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Poison Semi-Monotype a la Cain


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Actually you get Sunny Day after Radomus regardless of what gang you joined- you have to go to 7th Street first. I'm sure there's a way to breed Sunny Day onto a Roserade, but being honest, I don't know the chain off the top of my head. (Well, if you want Sludge Bomb or Venoshock too, I mean...)

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Actually you get Sunny Day after Radomus regardless of what gang you joined- you have to go to 7th Street first. I'm sure there's a way to breed Sunny Day onto a Roserade, but being honest, I don't know the chain off the top of my head. (Well, if you want Sludge Bomb or Venoshock too, I mean...)

@@, totally forget that. But since the sunny day and weather ball is only useful for Fern in route 1 and Luna, for Fern we can also set the weather is sunny already, and for Luna we got this TM long ago. Another breed for roselia will be too painful.....

EDIT: found it. Sunkern. Sunkern CAN learn Sludge Bomb through breeding and it can learn Sunny day through level up. So the chain-breeding will be:

Muk----> Stunfisk----> Wooper------> Snubull-----> Roselia------> Sunkern (level up to learn both SB and sunny day)------> Roselia again. Really painful indeed.

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wow, my bad. Venipede can't learn Sword Dance. So sorry about that. So the best options to breed for Venipede now is Poison Jab and Toxic Spike (both can learn from a male Breedril is the easiest way) and you can get this moveset: Poison jab/ Megahorn/ Baton pass/ Toxic Spike or Iron Defense (for passer) or whatever you like. (and Speed boost of course)

When breeding move, you have to make sure that the pre-evolution of that pkm can learn the move. Like Nidoking can learn Flamethrower, but Nidoran can;t learn it, so you can't breed it. This is my false @@. Sorry again @@.

EDIT: reallllllly sorry again. This is the result of "searching" but not "real doing" things. I breed too much in game, but i still cannot breed all of it to make sure all things work. :'(

Bleh... there goes my hope of finally getting swords dance onto scolipede :(

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good idea indeed. even Roserade can lay some Toxic spike too (roselia can learn it), but i still like Sludge Bomb more. Reliable power, 30% poison, and it can hit Flying type (who immune to spikes) much better.

Well, only Flying, Poison and Steel types won't be affected by TS and there's not that many in Reborn. Radomus has Metagross and Luna has her lead Bisharp and Honchkrow.

And for Venoshock, I got no idea how to breed it to Roselia. Maybe i'll search for it if you want (because i've never used it before)

Would be appreciated.

Muk----> Stunfisk----> Wooper------> Snubull-----> Roselia------> Sunkern (level up to learn both SB and sunny day)------> Roselia again. Really painful indeed.

:blink: ...I'll wait for the TM.

wow, my bad. Venipede can't learn Sword Dance. So sorry about that. So the best options to breed for Venipede now is Poison Jab and Toxic Spike (both can learn from a male Breedril is the easiest way) and you can get this moveset: Poison jab/ Megahorn/ Baton pass/ Toxic Spike or Iron Defense (for passer) or whatever you like. (and Speed boost of course)

When breeding move, you have to make sure that the pre-evolution of that pkm can learn the move. Like Nidoking can learn Flamethrower, but Nidoran can;t learn it, so you can't breed it. This is my false @@. Sorry again @@.

EDIT: reallllllly sorry again. This is the result of "searching" but not "real doing" things. I breed too much in game, but i still cannot breed all of it to make sure all things work. :'(

The dream's dead. Just kidding, but I guess this means Nidoking>Scolipede.

Thanks for all the help. When you joined this topic, it really was a "good day"!god, that was bad.

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well, i mean if Sword Dance can be breeded for Scolipede, and that thing got Baton Pass and speed boost, it might be GG for too early. But hey, now that ugly Fern got a new chance to survive more than 6 turns facing us right :)))))

actually when i finished epi 12, i always want to start a mono-poison runthrough the game again. Poison is my fav type, even when Fairy doesn't exist. So i'm really excited about this topic and want to help you guy a hand if needed. so I'll keep watching it in the future.

