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Suggestions for my team


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Hello, hello. I am making this thread to see if there's any changes that could be made to my current (and strongest) Reborn team. I have just beaten Randomus and am at a good point to do some edits. The reason why is that I feel it be easier if more people look at this team than me; that way I can get other view points on what I need to fix/improve on. So without afurther ado, let's get started.

The team:

Garer the Serperior. lvl 54

Hasty with Contrary

Leaf Blade, Wring Out, Leech Seed, Giga Drain

My starter who was chosen for the simple fact that it gets both contrary and leaf storm as a level up move. Sadly he has yet to reach this goal. Throughout the game he has shown that he is a formidable force with out this combo. With Leaf Blade and Giga drain, he can face down physical and special walls with out much hassle (bar ferrothorn) and leech seed provides a way to get residule damage off on his opponent when I know that he can either do it safetly or is going to die and want to put a dent in the opponent somehow. Wring out it primarily there for filler until Leaf Storm.

Kyuubi the Ninetails lvl 56

Bold with Flash Fire (Is it possible to change to drought with the ability capsule?)

Hex, Will O Wisp, Extrasensory, Flamethrower

My designated fire type/ special pokemon. Kyuubi is primarily built to try and cripple physical attackers and if she can abuse hex. Extrasensory is a good way to deal with fighting/poison types and deal the occasional flinch. FInally flamethrower is there for STAB, plus it is a good option for her ingame since it has relatively high base power and a good amount of PP. Im debating on wether or not to give up Flash fire, simply because while drought will benifit her, she will be the only one whose benefitting and I like the immunity to fire moves.

Bronco the Tauros lvl 54

Naughty with intimidate

Zen Headbut, Strength, Rock Smash, Thrash

The most recent adition to the team and perhaps the main reason I was able to defeat the arceus. With his good speed and attack power, Bronco is able to outspeed most fighting types that he has encountered so far and is able to deal heavy damage with his intimidate. Strength and thrash are both for STAB, with thrash being there as a last resort because of confusion and strength for reliability. The Reason why rock smash was put on this set was to help me deal with that dagum arceus, due to the fact that the defence drop would help most of my other team members deal more damage. Plus it's very good to have as a way to get rocks out of my way underground.

Koumori the Crobat lvl 55

Careful with infiltrator

Cross Poison, Acrobatics, Confuse Ray, Bite

Up until recently, Koumori was pulling me through my matches since she was generally the last one alive. Heck she essentially swept through Shade's team with little trouble. I'm pretty sure that everyone has knowledge of what crobat can do, so I don't think I need to explain why she has the moves she does. A side note, while she did have Inner Focus originally, I think she is benefitting well from infiltrator even though it isn't as useful ingame as in competitive play since flinching is much more common ingame (like with that dagum Arceus). Still is a nice benefit though.

Death the Archeops lvl 56

Jolly with Defeatist

Acrobatics, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide

The only ev trained pokemon on my team and let me just say that it was worth the trouble, The reason I say this is that is out speeds and inflicts massive amounts of damage to my opponents. Proof of this is how he basically took down all of the psychic type gym trainers, Fern's team, and Noel. It's also because of Death that I managed to beat down the arceus, due to the fact that he manage to keep flinching/avoiding the arceus' hits long enough to get it in the lower yellow range. The moveset for him is primarily for coverage/overpowering opponents.

Nikaboo the Scrafty lvl 59

Jolly with Intimidate

Brick Break, Feint Attack, Hi Jump Kick, Crunch

The team member who has put in a ton of work since I got him up to level. Named after the guy who demonstrated how effective this thing was in reborn, Nickaboo has managed to take down many opponents once I beat Serra .Infact when Death fainted against that dagum arceus, Nickaboo managed to avoid a focus blast and deliver a swift Hi Jump Kick of death. The main reason why he has weaker fighting and dark moves on him is to not have to worry about recoil with pokemon that are weaker than me (Brick break) and have a way to hit those pesky evasion users (faint attack) (looking at you Double battle Serra).

