my eyes."

Akuma reactivate his trance and foolishly gives away his position, He takes this opportunity to attack while the Death Knight was focus on Nero in their battle, The Birdman hurls his hammer at the Death knight as his first attack, following with a vicious tackle, ramming his automail shoulder at the Death Knight. YOLO

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Ha, fools! I knew you would come!" said the Death Knight, Nero's Sword still stuck in his Chest. "Schwarz-wort: Tier!" he shouted. Instantly, black Umbral tentacles sprung up from the ground. They were everywhere, and they seemed extremely sinister, reeking of Dark Magic. Akuma barreled directly into one that sprung up in his path. It grabbed him and squeezed with all it might. He felt his very life-force slowly slipping away.

((p.s. not trying to be a jerk, but I did say being reckless wouldn't end well.))

Others started grabbing anything nearby, and crushing it in their Iron Grips, as they sapped the very lifeforce out of whatever they grasped. The Wind and the Earth seemed to scream in agony due to the Tentacles as they wriggled about searching for anything to crush and destroy.

((They are stationary, but they try and find the nearest thing and crush it into oblivion. These Umbral Tentacles don't have intelligence and literally the only thing they try to do destroy is anything they can get a grip on, I suggest avoiding them.))

After seeing Akuma run out, Brass had a surge of something. He overcame the fear washing over him, as he yelled "FOR PASSTROUGH!!!!!!" He had signaled the attack. "To arms everyone!!!" He shouted as he started to run into the clearing.

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(((Well, if I'm being honest, it would probably hit his right arm, a.k.a. sword arm, since he lunged with that arm.)))

Nero cried out as the spell hit him. His right arm was bleeding profusely. He stumbled backward from where he stood near the Death knight, falling to one knee. His hair hung down over his face, which was tilted towards the ground. He could hear someone approach from the forest, probably beginning the ambush. The Death Knight's taunting voice rang out.

"Ha, fools! I knew you would come!"

"So he knew all along..." Nero thought. It figured. It would have been easy to hear his plan with simple Illusion magic. Nero was angry at himself for not realizing such a thing. The entire group would pay for it now. Still, they had come too soon. Although... could he really have held out for much longer on his own?

His arm was throbbing, blood trailing down and dripping from his fingers. He embraced the pain. It was a sign that he was alive, and that he could still end this abomination. He stood slowly, a dark laugh coming from his lips. It started quiet, growing louder as he stood to his full height.

"Nice move, Death Knight," he stated. "But the tides are turning now."

His right arm was useless. That meant that retrieving his sword was not a priority, as he could hardly put it to good use anymore. He looked around. The bird-man seemed to be the only one to attack as of yet. There were dark tentacles all around Nero, with Akuma being caught in one. Nero muttered a wind spell, taking a while to remember the incantation. He willed a small piece of the air to sharpen and cut the tentacle holding the berserker.

"Be more careful next time," he muttered, snapping his left hand to release the magic.

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The Tentacle holding Akuma shrieked horribly as the blade of simple wind cut it. Black blood poured onto the ground and forming a puddle. The tentacle began to lose its shape and it's iron grip let go of the birdman. There were still many of the things squirming and searching for prey, so they would have to be careful on the approach.

Orpheaus starting his fight through the tentacles. He had to be careful not to get entrapped by them. He and Brass started to charge through as quickly as they could.

Odin, small Dwarf he was snuck trough most of the Tentacles. He looked around, seeing Akuma and Nero, along with the Death Knight. For now he wouldn't make a move.

"Pitiful Fleshlings, it matters not how many of you there are.....I WILL SLAY YOU ALL!!!" the Death Knight yelled. He dashed towards Akuma, Pulling Nero's Sword from his chest, he now wielded 2 longswords. He brought them both to bare on the Kenku.

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Akuma was set free from the tendrils after his failed attempt to take down the Death knight. He take a glimpse as Brass give the signal "It's about time" he muttered while he catches his breath and was on his knees.

"Be more careful next time,"

"Ayt, thank you trickster" Akuma give a nod of approval to Nero. "I would say the same to you, you wouldn't want to lose an arm like i do. we'll fight this hellspawn together." Akuma regains his composure and pick up his hammer. The Berserker glares at the Death Knight as it charges wielding its two swords, Akuma release a eerie bird like war cry as his eye turns crimson red activating his trance, the berserker goes head to head on with the Death knight , the Birdman nimbly parry the incoming blow holding his hammer sideways, he mightily shoves his opponent creating space between them, Akuma delivers a leg sweep hoping to knock over the knight.