EDIT: well, the chain breed for Sunny day and Sludge Bomb for roselia isn't the longest chain i got. Leaf Storm and Sludge Bomb for Roselia is. (i mean, very boring indeed..)

EDIT 2: and here is chain breeding for Venoshock Roselia:

Skorupi----> Paras-----> Roselia. It's very simple.

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EDIT: well, the chain breed for Sunny day and Sludge Bomb for roselia isn't the longest chain i got. Leaf Storm and Sludge Bomb for Roselia is. (i mean, very boring indeed..)

Please spare me T-T

EDIT 2: and here is chain breeding for Venoshock Roselia:

Skorupi----> Paras-----> Roselia. It's very simple.

...breeding is wierd.

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Yeaaah, guess what? My Roselia is Male. No breeding possible until Ditto.

EDIT: Just saw that E12 is out. Gonna go play around with my main save and do all this fun breeding stuff. Might be a couple days until the next update.

EDIT2: I'll also fetch a Ninjask to breed Swords Dance onto Drapion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay, I was really busy these past couple days. Anyway, I beat Solaris' Garchomp with my patented switch-an-Intimidater-in-and-out-while-letting-almost-everything-else-die-then-brute-force-it strategy. Or for short, the SAIIAOWLAEEDTBFI plan. Have I mentioned that I'm bad at naming things?

Right before Aya, I got a Golbat->Crobat (thank the heavens for friendship balls). I still can't believe a Zubat turns into something...useful. A little earlier, I fetched a Nincada->Ninjask to breed Swords Dance onto Drapion and got a Speed Boost Venipede, don't know whose spot it'll take yet.

Well the team that fought Aya was this:


Samurott Skuntank Crobat Arbok Venomoth

Jolly Timid Lonely Lonely Modest

Shell Armor Aftermath Infiltrator Intimidate Tinted Lens

Razor Shell Flamethrower Acrobatics Screech Sleep Powder

Revenge Night Slash Cross Poison(soon) Glare Psybeam

Grass Knot Acid Spray Bite Acid Spray Quiver Dance

Megahorn Screech Screech Ice Fang Bug Buzz

I also caught a Muk and mined an Iron Ball for it's Fling, which I found out was broken and didn't work.

The plan for Aya was simply brute-forcing my way to victory. Other than "let's use Ice Fang on Dragalge", I had no strategy and even that didn't happen because Venomoth and Crobat, who started the fight lasted longer than expected, and Dragalge was her 3rd Pokemon, not last like I expected.

Anyway, Crobat spammed Acrobatics, Venomoth used one QD and spammed Psybeam, Samurott spammed Razor Shell and a Megahorn on Dragalge.

Now, Arbok will have to go. It has been a very valuable asset to the team, but it's time has come. To fill the 2 blanks, we have a Skorupi which got SD from breeding with Ninjask and Gastly-->Gengar, which I'll breed Sludge Bomb and Thunderbolt onto, just gotta catch a Stunfisk.

The desired sets for Gengar and Drapion would be:


Gengar Drapion

Naive Naive

Levitate Keen Eye

Dark Pulse Knock Off

Sludge Bomb Bug Bite

Thunderbolt Cross Poison

Shadow Ball/Hex Swords Dance

Naive is Grimer's current Nature, so while I'm chain Breeding, I might as well pass it on instead of gambling and getting Adamant or something. While breeding, the first couple Skorupi all had Keen Eye, it's not my right to doubt the will of RNG.

With them and Crobat, I've now got a rather fast team now, and since Scolipede doesn't learn SD, I might not use it after all.

Other team options include Nidoking when I get Smeargle and, which is more likely, Roselia->Roserade when I get Ditto. I'd say swapping Skuntank for Roselia/rade would be best because Skuntank is, well, a tank (with high Health and low Defences, so it's not that tanky). I really prefer an offensive playstyle, which is hard to execute with it's relatively low attacking stats. The main reason to use it for me is Flamethrower, which comes off of 71 base Special Attack.

Those sets would be:


Roserade Nidoking

Modest/Timid Naive(I guess)

Natural Cure Sheer Force

Giga Drain Thunderbolt

Venoshock Ice Beam

Sunny Day Earth Power

Weather Ball Sludge Wave

Again, I am terribly sorry this took so long. I've been busy lately, especialy since College entrence exam preparations are intensifying.

