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Family Troubles


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My family have been arguing recently and i cant get out of it.Its making me go bonkers my Mom keeps on screaming at me to do something but i mpretty tired after coming home after judo which takes 3 hours after school.

So i decided to make this topic in case any of you have troubles at home

Edit.1 School is making me go crazy and My parents telling me to study for tommorows test isnt helping either .... i should really get into another sport to take of some more time from hearing them scream :(

Edited by Azery123
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I have nothing to say and I feel bad for you son but I got 99 problems and this ain't one!

No prob its your live ^^ i understand you have problems i just put this up to see how many others have prblems that involve their family

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I have nothing to say and I feel bad for you son but I got 99 problems and this ain't one!

If you have nothing good to say then don't say it, pretty sure they taught you that when you were young.

Anyway, lately i've actually had family problems. Everyone just seems to be picking on me and calling me little shits. It's making it difficult for me to focus and actually be happy plus focus on my studies, so that's an issue.

Also the fact that i can't say anything to my friends is also an issue.

I have problems c:

Also hope that your problems get better soon, that must be super tough on you.

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Ohhhh man family problems, seems like almost everybody's got them.

Mine is just the stereotypical teenage problem where I want my independence but can't get it.

And fighting parents suck :(

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My parent's get on me for the small mistakes I make in school. I recognize my mistakes and then I get a 2 hour unnecessary lecture about something i understood and made clear that I did. My parents don't appreciate I'm not a very social person and I spend a lot of time on my computer. Because of this all I hear is to go outside and do stuff, but I don't have anyone I can just call up and tell to come over, and the closest friend I had got into some heavy drugs so I don't want to deal with him anymore.

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Well the arguing seems to have stopped .......for now

Damn i didnt think so many people on this forums ha family troubles kinda makes me happy ^^ lol

Now i have to go ihave a maths test today :(

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Don't argue with them.

You're trying to move a mountain with a breeze, it's not gonna happen. Most of the time, it's best to keep quiet, respectfully agree, and go about your business.

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Dad spending my money so he can take his girlfriend on a date. im not talking a couple of bucks, im talking 30-40 dollars at a time, while im trying to save for my wedding

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  • 4 months later...

Dear big sister, if you can't control the need to have a penis inside your genitalia, at least wear protection this time so that i'm not the one to deal with your neglected offspring afterwards.

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Dad arrive at my house an hour ago, wanted to argue whit me because my big brother came out of the closet, got a boyfriend and are gonna cross the border and marry in the US.. At the first i was like AH HELL I KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN, the talks were fine till he got angry and start screaming, whit the mere excuse that I DIDN´T TOOK CARE OF MY BIG BROTHER ENOUGH (my parents are one of those hardcore catholics, therefore, intolerant to many things) And I was like GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DON´T COME BACK TILL YOU´RE CALMED.

He beg me to "Do my thing" (kill it, beat him, do whatever it cost to separate them) whit the gay guy, said no, and got a fight whit him and he left my house.

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I'm an only child, and my parents divorced when I was very young (I can't remember what it's like two have two parents in the same house) so I can't say I've been through many of these things. However I still can understand. Whenever I talk about one parent to the other I can sense this sort of underlying hate.

Edited by Dar
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Well i'm moving out of my mom's house today (I'm 19) and she has attachment issues cuz she was in foster care her whole childhood so that made me feel like shit. Plus, my aunt is in the process of divorce and is on our couch and is bat shit crazy, Holier-than-thou attitude, has us all at our wits end not to mention we can't kick her out cuz she'd have nowhere to go and she has dirt on us that could make us lose our home. I'm the only one with enough sense to win an argument with her and now that I'm leaving I'm afraid that someone in my house will snap cuz she'll have a lot of blackmail and leverage on my mom and her boyfriend and my older brother.

So, I'm no stranger to family issues. I'm pretty much the metaphorical punching bag in my house in the sense that if anyone is angry i'm the one who gets yelled at or put down. And when I leave that'll fall on my brother but he doesn't stick up for himself so I feel bad about that too. :/

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I don't have any problems myself at home , (then wy are you posting here) to help/advise people

But for every one who has it hard try to talk with your parents at the right time or see what bothers them,

If you don't have any or many friend just look for people with same interests or topics and join in,

When your parents are divorced know that nothing is your fault and let them remember the good parts or just stay out of it,

At last for you hutch, i dont say you should do this but try to find out if your aunt has any dirts on her to keep her of your mums back or hook her up with a man to get her out.

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Father gets mad at my sister and I for being on electronic devices for so long, doesn't realize my sister and I are introverts, and doesn't understand I only talk to people within my age. My moms views and my views in certain subjects don't match at all, and have trouble showing said views in front of my extended family.

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My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Dementia about three years ago and everytime we see her it brings down everyone in my family as it's horribly frightening to see that she can't remember anything we say to her. She's already forgotten my aunt's name. It's truly heartbreaking to watch. We can't do much considering she's only really kept the worst traits of her personality, one being stubbornness. Because of this, she refuses to take her pills to delay the effects and as a result, ends up harming herself even more. About a year and a half ago she broke her hip for the second time, and she had forgotten that my grandfather had stayed in the hospital with her for 48 hours straight, and the second he left to sleep for a couple of hours, me and my dad were right there with her. She honestly thought my grandfather was dropping her off to stay in the hospital for the rest of her life. It's truly awful because at this point the most we can do is watch her wither away and it's the worst feeling in the world.

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If you cant say them, write them out or let someone else explain it


I get that that is awful for every one but try to let her or someone els write down on paper what happened and the emotion behind it + take pictures

Edited by Cornerman
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's just awful tacos :[[[

My troubles have gotten worse and my dad's getting far more abusive to me and my mom :[

My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Dementia about three years ago and everytime we see her it brings down everyone in my family as it's horribly frightening to see that she can't remember anything we say to her. She's already forgotten my aunt's name. It's truly heartbreaking to watch. We can't do much considering she's only really kept the worst traits of her personality, one being stubbornness. Because of this, she refuses to take her pills to delay the effects and as a result, ends up harming herself even more. About a year and a half ago she broke her hip for the second time, and she had forgotten that my grandfather had stayed in the hospital with her for 48 hours straight, and the second he left to sleep for a couple of hours, me and my dad were right there with her. She honestly thought my grandfather was dropping her off to stay in the hospital for the rest of her life. It's truly awful because at this point the most we can do is watch her wither away and it's the worst feeling in the world.

Hey guys.... I know what is like to have problems in the family too...

I saw my mother die when I was 4 years old and I live only with my brother(Notus) and my father. My brother is my best friend and he helps me and calms me when I have problems with my father.

It's very hard for a girl to grow up without a mother...

But you know guys, sometimes things are not so hard as we see, we just need to relax and be brave... that someday the problem will be solved :) Good Luck Tacos and Azery

Edited by Nephthys
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