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Help With Team


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I was wondering if anyone could help me form a team to help me with Pokemon Reborn. I chose Mudkip as my starter already but... there aren't that many good pokemon at the beginning of the game. Could anyone help me chose some pokemon that are useful?

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Ooh, another Mudkip user! I like your team already ^_^.

Anyway, pokémon that helped me a LOT in the beggining were Trubbish, who was the main reason I got past the 2nd leader, and also Pidove, basically because of flying moves. Other than that most of my team is not available anymore, but I think there's Litleo, Electrike and some more good event pokémon that are worth taking a look.

Happy hunting!

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Well..... Basically yeah there aren't many good pokemon at first. My team for the first gym was Combusken, Trubbish(Toxic Spikes is OP and so is Poison Gas and Acid Spray), Whismur, Ralts, Elektrike, and Cleffa. Not a strong team, but the Toxic Spikes really help to defeat lots of gym leaders. So I HIGHLY recommend Trubbish.

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i beg to differ on early good pokemon, Grimer and Electrike come to mind. Grimer gets Disable at Lv. 12 and you get Electrike at Lv. 15, get him with modest nature and lightning rod and Julie is a piece of cake. Electrike and Marshtomp alone would make Julie a piece of cake.

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Pachirisu has ridiculous amounts of bulk + early access to Charm. And, if you want it, Volt Absorb for Julia. (Or Pickup. Pickup is cool.)

Trubbish, as has been mentioned, is an awesome option in the early game because two layers of Toxic Spikes really makes things easier. Acid Spray + Sludge combo doesn't hurt it, either.

...What was my fourth in the early game again? Oh yeah, Rattata. Hustle makes it hit pretty hard, but the missing makes it a bit risky to use... might want to pick a different Normal-type.

...Unless you like the fact that Raticate gets access to Swords Dance from the move relearner. Which is literally one of the best things ever when combined with Hustle.

Edited by Lost Lore
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