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Hilda here. Welcomed to the World of Pokemon.


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Little late in introducing myself (which is a natural thing.)

Hi! My name is Hilda. I came to Pokemon Reborn after a friend showed me a playthrough of it on YouTube, and has so far been a pretty intense ride. As an avid writer, Reborn is all kinds of writing material waiting to be tapped. I have enjoyed reading the various topics on the forums and have discovered that this game has quite the following, as well as a nice community to boot. Someday I hope to take on the League challenge, but right now most of my attention is focused on the wonderful thing that is the Reborn Game.....uh....I guess I'll just spout some random junk.

Trainer Name: Hilda

Favorite Starter: Totodile - Technical Machines really do save this Pokemon, because it's learnset doesn't give it a just amount of STAB moves. Have loved using the 'Dile ever since Gen 2.

If I could start with any Pokemon other than a starter, it would be: Skarmory, or Zubat

Main Series Games played: Red, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, White, White2, Y.

Favorite game: Tie between Ruby and White 2.

Favorite Generation for Pokemon: Gen 5

Favorite Generation for Story, Region: Gen 3

Favorite Pokemon Music: Unova Trainer Battle Theme, Pokemon Tower Theme, the PokeRap on College Humor (with all 700 something Pokes)

Battle Strategy: Mixed offensive. A little bit of Special Attack there, a little bit of Physical there.... Maybe a couple of status walls for some extra support...

Favorite Pokemon Anime Episode:....I'm not too fond of the anime, but if they made a spinoff involving the Black/White 2 protagonists like the game's trailer, I'd watch.

Favorite Game Protagonist: Hilda (White), Red (The art-styles for those two characters are like me irl...)

Favorite Rival: Hugh "Don't make me UNLEASH MY RAGE!"

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Evil Pokemon Organization: Neo-Team Plasma

Favorite Organization Leader: Archie (Aqua)

Favorite Champion: Steven Stone

...Can't think of anything else, unless you guys want to ask. Thanks for having me!

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Welcome to the insanity that is Reborn. I swear there was a line I was supposed to say... but I don't remember what it was... something about a server and leaving your sanity at the door... ah well. Someone else will surely get that for me.

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I went from absolutely hating Kricketot for ever existing, to nearly putting Kricketune as one of my top 5 favorite BUG type pokes, ALL because of Reborn. I had reactions from "It gets TECHNICIAN!" to "YES, I GOT PAST FLOBOT!!!"...

Needless to say, Sanity didn't make the trip. Thank you so much for making me feel welcome!

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Welcome to reborn mate. Looks like Lost bungled it a bit. What she meant to say was that you should make your way over to the Pokemon Online reborn server. It serves as the chatroom for this place as well as where all of the league goes on.

Seems you've already got sanity covered.

This welcome message is becoming too info full for a lazy bloke like me so I'll let the others give you rest of the pertinent stuff.

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Sorry, I have to do the annoying activities of school and sleeping, so I couldn't welcome you sooner. Anyway, as they've already mentioned PO, I just have one thing to say: don't be afraid to PM me any questions you have. I don't bite, since crunch is far better.

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Yeah! another totodile lover!! :D, my totodile really helped me in pokemon reborn even with his water gun until he could learn aqua tail(lvl 63) -.-!!! feraligart can recieve a lot of attacks like a boss and still fight.

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  • Veterans

Welcome to the dark side in here we have Monkeys with their hair on fire :) ................. Infernape master in da house if i had to use 1 pokemon to use for my entire life it would the gen4 starters those guys have been getting ignore by nintendo no Mega's why blaziken got one so why not infernape .....

Pokemon Platinum is the shit

Pokemon gen 5 is freaking broken with the badass pokemon cause come on Hydreigon scrfty bisharp samurott volcarona wtf gen 5 you too badass

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- Thank you! Definitely will hit them up sometime with my questions. They do seem to know what they are talking about!

- Yeah. It's currently Dead Week at my university, I know ALLLLL about that Sleep and Study business. Thank you.

- Hah! Yeah, it certainly does feel like hell sometimes......*Stupid...Chatot....Grr....*

- Whoop! Totodile!

- Steven Stone: The guy that doesn't let on he's a Pokemon Champion, until you actually run into him at the Pokemon League.

- OOoh, I'm sorry I didn't say anything profound enough for a song to come to your mind anyway! I love those!

- Aqua Tail is what's up.

- I'm actually using Monferno in my playthrough of Reborn because my friend -Made- me, and because I have yet to play anything from Gen 4. *other than HeartGold...which I will need to edit that above post for*......I like that it gets Mach Punch so early. It's a good Poke.

Yep. The last two Generations have had some pretty great Pokemon to just let nostalgia blow them off.

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Thank you for the tune. I liked it so much I had to write down the name of the song/band into my "songs I need to download" list. It was great, Arkhidon!

Thanks, Bohemian!

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WELP. I should really get more on the forum. Welcome. Jokes are already made, so meh. Only thing I like to say is that you should spam Vinny and Tempest with your questions. Even if you don't have questions, spam them. I hope to see you in Sparta Reborn.

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