Now as for my problems. I have noticed that not only are many of my team members frailish, but three of them are weak to ice and three of them are weak to rock. Other than that, I think this is an ok team but I would love to hear any suggestions you all would have to improve it.

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Your team is fine. But I would suggest getting a Bug type pokemon to defeat Radomus and Luna(if you haven't already) I suggest getting/finding a Heracross to replace that Tauros. Heracross is so good with Moxie and it has access to Close Combat, and Megahorn!!

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Your team is fine. But I would suggest getting a Bug type pokemon to defeat Radomus and Luna(if you haven't already) I suggest getting/finding a Heracross to replace that Tauros. Heracross is so good with Moxie and it has access to Close Combat, and Megahorn!!

I do have a escavelier in the box that just needs it's abilty changed back. Though how could i get herracross? I assume that it involves honey, in which case I need to know how to get it.

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Nice team! On Ninetales, maybe you should carry an Ability Capsule with you to change abilities as you need. For example, against the Fire Gym you'll be better off with Flash Fire, but on the Water one Drought will be more help.

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Nice team! On Ninetales, maybe you should carry an Ability Capsule with you to change abilities as you need. For example, against the Fire Gym you'll be better off with Flash Fire, but on the Water one Drought will be more help.

Thank you! Oh trust me I will. It's just the matter of me getting to seventh street and purchasing some. But that is a good idea as it will help me a ton (plus i can raise up that chlorophyll venasaur now),

no swagger on scrafty? thats the only thing that got me through arceus

Nope. Originally I had it on my tauros but then I replaced it because I thought rock smash would be more useful.

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I do have a escavelier in the box that just needs it's abilty changed back. Though how could i get herracross? I assume that it involves honey, in which case I need to know how to get it.

Well you'll need like 10-20 honeys.....You're going to have to go put honey on the tree, and if you see a log or a web near ya, defeat the Pinsir to get the Web cleared, or defeat the Heracross to get the Log cleared. At this point you can't catch them for they will block them. If you see a ledge you're going to have to find a way to get a Tauros there and jump over it, same thing, same thing, until you reach the end! Where you see Pinsir and Heracross fighting with no honey around. If you defeat Pinsir, Heracross will join you. If you defeat Heracross, Pinsir will join you. Hope that helped!

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Well you'll need like 10-20 honeys.....You're going to have to go put honey on the tree, and if you see a log or a web near ya, defeat the Pinsir to get the Web cleared, or defeat the Heracross to get the Log cleared. At this point you can't catch them for they will block them. If you see a ledge you're going to have to find a way to get a Tauros there and jump over it, same thing, same thing, until you reach the end! Where you see Pinsir and Heracross fighting with no honey around. If you defeat Pinsir, Heracross will join you. If you defeat Heracross, Pinsir will join you. Hope that helped!

It did. THough where can i get some honey? I know it's in the pikachu house, but i gorget where that is.

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Oh I forgot to say on the first post but I used the same method for Arceus, only with a Sturdy Steelix in Tauro's place. Worked wonders and in the first time I tried it.

And you can also get honey from the Combees on the Headbutt trees all over the forest (provided you have a team member with thief). Nyu's house is on the Northern Aventurine Woods, I think it was through the third or fourth entrance from the Nature Center.

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Oh I forgot to say on the first post but I used the same method for Arceus, only with a Sturdy Steelix in Tauro's place. Worked wonders and in the first time I tried it.

And you can also get honey from the Combees on the Headbutt trees all over the forest (provided you have a team member with thief). Nyu's house is on the Northern Aventurine Woods, I think it was through the third or fourth entrance from the Nature Center.

Rock smash was a life saver wasnt it?

Thank you! You have no idea how much time you saved me!

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It did. THough where can i get some honey? I know it's in the pikachu house, but i gorget where that is.

catch a combee, use headbutt in the trees of route 1, they get honey very quickly, so you dont waste money buying honey.

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