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"Let's see how undead flesh handles the flames of Pyron!" Xavier leapt out of hiding and landed with a stomp, sending a wave of fire rolling toward the mass of squirming tentacles. After recovering, he charged after the flames, blade held in a two-handed middle guard.

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Somehow the Death Knight, leaped up in the air, over Akuma's sweep. He came down striking the bird man in the head with his knee, knocking him flat for a second. "Any last words Bird?" he said standing over him.

"Aye, buzz off Bonehead." cried a familiar rocky voice. A shard of Earth flew towards the Death Knight forcing him to jump back from Akuma. "I'll handle this bastard, you guys help the others get here through the Tentacles." Brass said, stepping out in front of Akuma. He tightened his grip on his hammer and gritted his teeth. This Death Knight was a terror to behold.

"You fleshings rely to much on each other. You can't even stand on your own two feet, without needing someone to hold you up. Perhaps this is why you are all so weak, always needing another by your side." The Death Knight said.

"Are you sure that makes us weak? Perhaps it is what makes you weak, Death Knight. I don't know who were in life, but I know this, your pride blinds you." said Orpheaus as he approached.

"And the hell do you know, Knight of Gold? You are one to speak of pride issues when approaching my in a suit of Gold." the Death Knight scoffed.

"The golden armour I wear is a message. One that I will cleanse the world of all the blackness from it, and more importantly my Kingdom. Your demise will bring me closer to my goal, in fact you already have. You reminded me why I fight. Your army kills only the weak, the ones who chose not to fight or those that cannot. I fight for all those who won't and those that can't. All of their strength is mine, and every person in Passtrough lends my blade their power. And so do those of Emberdon, Kingdom of the Victonari. MAY MY BLADE VANQUISH YOU SCOURGE!!!" Orpheaus shouted his eyes burning with hatred for the Death Knight.

Brass placed his hand on Orpheaus's shoulder. "Well said Scalebrother."

The Death Knight laughed. "You make me sick, the weak only deserve to perish. The afterlife awaits them." He cracked his neck. "Perhaps I should fight you at full capacity then." The Death Knight snapped his fingers, and forward came a Black satchel. From it he pulled 2 Skeletal arms, as he unfastened 2 plates form his armour. It revealed 2 sockets each with some kind of latch. He placed the other arms in them, and started to move them. "Been awhile since i needed these. You few are stronger than many I have fought in 70 years. However, you all will perish." he used Nero's Sword in one hand, his own longsword, and picked up Steele's Katana. Then from the Satchel he picked out one of a cluster of swords. Then he threw the other swords into the air, scattering them about the battlefield. "Stage is set, now it only needs one more thing, your lifeblood spilling out onto it."

"Fine, I shall not hold back either Demon. Bloccare Magia!" Orpheaus said, activating his Blade. The Bud cracked open once more, revealing a brilliant gold Lotus like before. It cast a Gold light all around the Clearing. It shone radiantly off his armour, causing a strange warm glow to come from Orpheaus, it was almost blinding to look directly look at him.

Orpheaus and the Death Knight charged forward. They clashed, their blades colliding with a brilliant ring. Four blades struck, however one soon left to try and find it's way to Orpheaus's gut. The golden knight jumped back, as the Brass bememoth took his place, swinging his massive stone hammer. The blow was slow and missed the Death Knight by a hair. However, it shook the very Earth, and all in the clearing could feel the power behind the blow. The 2 Victonari fought in sync, it looked almost as if they were the same entity. One side of it, a light quick fighter, the other, a powerhouse full of explosive strength.

Odin watched, mystified by the scene. This was a battle. He felt like he was in one of the tales his father told him of the Paladins fighting the undead menace, however, he was there this time living it. He watched, it was always best a fighter of his caliber stay unseen until the right moment. Odin figured the 2 Victonari had this for now. He looked to Nero, who he saw hovering on the edge of the battle now. His arm was bleeding profusely. He tossed one of his axes his direction, making sure not to hit him. When he was sure he had his attention, he waved him over, putting a finger to his lips to indicate to try and be quiet.

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Sigurd jumped out from his position as he saw Xavier using a rather interesting method on those tentacles. He decided to copy the Fire Templar and created forceful wind strikes to create a path towards the enemy. “This Death Knight sure has some crazy fantasies!” he yelled. “By the way, the tentacles don’t count! But let’s make his head worth 10 points!” he said while watching it battle against the Victonaries.

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