Oh, and by the way, when is the soonest I can get to 7th street?

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The soonest you can get to 7th Street is... after Radomus, as you may have feared. That's why you really want to pick up Ditto as soon as it's available.

That being said, you look like you're doing okay without Roserade, and that's not really likely to help you against any of the next few Gyms (Serra's... entire setup, Noel's birds), so...

...Forget Water-types, Reborn isn't nice to Grass-types. Not that any game is, really.

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this is the best Poison team at the moment. No doubt (to improve the movesets should take a lot more works, so ignore it -_-). Just a few tips for the future:

1, The battle with Randomus is double battle. So the best couple now to lead in your team is Drapion and Gengar. Back up with Crobat (if you can get a Flying gem- awesome) is very important since Randomus' Alakazam can outspeed some pkms in your team (even the AI's EVs is stupid). I don't think Stuntank can do much with Night Slash, especially you run Timid nature. Basically the key to destroy Randomus is Crobat, Gengar and Drapion. Keep them safe and you'll be fine.

2, I know you want an agressive team through Reborn, but take one or two tankers is not a bad choice. Especially when you need to heal someone on your team and support moves. So my advice is Amoongus. Spore/ Stun spore/ Toxic/ big HP and good typing and Regenarator. Just don't use him to face Randomus, and you can see this thing is a gigantic wall.

3, keep working :v :v. I mean in "real" life, not in-game. You shouldn't say sorry because you've worked too much for your future, your study or anything that important. I myself (and someone else i guess) still watching closely to this topic, but i still prefer when people care about their life more than an entertain game. Feel free to post new progress of this team whenever you got time. Good luck :)))

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The soonest you can get to 7th Street is... after Radomus, as you may have feared. That's why you really want to pick up Ditto as soon as it's available.

That being said, you look like you're doing okay without Roserade, and that's not really likely to help you against any of the next few Gyms (Serra's... entire setup, Noel's birds), so...

...Forget Water-types, Reborn isn't nice to Grass-types. Not that any game is, really.

After 7th is what I thought. I'd rather have Skuntank's Flamethrower and typing instead of Roserade/'s for Radomus especialy because of Metagross.

I won't use it before I breed it with Ditto to then breed it to get Venoshock onto it. It might help against Luna and Samson.

Tell me about it. Look at who's my avatar, my favourite Pokemon. One with 5 2x weaknesses and 1 4x. Should I add Roserade, it'll be another Flying weakness and a new Psychic weakness (unavoidable in poison monos). It'd be my only Fire and Ice weakness, so I could probably find spots to switch it in.

this is the best Poison team at the moment. No doubt (to improve the movesets should take a lot more works, so ignore it -_-). Just a few tips for the future:

1, The battle with Randomus is double battle. So the best couple now to lead in your team is Drapion and Gengar. Back up with Crobat (if you can get a Flying gem- awesome) is very important since Randomus' Alakazam can outspeed some pkms in your team (even the AI's EVs is stupid). I don't think Stuntank can do much with Night Slash, especially you run Timid nature. Basically the key to destroy Randomus is Crobat, Gengar and Drapion. Keep them safe and you'll be fine.

2, I know you want an agressive team through Reborn, but take one or two tankers is not a bad choice. Especially when you need to heal someone on your team and support moves. So my advice is Amoongus. Spore/ Stun spore/ Toxic/ big HP and good typing and Regenarator. Just don't use him to face Randomus, and you can see this thing is a gigantic wall.

3, keep working :v :v. I mean in "real" life, not in-game. You shouldn't say sorry because you've worked too much for your future, your study or anything that important. I myself (and someone else i guess) still watching closely to this topic, but i still prefer when people care about their life more than an entertain game. Feel free to post new progress of this team whenever you got time. Good luck :)))

I'm done with breeding until after Radomus. I'm tired! :blink:

1.Yeah, Skuntank's gonna go after Radomus. I'm keeping it for Serra, Metagross and maybe Bisharp. And I've got a ton of gems. I spam space on every rock in sight.

