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Endgame Moveset for Archeops and Arcanine


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I just picked up an Adamant Growlithe with okay IVs and a Lonely Archeops with decent IVs, planning to fully EV train them as possible special sweepers. Archeops is one of those pokemon that just get a plethora of amazing moves, and not enough space to use all of them. What should I use on Archeops?

I plan to keep Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Dragon Claw on Archeops. On Arcanine, I plan to pick up Flare Blitz, Outrage, and Extremespeed.



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You want them to be physical sweepers i assume (not special) well Archeops ability is garbage (but i like him anyhow ^_^) try to teach him (and Arcanine too) Earthquake (but that would require chain breeding i suppose)

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...Arcanine couldn't learn Earthquake, the last time I checked...?

Would recommend Wild Charge or Close Combat on Arcanine (both would require some rather creative breeding if you wanted them now, but you said endgame, so...) and I'll agree with Earthquake on Archeops.

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I wasn't really thinking breeding immediately, since I already have a Swampert and a Diggersby as powerful EQers. I was thinking more within the range of moves they learn by themselves.

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...Arcanine couldn't learn Earthquake, the last time I checked...?

Would recommend Wild Charge or Close Combat on Arcanine (both would require some rather creative breeding if you wanted them now, but you said endgame, so...) and I'll agree with Earthquake on Archeops.

Sorry i forgot that i used Dig on my own not Earhquake, then yes Close Combat (for those Rock types)

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I wasn't really thinking breeding immediately, since I already have a Swampert and a Diggersby as powerful EQers. I was thinking more within the range of moves they learn by themselves.

Then maybe Crunch or U Turn for Archeops and Reversal for Arcanine (with Focus Band equipped)

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CLOSE COMBAT ON ARCANINE!! it's a simple breed, and it's powerful.

u-turn for archeop of course. it's useful on everything, in-game, even after-game for some kinds like battle tower, even competitive.

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I actually have both pokemon on my team the arcanine has flamethrower, outrage, flare blitz, and extrmeme speed the acrcheops has u turn, rock slide, acrobatics, and eq. If your going for physical arcanine I highly recommend cc on it and keep crunch I regret deleting it for outrage. Outrage is not that good on arcanine,it doesn't do as much a i hoped for due to lack of STAB and it locks your self in meaning you will get revenged killed if the opponent brings in something faster or can take an outrage . As for archeops try breeding eq on to it so it doesn't get walled by rock and steel types but this took me like 5 hours+ and I wound up with a shiny archen and shiny corsola when i was done.

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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