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Pokedong Rap

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You just do the singing. I'll take care of the hard part.

Let's get it on!

I want to be the best

there ever was.

To beat all the rest, yeah,

that's my cause.

Electrodong, Donglett, Nidongran, Mandong

dongsaur, Rattadong, Feardong, Pidong

Dongking, Dongeon, Dongnite, Gasdong

Ponydong, Vapordong, Polidong, dongfree

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all,


I'll search across the land,

look far and wide.

Release from my hand

the power that's inside.

Venodong, Polidong, Nidongrino, Goldong

Ivydong, Grimdong, Victreedong, Moltdong

Nidongking, Farfetch'dong, Abradong, Jigglydong

dongler, Rhyhornydong, Cledongable, Wigglydong

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all,

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon!

Zudong, Primedong, Meowthdong, dOngix

Geodong, Rapidong, Magnedong, donglax

donggar, dongela, Goldeeng, Speardong

Weezingdong, Seeldong(?), Gyaradong, Slowdong

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! Ow!

Kabudong, dongsian, Paradong, Horseadong

Radongcate, Magdongmite, Kadongbra, Weepindong

Diddong, Cloydong, Cadongpie, dongshrew

Bulbadong, Charmandong, donGolem, Pikadong

At least 150 or more to see.

To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny.

Alakadong, Dongduo, Venodong, Madong

Donggaskhan, Hypnodong, Electadong, Flaredong

Blastdong, Polidong, Oddong, Dongzee

Raidong, Nidongqueen, dongsprout, Stardong

Woo! We're at the halfway point, doing great so far.

We? What's all this "we" stuff? I'm doing all the hard work!

Breaktime's over, here we go!

Metadong, Marodong, dongkuna, dongfairy

Dongdrio, Seadong, Viledong, Krabbydong

Lickidong, dongros, Weedong, Nidongran

Machopdong, Shelldong, Porydong, Hitmondong

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!

Articudong, Jynxdong, Nidongrina, Beedong

Haundong, Squirtdong, Chandong (Pokémon!)

dongsect, Exeggdong, dongMuk, Dewdong

Pidgeodong, Laprasdong, Vulpdong, Rhydong

At least 150 or more to see.

To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny.

dongzard, dongchamp, Pindong, dongging

Dongtrio, Goldong, dongyu, Magidong

Ninedongs, ekandong, Omadong

Scydong, Tentadong, Dradongair, dongmar

Whoa, catch your breath man. Shake out those lips.

It's downhill from here, just 24 more to go.

Now it gets tricky, so listen real good!

Sanddong, Hitmondong, Psydong, Arcadong

Eedong, Exeggudong, Kadongtops, Zapdong

dongtini, Growdong, Mr. Dong, Cudong

dongveler, Voltdong, Gloomdong - We're almost home!

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeow!

Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, huhh!

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! (yeeaahh!!)

Charmeledong, Wardong

Mewdong, dongcruel, Aerodongtyl

Omandong, dongpoke

Pidgedong, Ardong - That's all, folks!

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww)

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww)

Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon

Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all... Pokémon!

Please help me correct as my state of mind at the time wasn't at it's apex. tyvm.

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  On 5/6/2014 at 4:20 PM, Fiammazure said:
Sanddong, Hitmondong, Psydong, Arcadong
Eedong, Exeggudong, Kadongtops, Zapdong
dongtini, Growdong, Mr. Dong, Cudong
dongveler, Voltdong, Gloomdong - We're almost home!
  On 5/6/2014 at 4:23 PM, Bibarel said:

Sanity was destroyed. Obliterated. Exploded. And where's Mr. Dong?

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