2.Maybe for Luna, a Grass type won't help too much against Serra or Noel. And Radomus would anihilate it.

3.Thank you for the support :lol:

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this is the best Poison team at the moment. No doubt (to improve the movesets should take a lot more works, so ignore it -_-). Just a few tips for the future:

1, The battle with Randomus is double battle. So the best couple now to lead in your team is Drapion and Gengar. Back up with Crobat (if you can get a Flying gem- awesome) is very important since Randomus' Alakazam can outspeed some pkms in your team (even the AI's EVs is stupid). I don't think Stuntank can do much with Night Slash, especially you run Timid nature. Basically the key to destroy Randomus is Crobat, Gengar and Drapion. Keep them safe and you'll be fine.

He doesn´t have an Alakazam because he now relies on Trick Room so all his Pokemon are quite Slow. Also Crobat Is because of his field effect 4x Weak to Psychic and if he managed to get Trick Room off it´s gg for it. He could use it against Exeggutor. The same also goes for Venomoth. Although Venomoth is more useful because it destroys Malamar and Exeggutor.

After 7th is what I thought. I'd rather have Skuntank's Flamethrower and typing instead of Roserade/'s for Radomus especialy because of Metagross.

I won't use it before I breed it with Ditto to then breed it to get Venoshock onto it. It might help against Luna and Samson.

I'm done with breeding until after Radomus. I'm tired! :blink:

1.Yeah, Skuntank's gonna go after Radomus. I'm keeping it for Serra, Metagross and maybe Bisharp. And I've got a ton of gems. I spam space on every rock in sight.

Well since the steel update of gen 6 Metagross is now weak to Dark and I would recommend using Night Slash because of Skuntank´s higher attack. Also maybe you should take Nidoking as psychic does now neutral damage because of the field. effect.

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Tell me about it. Look at who's my avatar, my favourite Pokemon. One with 5 2x weaknesses and 1 4x. Should I add Roserade, it'll be another Flying weakness and a new Psychic weakness (unavoidable in poison monos). It'd be my only Fire and Ice weakness, so I could probably find spots to switch it in.

Since when does leavanny not have 2 4x weaknesses... fire and flying?

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Since when does leavanny not have 2 4x weaknesses... fire and flying?

My bad, forgot about fire.

He doesn´t have an Alakazam because he now relies on Trick Room so all his Pokemon are quite Slow. Also Crobat Is because of his field effect 4x Weak to Psychic and if he managed to get Trick Room off it´s gg for it. He could use it against Exeggutor. The same also goes for Venomoth. Although Venomoth is more useful because it destroys Malamar and Exeggutor.

Well since the steel update of gen 6 Metagross is now weak to Dark and I would recommend using Night Slash because of Skuntank´s higher attack. Also maybe you should take Nidoking as psychic does now neutral damage because of the field. effect.

Who is the Trick Room user? Is it only Reuniculus? Also, thanks, I forgot about the nerf. Night Slash would be better.
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My bad, forgot about fire.

Who is the Trick Room user? Is it only Reuniculus? Also, thanks, I forgot about the nerf. Night Slash would be better.

Well I know about Reuniculus and Slowking but I guess everyone use it besides maybe Guardevoir.

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And...We've gotten past Serra. Bob used WallOfText!

Between Aya and her, the only noteworthy thing was our friend Sigmund.

Stupid Dr.Connal, would've been much less of a pain had I done an Electric Mono. Spamming Thunder Waves and 30% paralysis-chance Discharges everywhere. Using Discharge to buff his team is really something briliant, the constant status effects aren't. That strategy of his and this make it hard for me to really hate him.

I really just had to brute-force it. The base of any strategy would get killed really quickly. The fact that I had a LV 26 Gengar, LV 32 Skorupi and HM Slave Linoone with me didn't exactly help either.

