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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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[Swords Dance Standard]
[Excadrill] (M/F) @ [Balloon]
Trait: [Sand Throw]
EVs: [252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Hp]
[Nature] Jolly
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- X-Scissor / Rapid Spin
- Swords Dance

[Your bread and butter made for sand set. Jolly plus absolute max speed lets you at least Speed tie with all other Excadrills, making it key in a metagame infested with them. Your shiny red balloon is the best item to use, levitating over EQs until popped, and lets you defeat non-Ballooned Excadrills. Earthquake/Rock Slide is the nice coverage you've seen a million times, coupled with X-Scissor to hit Levitating psychics and other Pokémon. Swords Dance lets you attempt a sweep, which isn't so hard late game. Brick break is a possible, but highly discouraged alternative to X-Scissor, as a x2 effective BB is the same base power as a neutral EQ. However, it does have slight merit for breaking screens.]
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  • 5 months later...
Standard Mole
Excadrill (M/F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sand Rush
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
Return / X-Scissor
Swords Dance
Rock Slide

Its the typical standard Excadrill but the only change is maybe more power and has Return on it. Why return? Well if you get +2 you can 2 hit KO Gliscor c: And still hit stuff like Latios/Latias just as hard.
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  • Administrators
All cleaned up. There's only so much Excadrill can do, people. These two sets alone is about it. The effort is appreciated, but, if you have anything different, just say it as I have in previous topics. A new set entirely for one move is not necessary.
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  • 1 year later...
Hey! I Use Those Molds For My Cupcakes!

Excadrill (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- X-Scissor
- Skull Bash

Now that Excadrill's hidden ability has been released, let's talk [b]Mold Breaker[/b]. It's a very underrated ability that allows Excadrill to hit things with its STAB that it couldn't hit before. That STAB is [b]Earthquake[/b]. With that, things like Bronzong and Rotom-W can no longer wall this Pokemon, and Pokemon like Latios now take some serious damage from it. That's really useful when running a Choiced Pokemon. [b]Rock Slide[/b] is still the same as it was before. [b]X-Scissor[/b] is a coverage move that takes care of Grass Pokemon, who would take an Earthquake like it was nothing. [b]Skull Bash [/b]is an interesting choice; it's a two-turn attack, but each time it's used Excadrill's Defense gets higher, meaning that taking it out with Conkeldurr, Breloom, etc. is now harder.
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