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Let's see......just one? nahhh Lemme pick all of the ones I feel that are right...


1. Flo's Cradily

2. Taka's Chatot

3. Shade's team

4. Solosis' Garchomp

5. That lvl 100 Abra

6. Noel's team

7. Re-Training a new team

8. El's Ditto

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Telos, on 03 May 2014 - 04:39 AM, said:Telos, on 03 May 2014 - 04:39 AM, said:Telos, on 03 May 2014 - 04:39 AM, said:

Go on, challenge Kiki with a team full of dark-types and i assure your state of mind will never be the same.

Also, any time fern's sprite is visible on the screen.

I have actually done that lol. I have completed the full game so far with a Dark type team doing a Dark Type Mono. Although I lost to Kiki a few times it didn't frustrate me and in fact I found it a rather fun battle. The main way I won was thanks to Greninja's Protean ability though as being able to shadow sneak to turn to a ghost type and make Hi Jump Kicks miss is very useful and hella funny. If you did the battle without a Greninja then yes I can understand the frustration.

Edited by GottaLoveShuckle
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The chess part in the psychic guys gym. I had to use a guide to solve it because I suck ass at chess.

LOL. After I played his gym, I looked at Chess and found the game interesting. So now I know how to play haha.


I do this to myself because I am a hardcore trainer of pokemon back in the FireRed days. I retrain pokemon to get cooler things and make the game easier. Ultimately, I have to retrain things to be badass. This includes retraining Trapinch and NOIBAT.

Fuck that stupid bat. >:I

I Train a lot to overpower the leaders as well! Except in Reborn where Level caps...

Go on, challenge Kiki with a team full of dark-types and i assure your state of mind will never be the same.

Also, any time fern's sprite is visible on the screen.

Fern is a complete ass. Once you team up with him for one time, he goes right to being himself. :(

You want me to pick....just ONE?...

Uh.......................Anytime I had to battle Taka's Chatot I was vastly frustrated.

Specifically when it was teamed up with ZEL's Eeveelution trio.

Z.E.L.. is always a threat with Eeveelutions. :/

how can you take over the world if you don't know how to chess greed x]

The part where i pick my starter and go to nurse joy and than game crashes n_n

Or the Part where it would always crash at Kiki's beach. :3

when i had just kicked both Fern's and Team Meteor's butts with my Bidoof that knew Rollout and evolved into a Bibarel, i realized that all of my pokemon were partially/completely Water Types, and guess what the first gym typing is?


and i only had two Pokemon.

that just really ruined my day, to put it bluntly.

Julia is REALLY hard with the new Terrain she gets. (Not supar hard, but tougher than her last episode)

He... should change to a much shorter dialogue for rebattles. Either something about 'falter before me' or 'crags of life'? Did that not happen? (And I'm assuming that you weren't resetting? Otherwise the game won't have saved data of you fighting him so of course he'll say the same thing)

Are you on a mac? Wine users have to delete a few files to avoid these sorts of things.

I never reseted. Maybe wrong patching or something? I'll have to try again sometime. But I did find all the 5 Officers I needed. And they're two parts to Corey. Not like it matters? He's fake for not giving my invalid badge. >:c

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Aster and Eclipse when you had to rescue Cain (with my Charizard, naturally; I had to raise another Pokémon for my team to make it through the fight functionally, instead of just relying on ridiculous hopes of luck). Taka was a breeze. Solaris was like this for me, but then I decided to just switch out fodder to Intimidate his Garchomp 6 times.

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I only fought Serra once in Episode 10... and I had Drought Ninetales, so I obviously didn't have difficulty with her. Don't want to think about how hard she would've curb-stomped me without it...

Also at the above post, one word: Gyarados.

Otherwise, fighting Taka's hell-Chatot has always given me entirely too much grief. Bringing something with Thunder Wave to keep it from getting set up and sweeping my team is almost a necessity. Assuming I don't get Taunted first, in which case, I'm winging it.

...Don't even talk to me about the double battle with Taka and ZEL, either. That's worse. Frbgfgl overpowered Eeveelutions...

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To be honest, Chatot was one of my nightmares, and after killing the bastard, i meet Aya and her pokemons, and i hate them (except Muk and Gengar) but then I met the King of Hell: Cinccino, and i deeply hate Cinccino more than i hate Aya and her pokemons D:

And the rest of the game was normal rage...

Edited by HolyKnight
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My top 3 rages:

3 Taka's Chatot

2 Shade's Chandelure

1 Every friggin' time in 10.5 a Woobat popped up from nothing in the underground, because they ignore repel and you don't know where they pop up!!!

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Taka's Chatot Taka's Chatot Taka's Chatot Taka's Chatot (especially since my starter is Chespin)

Serra's Cloyster also gave me problems until I had Zoroark take the lead, even though my entire team was under-leveled and I couldn't get back through the forest for the life of me to train.

Also anytime I had to grind for a new member just to get by, but luckily I haven't had to do that since Shade... well except for trying to train this Noibat to evolve. .-.

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  • 2 weeks later...

...Now that I think about it, Noel's Staraptor DID kinda wreck half of my team...

But hey, this game wouldn't be so much fun to play if it wasn't a nice challenge!

Noel had a Staraptor?

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One more I think, that came up for me:

nighttime + Thunderstorm

GOD that time-weather combination is annoying:

First you are like: "Damn I can't see anything"

in the next moment you are like "god damnit! now I'm blind!"

I mean I like the weather changes and all but... damn... I also like my eyes you know...

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