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What pokemon you think will be added in ep. 16 ?


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  On 6/3/2015 at 11:11 AM, Gaunt said:

Pokemon i think will be added in ep 16: 0

Or 4-5 at max as we are returning to the city and (probably) there will be only some new event Pokemon (like Magicarp) and that's all.

You never know actually, maybe that really rare pokemon that got stolen off us down in 7th street was a Magikarp after all...

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  On 6/3/2015 at 5:51 AM, Chubb the Pig said:

Let's see... Hopefully we can get the last few non-pseudo legendary or legendary Pokemon in E16! that would be:

- Slowpoke

- Shellder

- Gastly

- Scyther

- Magikarp

- Skarmory


- Magmortar and Electivire (We're probably going back to the city anyways, so time to buy these items!)

- Gliscor

- Ferroseed

- Fletchling

- Honedge

I think that at this point of the game, these Pokemon aren't too powerful to not be in the game. I don't even care if they're going to be in a limited event; if I at least know these are in the game, I'd be happy. Some of these might not fit the agenda, though, like Honedge, Fletchling, and Scyther. Still, again, these are the last few Pokemon left...

EDIT: Oh, and Klefki's one, too.

You can already get all of the items, by using episode 13.

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  On 6/3/2015 at 10:16 AM, Tomy said:

Yveltal,Xerneas,Dratini,Gabite and Magikarp.


Seriously though, everything whose stuff is in the Department Store will obviously be there. That means Electivire, Magmortar, Rhyperior, Weavile, Gliscor, Politoed, and the Porygons.

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But seriously though, expect all the ground types in episode 16. Maybe wild Drilburs will show up again to play.

And if we do get in the cave i'm thinking, i'll hope for Ferroseed.

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  On 5/4/2014 at 3:49 PM, GottaLoveShuckle said:

You know I could see us getting access to Axew in the next episode as when we first go onto Route 1 Fern had a Fraxure which was obviously a very new addition to his team as he never had it before and it was considerably underleveled compared to his other pokemon.

I personal want a Scizor and a Volcarona so bad!! IMO we could of got Larvesta earlier seems as its absolute garbage until its late evolution at level 59. I also really want Sneasel for my Dark Type Mono Reborn team.

I thought Larvesta, and as a result, Volcarona, was in the game? Unless I have bad reading comprehension, and you're saying you want it outside of an event? :x

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  On 6/4/2015 at 6:51 AM, Courtesy said:

I thought Larvesta, and as a result, Volcarona, was in the game? Unless I have bad reading comprehension, and you're saying you want it outside of an event? :x

That quote you commented on is from May 2014. This thread has been renewed for multiple episodes now.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 3:40 AM, Vinny said:


But seriously though, expect all the ground types in episode 16. Maybe wild Drilburs will show up again to play.

And if we do get in the cave i'm thinking, i'll hope for Ferroseed.

Just get episode 13...

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  On 6/4/2015 at 6:16 PM, zareason said:

As legit as keeping the axed pokemon from older versions.

I can continue the argument as i already had the same discussion before but it would be boring so the only thing i'll say is that i don't agree with your statement

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Having pokemon from before they are axed is still technically legit as you earned them in their respective episodes. Don't like it? You should have gotten an earlier episode friend. It is legit because it was official at some point in time to have them at that time. If they were removed and you feel bad for using them, don't use them. If you got them before they were axed, it's fair play.

I don't approve of reverting back to old episodes however. Lots of problems can ensue and I do see it as a form of trying to cheat the game. However there is nothing stopping you and this is just my opinion.

tl;dr axed mons are legit if you got them in their time.

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Basically what Pyrr said. I'm not going to go back zzz

After all, if I didn't care about going back, I'd have a Sneasel since episode 11/12. Just saying~

But forget that, we're talking about episode 16, and there's going to be desert area I think

If that happens, you know what that means? DUGTRIOS WITH ARENA TRAP ERRWHERE

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  On 6/6/2015 at 3:11 PM, Vinny said:

But forget that, we're talking about episode 16, and there's going to be desert area I think

If that happens, you know what that means? DUGTRIOS WITH ARENA TRAP ERRWHERE

Time to hoard repels... or lead with a non-grounded 'mon since luckily Arena Traps don't effect flying types and 'mons with levitate. Not sure about balloon though.

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To answer the topic of the thread, here's my predictions:

Electivire, Magmortar, Weavile, Gliscor will all be available in the city due to the department store items.

The Oshawott line will be available across the water where Cain got his in Coral Ward.

Tentacool, Staryu, Slowpoke, Frillish (or some of them) will be available in all of the fresh water that's been purified.

Shroomish, Vullaby, Scyther, and maybe Bulbasaur/Treecko will be available via events somehow in the city. We might also get access to Axew or one of the pseudo legends via a complicated sidequest. Although this one is certainly a stretch, we might be able to get a Phione in the pure water but idk.

Due to the guy in 7th street mentioning how you can't catch the guy until the city's police have it together, I believe that we will be able to get Magikarp (or at least progress that event again).

Edited by BIGJRA
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Since I think we're going to be able to get through the desert, and also be able to return to the city....








-Fletchling would be a nice addition to the next gyms (like adrienn and titania) and it's not that early to get it now.





-Most of item-based evolutions, because of the dpt.store

-Did I already say gible?

No, seriously, I really want a gible ;-;

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