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If you could change one thing....


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What would it be and why? Figure that this would be a good idea to pool ideas, that way incase Ame ever runs out of ideas or needs an idea from the community, she always has this to look too.

My idea:

I would add Wailord, Rufflet, and phantump. Heres why i say it with each pokemon:

  1. Wailord: its only really decent stat is its HP, it evolves at Lv. 40. You want have the almighty wailord (or and hot skitty on wailord action) till a good portion into the game, giving you the chance to find other useful water-types
  2. Rufflet: Evolves at Lv. 54, decent movepool, and ok stats. Braviary/Rufflet is a total game changer. Rufflet will be difficult to train due to its slight frailty, making it not exactly the Best in Game flying type. Braviary though...Defiant....i understand if this never gets put in till very very very late
  3. Phantump: Grass/Ghost...i like the typing, i dont like Gourgeist. Plus, if a gym leader gets it then i believe at some point in the game we should be able to get it as well.

What about you? what woudl you do

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Firstly, I should point out that Phantump actually is in the game.

Anyway, i'd implement Slowpoke. It is a rather balanced water type, and the defense stat would be great to have around, although its availability would have to wait until the late-game.

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Wailord- No thanks.

Rufflet- There's another dual Flying-type, being Noibat that evolves super-late already and is obtainable as early as before the first Gym. Granted that Noibat evolves at 48, Braviary would be the 81390412th available Flying type.

And Phantump is just a no-no. Trevenant is bulky as shit (not to mention Harvest + Sitrus Berry + Leech Seed + Horn Leech = god in-game), plus we already have access to Pumpkaboo. Don't get your evolutions mixed up by the way. Phantump evolves into Trevenant, not Gourgeist.

On that note- I'd like to see stuff like Feebas/Milotic available extremely late-game. With altered evolution methods perhaps.. Say- Water Stone or Link Stone w/ respective scale.

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Here's my ideas:

1. Have different Legendary Battle musics instead of one.

2. Catch Mew literally in the grass while it runs away every time you fail.

3. Add custom Pokeballs that will either damage or paralyze the foe whenever it breaks out.

4. Fight a level 150 Emolga, Pachirisu and Dedenne as a revenge for saying that they're weak in the future.

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The pokeballs idea...THE IDEA!!! that´s an amazing idea, but if Ame put it on the Gym leaders...

One of the ideas i had, is to make the first gym a Dragon Type. The game would be harder, i think.

No potions no Berrys till the 10 gym, just Pokemon Centers.

Add another rival, and depending on some choices it would be the best to the protagonist or somebody like Fern whit the intentions of killing the protagonist.

A personal idea is to add Piramid Head as a Gym Leader, but that´s just me D:

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And the first gym would actually be as difficult for Water starters as everyone else if it was Dragon-type, but that's not going to happen; I mean, Amethyst would have to rewrite all the scripts including Julia from the beginning and make so many changes, and people might end up complaining, and she'd have to change the Badge order and end the first Gym with a different TM...

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3. Add custom Pokeballs that will either damage or paralyze the foe whenever it breaks out.

4. Fight a level 150 Emolga, Pachirisu and Dedenne as a revenge for saying that they're weak in the future.

Damaging pokeballs would ruin the false swipers. Also, Emolga is a pimp, not weak at all D:<

The pokeballs idea...THE IDEA!!! that´s an amazing idea, but if Ame put it on the Gym leaders...

One of the ideas i had, is to make the first gym a Dragon Type. The game would be harder, i think.

No potions no Berrys till the 10 gym, just Pokemon Centers.

Add another rival, and depending on some choices it would be the best to the protagonist or somebody like Fern whit the intentions of killing the protagonist.

Whoa Whoa Whoa, calm down satan. Also a dragon type gym would completely throw off the storyline because Saphira's entrance would be way too early.

I'd make all the wild encounters, starters and event pokemons change to Budew.