I've actually fought her 3 times in 2 episodes with this team, so here's my team after the final run:


Samurott Skuntank Crobat Venomoth Gengar Drapion

Shell Armor Aftermath Infiltrator Tinted Lens Levitate Keen Eye

Jolly Timid Lonely Modest Naive Naive

Razor Shell Flamethrower Acrobatics Sleep Powder Shadow Ball Knock Off

Revenge Night Slash Cross Poison Psybeam Dark Pulse Bug Bite

Grass Knot Acid Spray Bite Quiver Dance Thunder Bolt Toxic Spikes

Mega Horn Screech Screech Bug Buzz Psych Up Swords Dance

Gengar's ThunderBolt and Drapion's Swords Dance were attained through breeding with Stunfisk and Ninjask respectively. I also wanted Sludge Bomb on Gengar, but the mother doesn't pass on moves in E12 still, so I had to make a choice, which was made easy with the presences of Cloyster, Lapras, Slowking and Honchkrow. Sorry, Gutten. I'll get rid of Psych Up right away. Infestation could be fun to play with.

And now the actual gym battle(s)!

First, I remembered the horror that was E10 Serra on my very first run. So I went back and fought her with my team! Would've had her too, If my Gengar wasn't at Level 43. She barely won that one. Her Froslass had like 5-10% health after Shadow Ball and Walrein was one step away from the grave. We were really just slugging it out, not using any setups. There really wasn't anything worth mentioning.

The second run and third run were in E12:

Remember Psych Up? That worthless move? Yeah? Well, it's not worthless. To demonstrate, I tried to steal buffs from Serra with it.

Her first Pokemon is Cloyster, one of the rare users of Shell Smash. The plan's easy. On the first turn, Gengar uses ThunderBolt, Cloyster uses ThunderBolt to break it's Focus Sash. Second turn, She heals, Gengar uses Psych Up, gaining +2 Speed and SP.Attack. Third to last turn, Gengar sweeps.

The main problem with that is Sturdy Avalugg. It survived STAB Spooky Plate Shadow Ball and One-shot Gengar. So as to combat that, Drapion set the full Toxic Spikes to dispel Sturdy.

And the sweep began. I did that^^ for Cloyster and took down Avalugg, Abomasnow and Froslass with one Shadow Ball each.

However, Cryogonal not only floats above TS, it also has great SP.Defense, taking only ~55% health from Shadow Ball while almost One-shotting Gengar with Freezy-Dry along with Hail damage. We both healed and, on the next turn, I redo the Shadow Ball and she kills with Frost Breath. A saddening to an amazing sweep.

To clean up, I sent out Skuntank. The 2 tanks hardly did much damage to each other, or would have without Skuntank's Acid Spray's Sp.D debuff.

Skuntank only had 16 health left after all of that, but it got the job done and removed her last healing items, fine by me.

Next, to heal Skuntank in order to get debuffs, I sent out Crobat and used a Hyper Potion on Skuntank. A flying type wouldn't help much vs an Ice type. However, Lapras kept using Confuse Ray on Crobat for some reason, letting itself take quite a bit of damage from Toxic and some Defense debuffs from Screech.

When it finaly used an Ice Attack, Crobat survived!...the first one. As expected, actually.

To finish it, I brought out Samurott and used Grass Knot. Twice for the kill. Turns out the preps to use debuffs weren't even necessary.

That was the second run which was over all to quickly, so I redid it! This would've been the third gym I've swept by setting up, so I redid it for funsies.

Gengar used a combo of ThunderBolts and Shadow Balls to have Serra waste all her Hyper Potions and kill it. Thankfully, her Rock Blast missed so Gengar walked away unharmed.

Venomoth made Avalugg go to sleep and took it down with 2 Bug Buzzes(plural?).

Venomoth stuck around to defeat Abomasnow in another 2 hits, while taking a Frost Breath and some Hail damage equal to little more than half of Venomoth's health.

Again, I knew Crobat wouldn't be that useful. It's Acobatics almost did 50% damage to Froslass, but it couldn't take Frost Breath and live to tell the tale this time around.

Drapion lost all but 12HP to Blizzard in exchange for killing Froslass with Knock Off.

Cryogonal showed up again. I remembered it's Leftovers from last time and let Drapion stay. Knock Off removed leftovers after Frost Breath or Freezy-Dry somehow managed to miss, even doing 75% damage to it. Drapion's Black Sludge kept it goin through Hail, but it did fall the next turn though.

