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My team


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So yeah... although I have played pokemon for many years now I don't still have the vast knowledge I see around here... xD So I was wondering if you could give me some advice about my team (now that I have beaten version 11 and have pretty much spare time for training other alternatives).

Main team:

- Rapidash lvl60 (Flare Blitz, Bounce, Inferno, Fire Blast) - I know, maybe too fiery...

- Cofagrigus lvl57 (Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Destiny Bond, Curse)

- Noctowl lvl56 (Extrasensory, Shadow Ball, Uproar, Air Slash)

- Pachirisu lvl57 (Discharge, Hyper Fang, Sweet Kiss, Super Fang)

- Lucario lvl60 (Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse)

- Swampert lvl50 (Earthquake, Protect, Take Down, Hydro Pump)

Other stuff (some in process):

- Golem lvl58 (Rollout, Explosion, Earthquake, Strength)

- Typhlosion lvl60 (Rock Smash, Lava Plume, Smoke Screen, Flamethrower)

- Breloom lvl37 (Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sky Uppercut, Mind Reader)

- Spiritomb lvl30 (Feint Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball) - Recently captured, planned to be Cofagrigus' substitute soon.

- Trapinch lvl20 - I'm not even putting its movements because my intention is to evolve it in a Flygon... so it probably won't keep any of its current attacks.

- Ralts lvl1 - Do you recommend me evolving this to Gardevoir or to Gallade? Or both? xD (I could train another Ralts).

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Hold onto Ralts, as it amy be getting the Axe in Ep. 12. Get both Gallade and Gardevoir, swap as you see fit. Make sure your gardevoir has Modest Nature and use a heartscale to teach it Moonblast ASAP upon it evolving

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Talking about natures... any in particular that would be ok for some of my pokemons? To be honest I don't really know how all this nature stuff works...

Edit: nature of the pokemon listed above

-Rapidash: Bashful

-Cofagrigus: Serious

-Noctowl: Naughty

-Pachirisu: Timid

-Lucario: Naughty

-Swampert: Lonely

-Golem: Naive

-Typhlosion: Careful

-Breloom: Timid

-Spiritomb: Timid

-Trapinch: Impish

-Ralts: Impish (future Gallade I guess, I'll see if I can get a Modest one for Gardevoir)

Edited by Alaris
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sorry if i'm not correct, but mostly all your pokemons don't have the correct natures (actually it's simple: when you go to stats table of a pokemon, the "red" stats is bonus 10% and the "blue" stat is minus 10% for that nature, example your lucario got Naughty nature: so it got boost 10% for attack and lower 10% for sp.defense)

but the nature IS not the problem, the problem is your pokemon's moveset is SO WRONG. you really beat episode 11 with this team???? but i don;t think in the future this team can last long, especially when you battle level 100 gym leader or elite four (i personally think ALL PKMs IN ELITE FOUR IS LV 100)

some example:

1, rapidash: 3 fire moves/ 2 physical and 2 sp.atker/ and the nature not benefit for atk or sp.atk either

2, lucario: nature benefit for attack, but you use 3 MOVES WITH SPECIAL ATTACK?? for what?

3, BRELOOM (OMG, my most favourite pokemon in ep.10): what have you done to him?? TIMID NATURE? AND WHERE IS SPORE? where is technician, mach punch, bullet seed ???? i'll cry....

and a lot more to go. basically, your team got some powerful pokemons, but these movesets and natures (when i'm not even know what their abilities are) cannot turn them to somewhat useful...

the only thing i'm surprise is that you can use this team to beat luna :( how sad.....

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natures can help, the right nature can make a weak pokemon powerful while the wrong nature can seriously hinder an otherwise perfectly fine pokemon. Some pokemon can have multiple helpful natures, while have only one or two hindering ones.

Lets take Rapidash for instance. A quick summary of its stats show this

  • HP - 65
  • Attack - 100
  • Defense - 70
  • Special Attack - 80
  • Special Defense - 80
  • Speed - 105

That right there should show that Rapidash is more of a Glass Cannon, able to deal extreme damage very fast, but unable to take a solid hit. It can withstand any special attack more easily than it can any physical, but only barely.

A quick glance at some of its moves show that it mostly learns physical attacks, with its most powerful STAB coming in the form of Flare Blitz at Lv. 49 with 120 bast power.

