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Chespin nature


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Seeing as i have to restart, i was wondering what would be the best nature for my chespin? Was looking at Chesnaughts stats and saw his Def. was his highest stat, with Atk. being his second highest. So, why not get an attack boosing nature?

Adamant, Brave, or Naughty. Which would be a better option?

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Adamant would be best. The Chespin line really has no business using any special moves, so there's no point in lowering any other stats that could still be of use.

Edited by Pryze
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Why did you have to restart(again............)? But in all seriousness, yeah, Adamant is the best nature for Chespin.

Anyways these are the starters you can receive later in the game; Bulbasaur, Cyndaqui, Mudkip, Piplup, Tepig, and Chespin. So you CAN choose them, I'm not saying you can. I'm just saying these are the starters you can get later in game. If you really want a good companion, then I would suggest getting a Torchic, Chimchar, Snivy, Charmander, Treecko, Turtwig, or Froakie. Those are the pokemon that helped me the most when I was deciding what starter to choose.

Reasons for the starters I chose;

Torchic: Speed Boost(must I say more? well okay! You can get 2 Heart Scales early on, and you can give those two to your Blaziken. Letting your blaziken learn HJK and Flare Blitz early game).

Chimchar: Iron Fist and it's moveset is amazing~

Snivy: Grass type, Contrary for it's ability. It'll be great early on against Julia and Flobot's Cradily. It also has a decent moveset as well!

Charmander: Dragon Rage....Dragon Rage is soooooo OP early game. Of course you can also get a Gyarados to learn Dragon Rage.

Treecko: Because of it's moveset

Turtwig: It's typing in Torterra is so good. It also get learn a ton of cool moves as well like Wood Hammer, and EQ(Earthquake).

Froakie: Protean. just.....Protean :)

Edited by Shushup
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Being honest though, there's no problem in choosing Chespin or Cyndaquil. The reason for that? It's kinda late when you get them. Of course, in the future, it's not going to be that late, but whatever.

You can go with Adamant, but really? Any nature that lowers Sp.Atk is good enough. You can get a Def+ since Chesnaught is a lot defensive. But Adamant is good :P

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had to restart cause my brother got my comp a virus. My backup was corrupted as well, otherwise i wouldnt be restarting. needless to say, lil bro wont be touching the comp any time soon

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In my (not professional) opinion, I would go with Adamant, Impish or Careful. Not Jolly, since Chesnaught has no use for more Speed- there's not much helping it in that department.

Mine did okay with Relaxed, but you probably don't want to lower its Speed any more than it already is, either. Unless you want to run Trick Room later in the game, or something... why you would beats the heck outta me, but hey, it's your playthrough.

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In my (not professional) opinion, I would go with Adamant, Impish or Careful. Not Jolly, since Chesnaught has no use for more Speed- there's not much helping it in that department.

Mine did okay with Relaxed, but you probably don't want to lower its Speed any more than it already is, either. Unless you want to run Trick Room later in the game, or something... why you would beats the heck outta me, but hey, it's your playthrough.

I agree. Mine has Brave, and while he is super strong, he is just so slow. :/

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