Knowing it's insanely high SP.Defense, I knew neither Gengar nor Venomoth would do much, and I wanted to save Samurott for Lapras, so I used Skuntank. Not Flamethrower but Night Slash took it down in one shot after Skuntank lost about 1/3 of it's health.

Aaaand there's the Lapras. It used Freeze-Dry and Confuse Ray, so Skuntank got all 3 Acid Sprays, reducing it's Sp.Defense to the lowest possible point. Skuntank fainted to the Hail damage Lapras set and Confusion

For some reason, when Gengar switched in, it got hit by Surf before it even got to do anything. It survived and One-shot it with ThunderBolt. Welp.

And that's it, really. Noel's fight was a rather fun fight on my main save, so I'm looking forward to that one. My poor hands...

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Well your team looks good. Had really hard time against Noel in my monotype because fuck Cinccino and Proygon-z. Don´t think you would have a hard time with him especially since his Clefable is now fairy. Also you should take advantage of his field with Sludge wave because his Clefable (and other fairy Types) take 50% damage from this field. (Ame needs to change this because Whimsicott would just die without even doing anything)

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Well your team looks good. Had really hard time against Noel in my monotype because fuck Cinccino and Proygon-z. Don´t think you would have a hard time with him especially since his Clefable is now fairy. Also you should take advantage of his field with Sludge wave because his Clefable (and other fairy Types) take 50% damage from this field. (Ame needs to change this because Whimsicott would just die without even doing anything)

How ironic is it that not a single member of my Poison Mono is able to learn Sludge Wave? Ah well, fire attacks get a 50% boost vs grounded foes, That'll do. Especially after some Acid Sprays. I'll settle for that. Where's my Tentacruel, Ame!?

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How ironic is it that not a single member of my Poison Mono is able to learn Sludge Wave? Ah well, fire attacks get a 50% boost vs grounded foes, That'll do. Especially after some Acid Sprays. I'll settle for that. Where's my Tentacruel, Ame!?

Well Muk, Arbok, Nidoking, Toxicroak and Garbador learn it although this would require grinding and i think your team is good enough to take on Noel

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Well Muk, Arbok, Nidoking, Toxicroak and Garbador learn it although this would require grinding and i think your team is good enough to take on Noel

Nidoking is the only real option for that,the rest isn't worth using at this point.

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Standard Badge acquired! Although Steelix and Abra were annoying, they're worth no more than a mention here.

The squad:


Samurott Skuntank Crobat Venomoth Gengar Drapion

Shell Armor Aftermath Infiltrator Tinted Lens Levitate Keen Eye

Jolly Timid Lonely Modest Naive Naive

Razor Shell Flamethrower Acrobatics Sleep Powder Shadow Ball Knock Off

Revenge Night Slash Cross Poison Psybeam Dark Pulse Bug Bite

Grass Knot Acid Spray Bite Quiver Dance Thunder Bolt Toxic Spikes

Mega Horn Screech Screech Bug Buzz Destiny Bond Swords Dance

The Noel fight was...enlightening. After sweeping him on my main run, I would always look at the forum threads about him in confusion. I thought he was a push-over. Holy hell, was I wrong...

Getting past Cinccino without taking to much damage was not possible, so I tried something new! First of, I got my good ol' pal Arbok (Lv 40) and taught it Sludge Wave because the rest of my POISON team couldn't learn it. Samurott took a seat to make room (temporarily).

Forgive me Arceus for I have sinned. I admit to the shameful act of reloading for hax. Minor hax, but hax nonetheless. Those hax were reloading until Cinccino used either Hidden Power, Bullet Seed or Rock Throw. On the same turn, Sludge Wave transformed the Grassy Field into the Corrosive Field and Arbok's Intimidate triggered. And that was the end of Arbok.

Crobat popped up and Cinccino's Bullet Seed had no effect on it. Dunno why, but I won't complain. Especially because 1 Cross Poison and 1 Acrobatics dispatched Cinccino.

Next were Porygon-Z and Skuntank with it. An Acid Spray was all it could use, but it was enough to let Gengar's ThunderBolt kill it in one shot.

