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Getto, Critical Trigga

Kaiser the great

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K so, basically

1) Played Reborn

2) Brother watched, got him to make his own file

3) Noel op, 2 strong 4 him, plz help.

Now It's been too long for me to remember this kid's team, let alone if he got any changes to it post ep 10, so anyone want to throw out some tips?


Amoongus (Kaiser II) LV. 45

Synthesis Toxic

Clear Smog Giga Drain

Bravehart (Pyroar) LV. 53

Flamethrower Crunch

Hyper Voice Fire Fang

Swampert (Don Carlos) LV. 52

Tackle Mud Bomb

Earthquake Muddy Water

Grumpig (Grucho) LV. 54

Charge Beam Shadow Ball

Psychic Power Gem

Stoutland (Mustachio) LV. 49

Crunch Rock Smash

Work Up Strength

Slurpuff LV.47

Energy Ball Draining Kiss

Cotton Guard Wish

Okay, so quickly I'll tell you how most of his matches go -

Opens with Kaiser II, as this first turn is the most crucial he soft resets on bad ends. All he has to do is hit a toxic, from there, it doesn't matter if he loses his poke or not, usually if it goes for Hidden power (which it takes relatively well) by the time his next poke comes in He'll have wasted 1 potion already.

So Kaiser II is gone, he brings out Slurpuff, doubles up on his cotton guards so he's taking minimal damage from the Skill link moves, and after the second Cotton Guard he sends up a wish, goes on to use Energy Ball/Draining Kiss (whichever does more idr).

In the chance that Cino dies of Toxic, Slurpuff's energy ball does a good 20% or something to his Porygon, but because of the Cotton Guard it gets the Special A boost. See this is where the problem occurs, Cino can really beat down his team, so the Cotton Guard becomes more of a necessity, but boosting his Porygon just as easily backfires since the only thing on his team that outright outspeeds it (as far as I can remember) is the Pyroar, and unless the energy ball got a Special D drop, then the flamethrower won't do enough to finish him off (Close, but no cigar.) Grumpig can take a hit and finish him off, but then Straptor/Swellow bring the hurt on him, typically swellow, who then proceeds to SHUSHUSHUSHUSHWEEEP him.

So any tips/pokes for this guy?

I'd offer something but this guy for me was just like >Emboar + Flame Charge + Roll out = GG

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Or just get Jolteon and wreck his Staraptor and Swellow >.> Honestly, those two pokemon are the worst..... Get a fighting pokemon like Scrafty to get rid of the rest. Be careful of his Clefable, because Noel's a cheater and wants a Fairy pokemon on his team.

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Or just get Jolteon and wreck his Staraptor and Swellow >.> Honestly, those two pokemon are the worst..... Get a fighting pokemon like Scrafty to get rid of the rest. Be careful of his Clefable, because Noel's a cheater and wants a Fairy pokemon on his team.

Oh yeah, he has the Clefable right?

Yep Aggron. Iron Head + Head Smash = OP

Of course, getting Head Smash on Aggron is not exactly easy...

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Or just get Jolteon and wreck his Staraptor and Swellow >.> Honestly, those two pokemon are the worst..... Get a fighting pokemon like Scrafty to get rid of the rest. Be careful of his Clefable, because Noel's a cheater and wants a Fairy pokemon on his team.

That Clefable was terrible to fight against. Just kept healing itself and, for some reason, was able to tank 3+ Sludge Waves. It's what made me really look forward to getting Beldum.

As for Recommendations, I would go for Luxray if the birds are the main problem. Also, Swampert learns Sludge Wave, so that can be a great help against Clefable.

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I feel like I post this is almost every noel thread, but cofagrigus ruins the birds. Burn the staraptor, mummy the swellow, that's two pokemon doing absolutely nothing. Burning the cincinno is nice, but be careful because it still hits stupidly hard.

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Use physical moves against Clefable, for starters. Poison and Steel are your friends- my Drapion one-shot it with Poison Jab, personally.

A good Electric-type can help you against the birds- Jolteon has already been suggested, and Magneton will (at least) handily take care of Swellow. Keep it away from Staraptor, though, that thing has Close Combat. I dunno about Ampharos, but I doubt it'd do too terribly, either. I'm not far enough to test that so take that with a grain of salt.

Cinccino... a bulky Fighting-type is an idea. Scrafty works well, as does Emboar. And Hariyama would probably do okay, too.

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