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Strategy for Noel?


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Welp, it appears I'm stuck again. This time on our not-so-Normal gym leader, Noel. I need some help with making a strategy to beat him, hopefully with the members I've already got. Here's my team so far:

Chesnaught: Body Slam, Leech Seed, Spiky(King's) Shield, Seed Bomb

Noivern: Air Slash, Super Fang, Shadow Ball, Roost

Zoroark: Foul Play, Night Daze, Night Slash, Cut

Hariyama: Knock Off, Strength, Fake Out, Force Palm

Pyroar: Flamethrower, Rock Smash, Crunch, Hyper Voice

Gyarados: Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Bite, Dragon Dance

If you have any tips or tricks to help me, that'd be great. I also have some reserves, but I'm on mobile to its a bit difficult to type them all out. I'm also playing in episode 11.

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Well, the first thing you should probably do is grab a heart scale and get Chesnaught to relearn hammer arm. That should let him lead off against the Cinccino, tank whatever it wants to do and kill it in one hit. Girafarig shouldn't be a problem, just kill it with Zoroark. The big threats to your team are his Porygon-Z, Swellow, Staraptor, and Clefable. Keep Gyarados away from Porygon-Z as I think it knows discharge. He'll be your best bet at killing the birds though, even then he's not the best answer to them. Use Fake out on Hariyama to rack up more status damage on the Swellow if one of your guys goes down. Noivern can probably revenge kill the Staraptor due to it's poor special defense and lower speed. I'm pretty sure Porygon-Z knows psychic as well but if Hariyama can tank one then it can probably kill it with Fake Out and Force Palm. Don't quote me on that though. The Clefable's going to be the real threat, I'm assuming it has moonblast, and that's super effective against 4 of your pokemon. Also you don't have one super effective attack to hit it back with.

If you find you can't beat him with this team then my best advice would be to grab something that can reliably deal with the birds alongside an Escavalier. Seriously, my Escavalier absolutely wrecked him with iron head, swords dance and all that bulk.

Edited by Sheep93
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I was already thinking of giving Chesnaught hammer arm instead of body slam, then leading with him (thankfully I was blessed with one with good IVs before I knew f12 was the soft reset button), and I was thinking of using my other of two heart scales to give Noivern Dragon Pulse for a better stab move, but not sure. Also I tried having Hariyama tank a Psychic from PorygonZ, but Download is a bitch, in fact it was responsible for sweeping my entire team.

And I was also thinking of getting an escavalier as well, the trade for it in Spinel, right? Who do you think I should replace for it?

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I had a lot of trouble with him too, I also made thread to get some help...

Clefable knows: Softboiled, Cosmic Power, Hidden Power and Moonblast

It also is holding Leftovers

sooo it is pretty bulky after a few cosmic Powers and heals two times at the end of the round because of the field and Leftovers... and when in peril it'll get an Hyper Potion or use Softboiled.

I would advice you to get a Steel-Type like Magneton and/or Aggron to deal with the birds and Clefable

Or get a strong Poison-Attack and/or Toxic for it.

you may also want to equip some Quick Claws to your Fighting-Types to get the chance to kill Cinccino and Porygon-Z before they can attack!

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Aggron can get through everything bar Staraptor. Seriously, consider it.

Apart from Aggron, a fast/bulky status inducer can give you a hand. I was going to suggest Jumpluff, but 110 Speed is not enough to outspeed 2 of Noel's pokes: Swellow and Cinccino.

Commeting here made me remember how i beat Noel when i first fought him: Ninetales with Heat Rock, Clorophyll Jumpluff and an Infernape. Jumpluff paralyzes everything and Infernape's combination of Close Combat + Mach Punch/Acrobatics. Yeah, now i remember...

Jumpluff is so boss.

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I'm just gonna post my reserves here:

Toxicroak lv 42: Sucker Punch, Faint Attack, Revenge, Venoshock

Magneton lv 35: Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, Electro Ball(?)

Dusclops lv 37: Confuse Ray, Shadow Sneak, Pursuit, Will-o-wisp

I'll try to find a member of the Aggron family, they're in the Railnet right?

Also, where can I find a Quick Claw?