I would say you want a Speed boosting nature. Those natures are:

  1. Timid
  2. Hasty
  3. Jolly
  4. Naive
  5. Serious

Serious both lowers and boosts speed, so that is instantly out of the picture. Timid lowers attack, and since we need Rapidash to have a high attack stat that is out of the running too. Hasty, Jolly, and Naive would be your best options. Hasty lowers defense, making it even more squishy. Jolly lowers Sp. Atk, a stat you never really use anyways. Naive lowers Sp. Def, which is what most of Rapidashes weakness' are. Knowing this, we can conclude that you want.....

A Jolly Rapidash.

With the jolly nature, your Rapidashes most important stat, Speed, gets boosted while its most useless stat, Special Attack, gets nerfed. That also leaves its already high Attack stat alone, meaning your glass cannon fire-type is now just a bit faster, meaning you can outpace something that might be able to take it out and get some damage in.

Hope that helps, I'll leave a link to the website i use so you can get more info



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Uh... all right hahahahahaha

So yeah... I thought Luna was pretty easy. The only two leaders I had problems with were Aya, and the normal-type boy (well, only with his Cinccino).

But I totally agree with you, my moveset is quite wrong, but I don't really know what I want them to learn (that's why I made this topic, to see if anyone could come with some good advice).

Anyway, I kind of knew nothing about the nature stuff, so thanks anyway! (I really never needed to in the official games till fire red, that is the last I played).

PS: As with breloom, I catched it long ago but I began training it just now, so basically it was a shroomish leveled from lvl34 (I guess) to 37, so it could learn giga drain. Apart from that, I just made him learn sky uppercut, I haven't really changed anything else.

EDIT: All this answer over here was for gutten_tag, I hadn't seen the other reply. Ukyn1993 I'll read yours now (thanks in advanced! ;) )

EDIT2: Ukyn1993 thanks for your answer! I'll try to do this process with all the pokemons in my team...

Edited by Alaris
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fire red???? it must be a long time ago. and now 3 generations pokemon from fire red has past, and each generation we got a lot of changing in mechanic of the game. now i can understand why you use that moveset, but you can still improve it by breeding new one (breeding exist even in gen I, you might familiar with that already). and really sorry about that harsh talk (i just love breloom, seeing someone treat him that way- it just makes me so upset :(

don't worry about the team, because you can always change it.


read here for some good pokemons in-game, try to catch one and improve your team. good luck in the future

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Don't worry about that! I really needed someone giving me a little heads-up about this :)

I also loved breloom too back when I played ruby but oh man, it's far more difficult to get a strong one in this game (at least for me).

Well thanks for the link!!

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might i be so bold as to make a suggestion?

Leavanny has a very nice typing, Bug/Grass giving it some nice coverage.

Heres a potential set for leavanny.


Jolly Nature

Overcoat or Swarm

- Leaf Blade

- X-Scissor

- Swords Dance

- Slash/your choice

some really strong moves, with good coverage. Leavanny covers your Rapidash's weakness to water (Leaf Blade), your Swamperts weakness to grass (X-Scissor), and your Noctowls weakness to electric (resists that typing due to its grass typing). Its got decent stats, with its attack stat being the highest, followed by speed. Its not a glass cannon like Rapidash is, as its HP, Def, and Sp. Def, are all pretty decent. The only real problem with this pokemon is Fire and Flying types will destroy it (4x weakness). Give it the jolly nature (like you would with rapidash) and it boosts its impressive speed stat just a bit more.

Thats just my suggestion

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Great, I think this was really a good idea. I'll get and train one as soon as possible. It'll be (sadly T_T) in breloom's place as the plant-thingie. And I'll cover the fighting-type gap with the upcoming gallade (checking his moveset, I'm starting to think that lucario is not very useful either...).

Thanks again for the help!! ;)

Edited by Alaris
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Vinny is going to analyze your team cuz he has nothing better to do :D

So yeah... although I have played pokemon for many years now I don't still have the vast knowledge I see around here... xD So I was wondering if you could give me some advice about my team (now that I have beaten version 11 and have pretty much spare time for training other alternatives).

Main team:

- Rapidash lvl60 (Flare Blitz, Bounce, Inferno, Fire Blast) - I know, maybe too fiery...

- Cofagrigus lvl57 (Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Destiny Bond, Curse)

- Noctowl lvl56 (Extrasensory, Shadow Ball, Uproar, Air Slash)

- Pachirisu lvl57 (Discharge, Hyper Fang, Sweet Kiss, Super Fang)

- Lucario lvl60 (Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Shadow Ball, Dragon Pulse)

- Swampert lvl50 (Earthquake, Protect, Take Down, Hydro Pump)

Other stuff (some in process):

- Golem lvl58 (Rollout, Explosion, Earthquake, Strength)

- Typhlosion lvl60 (Rock Smash, Lava Plume, Smoke Screen, Flamethrower)

- Breloom lvl37 (Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sky Uppercut, Mind Reader)

- Spiritomb lvl30 (Feint Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball) - Recently captured, planned to be Cofagrigus' substitute soon.

