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Tips for beating Arceus


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I've been stuck on arceus for several days now. :/ Not sure what to do. Here's my current team:

Arcanine (57): Flamethrower, Crunch, Fire Fang, Reversal

Drapion (53): Crunch, Toxic Spikes, Venoshock, Strength

Chesnaught (57): Hammer Arm, Seed Bomb, Bite, Wood Hammer

Diggersby (54): Take Down, Rock Smash, Bulldoze, Super Fang

Klingklang (54): Mirror shot, Charge Beam, Discharge, Gear Grind

Simipour (54): Acrobatics, Bite, Brine, Scald

Higher Level Pokemon in the box: Primeape, dusclops, Kricketune.

Any help you could give me would be awesome!

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..I thought you weren't forced to actually win that Arceus battle anymore?

If you still have to, I can suggest getting that Ditto from the Blacksteam Factory event or 7th Street and get Imposter to copy Arceus..? Battle it god-to-god! (Be sure to level it up past 60 though)

Aside from that.. A high-level Fighting type might do the job as well, otherwise a high SpDef wall with a status move..?

I have no idea. I think I quit my first playthrough at that battle because I couldn't beat it. xD

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I don't know what to tell you, I actually had a relatively easy time due to planning. I kept reloading until my Crobat's Focus Band worked to then use Screech. Then, Scrafty had just enough Defense/Health to take a hit and use High Jump Kick with a Fighting Gem. OHKO.

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Trevo used an amazing strategy with a Pineco and a Cotonee to get through Garchomp. I think some variant of that could work, so I'll quote it here:

"Solaris sends out Garchomp, while I send out Cottonee. Yes. COTTONEE. Though I have a plan... I tell Cottonee to use Leech Seed on Garchomp, which hits. Garchomp wipes out Cottonee from a Fire Fang attack, and I send out Hydra to lower Garchomp's attack power. I then send out a Pineco. A LEVEL 4 PINECO. However, before Cottonee fainted, he managed to land a Stun Spore thanks to Focus Band protecting him. I keep switching from Hydra to Pineco while Garchomp wastes away. Solaris decides to use one of his Full Restores, which heals Garchomp's paralysis. Garchomp tries to knock out Pineco, but fails to thanks to Sturdy. However, Pineco heals himself thanks to the Leech Seed from before! It turns into an endless pattern, and Garchomp is slowly wasting away. Eventually, Solaris gets annoyed by this, and tries to use another Full Restore when Garchomp has half of his health. Too bad THAT doesn't work, because Garchomp is STILL suffering from Leech Seed! Hydra nearly gets killed though, because Garchomp is still powerful even when his attack stat is lowered all the way. I keep having Hydra use Dragon Dance until he's fast and strong enough. When Hydra is about to faint, I have him use Ice Fang on Garchomp, which is surprisingly enough to knock him out. Solaris didn't even have to be mad about using the third Full Restore, because he's already mad he lost! Looks like I beat the big bad wolf! He gives me quite an amount of money, which is good."

Trevo; The Story of an Unlikely Hero: Pokémon Reborn Edition.

Long story short, Leech Seed + a low level Sturdy Pokémon can be used to, at least, PP stall Arceus and let it kill itself from struggle!

Edited by Notus
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You could just get a Gengar w/ Destiny Bond...give it a Quick Claw & hope it manages to use Destiny Bond before being murdered by that Arceus if you really want to defeat Arceus. That was what was recommended to me, so i re-recommend it to you! :D

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I basically dropped a focus band on emolga and used nuzzle on arceus. After that I sent out ninetales to use confuse ray on arceus. Parafusion makes it hard for him to land hits and I slowly whittled him down with primeape and ninetales.

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If you want to go the paralysis route, anything that can take a hit (any of the Magnemite line with Sturdy, Ampharos probably can too) can slap Thunder Wave on it, then it's easy prey for any Fighting-type. Just make sure you keep using it until he's out of Full Heals, so it sticks.

I'm planning on doing a Thunder Wave/Light Screen thing with Ampharos to work around that even more, just in case, but I dunno how that'll pan out...

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If you want to go the paralysis route, anything that can take a hit (any of the Magnemite line with Sturdy, Ampharos probably can too) can slap Thunder Wave on it, then it's easy prey for any Fighting-type. Just make sure you keep using it until he's out of Full Heals, so it sticks.

I'm planning on doing a Thunder Wave/Light Screen thing with Ampharos to work around that even more, just in case, but I dunno how that'll pan out...

As long as your pokemon are trained well in speed, you can just slowly tear him down. Never thought of using light screen, but that's actually clever. I forgot that I had light screen on emolga at the time so that probably could have helped as well. Also, if you have gardevoir, getting in some moonblasts could drop its special attack as well so your pokemon can live the hits for certain.

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I personally refused to side with El even if it meant progressing. I got impatient and got a Gastly, leveled it until it learned Curse, equipped it with a Focus Band (and hoped it kicked in), and let the rest of my team faint while the Curse wailed on Arceus.

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Much like real problems, throwing money can make things go away.

STEP1 buy X tems of your choice (all can be found in the department store)

STEP 2 get cottonee with prankster

STEP 3 leach seed and spam X items, the turns will pass and arceus will be a hurtin, but he will not do anything because X items are still broken.

*if you got toxic, this will work better*

Personally I was able to beat him without doing this, but if else fails this is the 100% sure fire way to beat him.

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