I can just see the smile of pure joy as Ame reads this

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I would change

Amaria's Death Scene in Shade's Gym

into a scene of Fern backing into moving traffic after seeing a sign proclaiming that the protagonist has beaten the Reborn League.

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I'd put a Pawniard event somewhere in between the first four badges.....maybe with a boss fire type leveled 45+ blocking the way.

...yes, I'm reversing the Vulpix event. Can't think of anything else right now, tired and distracted.

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I'd like to see stuff like Feebas/Milotic available extremely late-game. With altered evolution methods perhaps.. Say- Water Stone or Link Stone w/ respective scale.

I'd actually replace the Magikarp event with a Feebas instead. Just don't give the player a prism scale until later in the game. That way you can't get access to an OP, bulky, hydro pumping, recovering, monstrosity until it's actually appropriate. This would also mean that for a good portion of the game you have actually wasted the precious money you start off with buying a pokemon you can't use at the beginning of the game. It'd also solve the Gyarados is too strong problem. The more I think about this, the more sensible it seems.

I'd make all the wild encounters, starters and event pokemons change to Budew.

Pokemon Reborn: Budew Edition needs to be a thing that is developed in secret and sent to Ame as a tribute once the final episode is released. Imagine her walk into the starter pokemon room and every pokemon is Budew.

Edited by Sheep93
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Giving us the Option to name Fern something more appropriatly...

Give us Hyper Potions / MooMoo Milk at the Nature Center... I mean there are Miltanks there...

(that Ice Cream is overpriced as hell and a pain to buy one at a time...)

reduce the need of "Rock Smash" later on... for secret/hidden areas it's ok, but Story Progress so 'late' in the game it's just to weak as a move (granted on a technician it might be good...)

Just for Luna I needed to relearn this piece of ****

more TMs OR useful TMs...

some way to keep mining (eventually you will have mined each rock twice with blasting powder...)

catching Luvdisc for heartscales is tiring and puts a hole in your wallet for buying all the pokeballs...

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Give us Hyper Potions / MooMoo Milk at the Nature Center... I mean there are Miltanks there...

(that Ice Cream is overpriced as hell and a pain to buy one at a time...)

You can buy Oran Berries at the Lapis Flower Shop, then go talk to the Miltanks. You'll get MooMoo Milk. You can also make profit with it by selling the MooMoo Milk.

I would add 3 Difficulty levels, chosen at the start of the game:

-Easy (same difficulty as "normal" Pokemon games)

-Medium (the way it is now)

-Hard (Suicide mode)

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YES! Like a Doppelganger battle or something :D

That would make their swag cancel eachothers swag out and create this boss : SUPER DICK : Fern The Grasshole

and sorry for my language but come on its fucking fern we are talking about here

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Here's my ideas:

1. Have different Legendary Battle musics instead of one.

2. Catch Mew literally in the grass while it runs away every time you fail.

3. Add custom Pokeballs that will either damage or paralyze the foe whenever it breaks out.

4. Fight a level 150 Emolga, Pachirisu and Dedenne as a revenge for saying that they're weak in the future.

1. That's a good idea

2. Huh?

3. Too broken

4. All three are ridiculously powerful if used correctly. Well not like competition powerful but more useful than you would think for a game.

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That would make their swag cancel eachothers swag out and create this boss : SUPER DICK : Fern The Grasshole

and sorry for my language but come on its fucking fern we are talking about here

Oh, I thought they would just implode if that occurred. Darn.

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The pokeballs idea...THE IDEA!!! that´s an amazing idea, but if Ame put it on the Gym leaders...

One of the ideas i had, is to make the first gym a Dragon Type. The game would be harder, i think.

No potions no Berrys till the 10 gym, just Pokemon Centers.

Add another rival, and depending on some choices it would be the best to the protagonist or somebody like Fern whit the intentions of killing the protagonist.

A personal idea is to add Piramid Head as a Gym Leader, but that´s just me D:



I'd make all the wild encounters, starters and event pokemons change to Budew.


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