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Aaand we're back!

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  • Administrators

So, the site has been down for like a week? Ignoring the various technical issues that delayed getting it up, what happened?

Basically, the Gator struck again and imposed a cache process on our previous hosting plan so that the forum and site would only update every three hours. Yikes. Naturally, that wouldn't do, so I had to shut off the forums, and negotiated with them to move to a dedicated server.

Basically, we're on a more expensive hosting plan, but we shouldn't get Gator'd anymore because we aren't using shared resources. Happy end. We're back.

I have a suspicion that there are some things that aren't quite working yet, so if you find things that are newly broken, feel free to notify myself or another staff to pass it on to me. For clarity, we'll say that the Reborn League will start again next week, giving us time to make sure that everything necessary is still functioning.

Anyway, very sorry for the down-time! As an apology, and proof that I haven't been entirely useless the past couple weeks, have a couple screenshots of our extremely mature game:


very srs gaim.

so srs.

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Definition of Physics:
Physics (n) - An invisible force that applies logical effects to objects. However, because of Terra's existance, there is no such thing.


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I'm so relieved that this site is back up. i was wondering what had happened... but everything's awesome now!


Edited by K_H
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  • Veterans

Now if only Terra had a reuniclus(he is now my favorite pokemon its between him an infernape right now) it would work well with the giant hammer giant hand and giant hammer

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  • Administrators

Some of you guys might notice the day this was originally posted is not today. Basically the site came up for an hour and went back down again. We got it resolved this morning and then the database popped again. I reset it, but there's a chance it might happen again. Anyway, we're here for now but might not be completely out of the woods. Sorry for all the issues!

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Some of you guys might notice the day this was originally posted is not today. Basically the site came up for an hour and went back down again. We got it resolved this morning and then the database popped again. I reset it, but there's a chance it might happen again. Anyway, we're here for now but might not be completely out of the woods. Sorry for all the issues!

I noticed it but come on Ame. HYPE LIVES FOREVAH!

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