To combat Girafarig, Drapion showed up. It's Thunder Wave and ThunderBolt let me use only one Swords Dance before healing. Enough for a One-shot after Field Damage.

Swellow came and Drapion stayed. It used U-Turn, so Staraptor took the Knock Off hit. Then Staraptor used U-Turn and Swellow came back to kill Drapion with Brave Bird. F you too, Noel.

At this point I wasted a couple Revives until Max Revive brought back Drapion with just enough health to tank a Brave Bird and kill it with Knock Off. It fell to the following Staraptor, which was One-shot by Gengar's Thunder Bolt. One of my Revives was used on Skuntank which was the only survivor of this whole mess after Gengar used Destiny Bond on Clefairy.

This was a freakin' mess. Even the slugfest with E10 Serra was more graceful. I went from kinda strategic use of Field Effects to spamming items and even suicide bombing. Welp, a win is a win, even if it's not nice to look at. Or attained on the 3rd attempt after a strategy's been set.

And to think I swept Noel on my main run, now I understand all the complaints in the forums. I actually swapped Samurott for Arbok for this one fight, so this one bit was a true Monotype. I've now seen at least 1% of the true glory of Monotypers. Whoever decides to do a Nuzlock Monotype run of Reborn shall be revered as a god.

That's that for today, Radomus should be next IIRC. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to rest...Noel...that...birds...aw hell...

PS:Look at that beauty down there. LOOK AT IT!!

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Congrats on beating Noel, I feel your pain but yeah fuck him. I seriously think his Cinccino from hell is the single worst Pokemon in the whole game probably tied with Arceus and Taka´s Chatot. Without it he wouldn´t be so hard. Oh well Radomus will be intersting, especially with the Chess field and his new Team. Good luck.

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Congrats on beating Noel, I feel your pain but yeah fuck him. I seriously think his Cinccino from hell is the single worst Pokemon in the whole game probably tied with Arceus and Taka´s Chatot. Without it he wouldn´t be so hard. Oh well Radomus will be intersting, especially with the Chess field and his new Team. Good luck.

That wasn't even the worst, though it is the first time I've had go out of my way and change my team for one fight. As the first to ever accomplish that, Noel is the toughest I've ever fought. Though, after Knock Off, Cinccino isn't the worst. I'd say Swellow's insane speed and Guts Facade are far worse. It takes something of Drapions key statsto take it down with ease. Chatot was nasty, though only Girafarig and Porygon Z were easier than it. Maybe Clefairy, though I didn't even fight that one now. I WAS 5 levels away from the cap, if that means anything.

Arceus was also defeated quickly in my main run, just 2 turns. Though that may be another upcoming eye-opener comin' up.

The chess field will make Crobat and Venomoth hard-pressed to do anything productive, while Nidoking would take neutral damage form Psychic attacks, so this may be it's time to shine. If I feel like bothering with breeding.

EDIT:That said, thaks for sticking around so long Yazmat :)

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That wasn't even the worst, though it is the first time I've had go out of my way and change my team for one fight. As the first to ever accomplish that, Noel is the toughest I've ever fought. Though, after Knock Off, Cinccino isn't the worst. I'd say Swellow's insane speed and Guts Facade are far worse. It takes something of Drapions key statsto take it down with ease. Chatot was nasty, though only Girafarig and Porygon Z were easier than it. Maybe Clefairy, though I didn't even fight that one now. I WAS 5 levels away from the cap, if that means anything.

Arceus was also defeated quickly in my main run, just 2 turns. Though that may be another upcoming eye-opener comin' up.

The chess field will make Crobat and Venomoth hard-pressed to do anything productive, while Nidoking would take neutral damage form Psychic attacks, so this may be it's time to shine. If I feel like bothering with breeding.

EDIT:That said, thaks for sticking around so long Yazmat :)

Nidoking doesn't take neutral damage from Psychic attacks. And breeding is a great idea because you can give Crobat Brave Bird, which can replace Acrobatics so you can give it an item. You can give Venomoth Giga Drain, which is really good against Rock and ground types, which your team is pretty weak against. Plus, the hp increase from giga drain is always nice.

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