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Rankshifts... Oh, Rankshifts...

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I don't think losing her mega will hurt Amaria. When she faced me, Mega Gyarados was more of a hindrance to her than a help, and in our rematch she didn't use it at all.

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The post was semi-serious. But with full seriousness, why IS it stacked to keep the Champions up? imo if the Champion doesn't have the skill to stay up there, then there should be a new champion. Not to mention it's unfair on the lower ranked leaders who are capped no matter how well they do.

It's because of how the formula works. It's partly based on the score of the leader required to face the leader in question, so since every non-champion leader is required to have been cleared in order to face a champion they are almost always going to inherit a very high score

Hasn't Charlotte only had like three or four challengers?

Since the higher leaders get less and better challengers. They should have worse ratios of wins to losses (Fewer battles overall means ratios change more drastically. Better challengers make them more likely to lose. And someone who sucks isn't reaching the top like that) So stacking it in their favor a bit seems prudent

That's exactly why we take into account inherited score in the first place. It's a measure of the expect skill of challengers.

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Although, if you just let anyone challenge whatever leader they felt like for a month, we could see what each one's winrate turned out to be and go from there.

While you do have a point, that would kinda defeat the purpose of having blocks and a champion in the first place it seems, which could make things a little bit messed up. =/

One must also take into account how crowded the lines could be at times because of that =A=" it may even affect the schedules of the leaders themselves.

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While you do have a point, that would kinda defeat the purpose of having blocks and a champion in the first place it seems, which could make things a little bit messed up. =/

One must also take into account how crowded the lines could be at times because of that =A=" it may even affect the schedules of the leaders themselves.

well, it would be less for an actual league and more for a sort of calibration

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