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Who would win in a war?

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As the title says, who'd win in an all-out war between the 6 regions?

Based on their Pokemon, Technology, Geography, etc.

And no, we can't have legendaries take sides, otherwise Gen 4 would win IMO. But I guess we can have some legends, like the Legendary Pixies, Mew, etc. No Jirachi-wishing either.

As I haven't played X and Y I can't say Kalos, and I'm leaning towards Unova because of their tech, although Sinnoh would be difficult to conquer with Mt. Coronet and the snow making it difficult to conquer the place.

Your thoughts?

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It really depends on what kind of qualities you look for in a warhawk.

Lt. Surge is probably the bravest, most experienced with war character in the games, so Kanto has experience going for them....they also have Bill and Celio....

Don't think Johto is in the running...sorry Gen 2.

With Hoenn it depends on the Pokemon being used.

Sinnoh is a safe bet.

I'm going with Unova myself.

Kalos seems to be a little bit too....peaceful. It's not that they know about war though, but it didn't end well for them.

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I have a question:

... Does the Pokemon world even have Governments?

I mean, I don't know how they would work without them, but the games, anime and manga don't give much to indicate they do, if you ignore the reflections of our society. And without being able to tell how each of the regions are being run and to without being able to see the region from a perspective of someone who isn't forever 10 years old, I don't think we'd be able to say exactly who would win in a war. We need to know motives, determination, etc.

Wow, I think about other things really hard when I'm doing an assignment...

Edited by Tenshine
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I'd say Kanto. They have the Lion's share of the Megas, the Genius Bill (as the original creator he could just lock down all other PC systems), Team Rocket, Dr. Fuji, as said, Lt. Surge and his troops, a Gym full of Ninjas, Prof. Oak, Red (the guy with the highest level team in any game), and general baddasery.

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If we ignore the Legendaries i think Kanto, sure Unova has more advanced tech but it's not weaponry and the majority of their Pokemon are not very good in battle imo.

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Taking the timeline into consideration, Kanto is the clear victor. They're the only country with recent military experience, and as such a combat trained and hardened military.

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  On 5/6/2014 at 3:51 PM, Neo said:

Taking the timeline into consideration, Kanto is the clear victor. They're the only country with recent military experience, and as such a combat trained and hardened military.

And Kanto also has Ditto. 'Nuff said.

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  • 1 month later...

Im gonna go with either Sinnoh or Hoenn, mainly because of the legends they have and their megas. Not to mention silph.co and both battle fronteirs. But if I really must pick one then Hoenn cuz Rayquaza, Groundon and Kyogre. It'd be a shame if all the other regions just sunk.

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Wow, I forgot I had even made this thread.

But anyway, @Bluewolf & Tacps&Flowers, we're not supposed to consider Legendaries siding with their Home regions because it's unfair and would lose the point of discussion. Let's face it, having Dragons that control time, space, and antimatter along with the creator-of-all-things-Pokey would ruin any chances of other regions fighting back. As much as I love the weather trio (Kyogre4ever), they'll have no chance sparring with the big guys.

Gen 1 and 2 are probably the weakest with their legends, since their main influences are with weather and the elements vastly inferior compared to the control the weather trio have.
Gen 5 would be weak as well, as their main Legends are just basically glorified concept-representative dragon.

And considering the other minor legends, Gen 4 still has the better hold (unless we count Celebi Time Traveling and Jirachi Wish-making), since they have so much.

But the Gen 6 legends, now they can probably match Sinnoh's legends.

Edited by Cuddlesworth
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