- Trapinch lvl20 - I'm not even putting its movements because my intention is to evolve it in a Flygon... so it probably won't keep any of its current attacks.

- Ralts lvl1 - Do you recommend me evolving this to Gardevoir or to Gallade? Or both? xD (I could train another Ralts).

Rapidash: Yeah, a Rapidash with 3 fire moves is not good. Also, one look at Raidash's movepool is enough to know that a physical one is the way to go. You can change Inferno to MegaHorn. And as stupid that this may look, but you should keep Fire Blast. It doesn't have the recoil of Flare Blitz, and it hits physical walls better. Since the nature doesn't interfere with is stats, keeping Fire Blast is a good idea IMO.

Cofagrigus: There's not a lot of good attacks in Cofagrigus movepool, and there's not a lot of TMs available right now. But when you get a better TM (Psychic maybe? Meh...), get rid of Destiny Bond. The reason for that is simple: Cofagrigus is too slow to pull a "double suicide", and you can't run a "Focus Sash + Destiny Bond" cuz Cofagrigus is too bulky and it's not going to faint so soon. But for now, you can keep like it is. (Unless you want to breed or something...)

Noctowl: Hmm, not a lot to change there. You could change Extrasensory to Roost since you can cover that with psychic's weakness with the other moves. Other than that, there's nothing to recommend to it.

Pachirisu: That thing lacks Nuzzle/Thunder Wave for the para-fusion effect. Get rid of Hyper Fang for one of the two moves that i mentioned, since Super Fang is more useful than it. Of course, there's no way Pachirisu can hit a rock/ground type pokemon with that moveset, but you shouldn't leave Pachirisu vs a ground type anyway ^^

Lucario: If you're going to change Lucario's nature, then a special attacking Lucario is not bad. Lucario got a lot of coverage, so yeah. A special one is not bad. Although the Special Lucario lacks something: Priority (Unless you breed for Vacuum Wave). The physical Lucario has Extreme Speed to get around it's frail defenses and bad speed. Check Lucario's movepool and see what it would be better for you.

Swampert: This looks like a physical Swampert, but the Hydro Pump is cool. Is good STAB ^^.

But Swampert is slow, so maybe you could drop Take Down to get Hammer Arm. But that's up to you.

Now for the other stuff...

Golem: Rock Slide in place of Rollout when the TM becomes available. Keep Strength for the convenience.

Typhlosion: No opinion on Typhlosion since i've never used one in a serious manner. But i believe a special one would be better than a physical one.

Breelom: I feel sorry for your Breelom, cuz that thing is never going to have Spore :( You should give it Mach Punch if you want, cuz priority is always good. But that's up to you. I don't think Mind Reader is all that necessary (Sky Uppercut doesn't miss a lot).

Spiritomb: Dark Pulse in place of Feint Attack when possible ^^ Also, i don't think Hypnosis/Dream Eater combination is really that good. Test it and see if Hypnosis helps ou (a.k.a see if Hypnosis is hitting a lot or if it's missing all the time). If you decide to change, then give it Confuse Ray/Filler move.

Trapinch: All i'm going to say is: If you don't want to breed for EQ, then run a mixed set. So you can abuse Earth Power/Rock Slide.

Ralts: Gardevoir has an awesome movepool. And Gallade is also good. To decide, just look at your team: You lack fighting coverage, or fairy coverage? A special attacker or a physical attacker? Then, you choose. They are both good.

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Yeah, when it comes down to it Vinny and RainbowDash know what they are talking about. I know about certain pokemon Aggron, Levanny, Emboar, Torerra but i dont have the knowledge that they have

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It concerns me that nobody thought about THA NOIVERN.

Noivern @ Modest or Mild or any special attacking nature, because it doesn't need any more speed.

EV: 252 Sp.att 252 Speed 6 defense

Dragon Pulse

Hurricane / Air slash (accuracy vs power)
Super Fang / Shadow Ball (almost guaranteed 50% in one turn vs coverage)

You can't go wrong, especially when there aren't currently that many dragons in Reborn. You can raise it pretty quickly at endgame, too, because there are already some level 44 noibats in the wild. If you really want the boomburst, though, you will have to raise it to 74 (and then common candy if you still want to use it), or use a heart scale.

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