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starly- staraptor in episode 9 COMPLETELY KICK that braviary in the @ss for sure. reckless- brave bird- double edge- close combat- and whatever you want (me: endeavor) is SO MUCH MORE POWER and USEFUL than braviary's superpower and that low speed

and by the way: only 26 IVs and that make you happy?? sorry but if you want a good physical sweep, don't take anything less than 30 IVs atk OR if it has >=26 IVs atk, the IV speed must be >=30

like this: (i don't even feel happy for my staraptor because of sp.def IVs, but its job always done before anything can touch it so....)

Edited by gutten_tag
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i had caught Teddiursa about 5 times before, each time the IVs were piss poor, from 0 attack IVs to 5 attack IVs, along with terrible natures and meh abilities. 26 attack IVs was the best i had gotten, PLUS the attack boosting nature PLUS Quick Feet

After 5 catches, with piss poor IVs and sub par abilities, yeah im pretty proud of my teddiursa. that i have now. could be better for sure, but i wasnt willing to take the risk of reseting again, as i had a teddiursa that i liked

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i had caught Teddiursa about 5 times before, each time the IVs were piss poor, from 0 attack IVs to 5 attack IVs, along with terrible natures and meh abilities. 26 attack IVs was the best i had gotten, PLUS the attack boosting nature PLUS Quick Feet

After 5 catches, with piss poor IVs and sub par abilities, yeah im pretty proud of my teddiursa. that i have now. could be better for sure, but i wasnt willing to take the risk of reseting again, as i had a teddiursa that i liked

i think you're not a poke-trainer "maniac" like me :v :v. only 5 times??? do you know how i get my gyarados above with that IVs? i breed it for 4 GENERATIONS (basically he is GRAND-GRAND SON of my first magikarp- which actually i have to reset like 50 times to get a magikarp with good IVs), and each generation i need at leat 10 eggs, so it is total of >50 eggs to get that gyarados- AT LEAST 10 HOURS IN-GAME. if i can get power anklet or some IVs transfer item, it could be shorter than this process :(

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