Edited by SilverJakler
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you find Aron behind the left door of the Railnet (need to adjust the Rails to make it open), and you need to use Headbutt on the long pipe.

When you catch it, make sure it has Sturdy!

You can buy Quick claws in the Department Store for lousy 300(?) a piece, if you got 2 Stickers.

(If you don't have any Stickers, in the room where you find Aron is a boy, behind a destructible Rock *use Rock Smash* speak to him to make him go to the Obsidia Pokecenter, speak to him there again and receive a sticker)

Toxicroak is rather... unpleasent even if he is strong... his Fighting/Poison Type make him 4x vulnerable against Psychic(Porygon-Z, Girafarig) and 2x vulnerable against the birds.

He could be usefull against Clefable since it's Poison-Type negates the Fairy-weakness from it's Fighting-Type, but he needs a strong Poison Attack like Poisonjab (learned at lvl 49)

Magneton with Flash Cannon is great, if you can raise it's special attack even better, because Cosmic Power buffs Clefable up into infinity if you are unlucky...

Clefable needs a swift kill or it will literally stall you to death... I got lucky with a crit after it used Cosmic Power 5 times...

Edited by Cepheus
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I already rescued the guy in the rubble, but unfortunately my Pyroar doesn't have headbutt anymore, but I'm planning on training an Escavalier anyways. Plus it can learn headbutt through level up, so no biggy. But then again, would it be worth it to train 3 members if I'll only need one for this battle? (Had that happen with Shade :L)

I think for now I'll just train Escavalier for now. If I screw up or win I'll let you guys know. Wish me luck!

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Two should be enough, I switched my Lanturn for Magneton permanently and had my Sanshrew switched to Aggron for that fight.

I used Aggron with Iron Tail, Iron Defence, Automize, Iron Head (pure Steel!!!!) to tank the birds. He tanked Swellow like a boss after 3x Iron defence automize. right before the self inflicted burn killed it, I healed it up to full HP.

Staraptor however took it down to 1HP, thanks to sturdy, with only 1 Close Combat (because its double weakness)... I could hit it once thanks to Quick Claw, and sent in Magneton to finish it with Discharge.

I don't know how well Escavalier will do, actually I never used one although it is fancy as hell... but somehow never fit into my team...

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What level's your Gyarados?

For me, I had trouble with Noel as well and was greatly underlevelled.

But I managed to beat him by slicking Leech Seed and Sleep Powder on that Cincinno with Jumpluff and Gourgeist, then proceeded to Dance and sweep with Gya. You should try it if training/grinding up other Pokes might be troublesome. Also, you can Knock Off (Hariyama) that King's Rock he has to avoid the likely flinches he might get.

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Like Vinny said, you can get an Aggron and beat the shit out of Cinccino, Swellow, Porygon, Girafarig and Clefable. just be careful whit Staraptor.

Aggron is your guy for the job.

But whit your current team...hmmm...most of Noel´s pokemon have either hidden power flying or psychic attacks (Porygon and Girafarig) And Clefable is a bitch.


Knock Off for Hariyama and take away King´s Rock from the King of Hell (Cinccino) and the Flame Orb from Swellow (if manage of killing Cinccino and attack the first bird) If the second one miss, just Switch to Gyarados and Ice Fang those f*****g birds.

Pyroar for Clefabe. Flametrower that bitch to death.

You can use Zoroark mainly for Girafarig and maybe Porygon Z..

Noivern if you want to lower Half hp to anything and gain a turn meanwhile Noel use a Hyper Potion.

My technique for that guy was burning the Cinccino whit a Cofagrigus (will o wisp) switch to Garbodor and set 2 toxic spikes and kill it whit Sludge Bomb. after that. Magneton for Swellow and Clefable, Scrafty for Porygon Z and Girafarig and Swampert for a Burned Staraptor.

You can level up the Dusclops mainly for inflict burns for Cinccino, due that 3 of his attacks are physical (Rock Blast, Bullet Seed and Tail Slap) the Staraptor, and, he´s a ghost type. But you can win whit your team mate :)

Or...Aggron. He´s your guy for the job.

Good Luck mate.

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