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#Hoenn Confirmed


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No really... It is...

What are you most excited for?

Gameboy Advanced gameplay on a 3D plane?

Hoping that Game Freak fixed what little nitpicks you may have had with X and Y?

New Mega Evolutions?


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What am I most exited for?

Hoenn with the physical/special split implemented. Never played gen 3 before, got out of pokemon after gen 2 and the lack of a split always stopped me going back there. So I'm keen to finally play in Hoenn.

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Hoping that loser Steven gets kicked to the curb so we can have Wallace back. (In Emerald (japanese) it's said right out that Setevn lost his champion position to wallace). =D

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I'm going to tell a little story: On 7th May I just decided to take a nap... so I woke up around 7.00pm and my phone was filled with text messages from my friend about Ruby and Sapphire remakes.

I really look forward these games since I really enjoyed 3rd Gen. Imagine Secret bases in 3D, the contests. DIVING UNDERWATER. fkjhjgkhj

I'm going to pre-order Alpha Sapphire, since I prefer Kyogre over Groudon.. I wonder what kind of elements they're going to burrow from the Emerald.. I mean HG/SS had Suicune as a non-roaming legendary unlike in Gold and Silver. I really wish you could battle both Magma and Aqua teams in both games but that wouldn't make any sense but stiiiil.

I just really hyped for these games.. My childhood is coming back. Ahh sweet memories. I feel really old since I was 9 when I played those games. I'm definitely going to pick Mudkip as a starter.

psst diving underwater in 3D

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Hoping that loser Steven gets kicked to the curb so we can have Wallace back. (In Emerald (japanese) it's said right out that Setevn lost his champion position to wallace). =D

Forever shunning you ;-;

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I was out of pokemon for gen 3 lost interest in favor of fifa games got back into it at gen 4 ( i didnt own preious copies they were my cousins he let me lend them) so never realy played gen 3

2 mega's i realy want are Mega Reuniclus and Mega Cacturne (#Cactus Juice is Piffffffffffff) Reuniclus because wtf i will just say it out he is Based of multiplying cells :question what disease multiplies the corupted cells to make its self greater and divides or multiplies irraicaly ( Answer its Cancer Reuniclus is based of a child growing in an embryo being surounded by green liquid whic is basically cancer) how cool is that ( the cancer thing is what i theorize as i have only mediocre knowledge of the disease)

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-Secret Bases

-Mega Sceptile and Swampert please or there will be problems- stop with the blatant favouritism.

-Secret Bases

-Hoenn and especially Route 113 COME BACK TO MEEEE in 3D. That's going to look amazing.

-...Did I mention Secret Bases yet?

I still don't have a 3DS but I'm allowed to be excited leave me alone

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I'm going to pre-order Alpha Sapphire, since I prefer Kyogre over Groudon.

Groudon FTW!

Anyhow i expect some new mega evolutions (like Super Ultra Mega Hyper Blaziken ^_^) and well Hoenn in 3D :lol:

Also i hope Steven will be the champion not Wallace (but that may be because i like steel types)

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Good news everyone Talonflame with gale wings is banned from the battle frontier

Just kidding but god knows how much that would be a life saver

and even though im getting both of them(the games are like right next to my birthday so im hopin to not get bundled up with them as my present i want that ps4 so bad ^^) im gonna be mainly playing alpha saphire #AlphaSapphire for the win

Edited by Azery123
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All i'm going to say is: I just hope that they don't ruin the music. Other than that, it's going to be awesome. I guarantee it.

As a side note, here's my "Top 5 things i want to see in 3D Hoenn":

5 - Route 113

4 - Dive areas

3 - 3D Flannery 8)

2 - Meteor Falls

1 - 3D Brendan and May

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3rd gen was my favourite gen and the world of Hoenn was my favourite world as well. I was (and still am) SO damn excited when we got the news that the remakes are coming out this year!

The best things of that gen for me were the landscaping in the routes, the secret base-building, the plot and the fact that there was so much to explore.


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also mega Slaking would be nice gives your dad even more of a storylike he battles you for th first time after beating th trainers and you get anihilated by that mega slaking and you have to go to birch to get starteritie and mega ring and THEN you beat him

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- Ironically the first thing I want to see is a more streamlined 3rd person camera angle that isn't at all like Lumiose City whiplash cam, should they make Slateport or Lilycove a monstrous city, or just try to add some neat viewing effects.

- I want to see a return of the Battle Frontier. I never played Emerald, but looking at what it did for competitive battling (which wasn't so much a thing as it is today mind you) was revolutionary and could be expanded on so many fronts. For example, they can leave the Safari Zone in-game be and put the friend safari at the Battle Frontier (Basically, Kiloude City is the Kalos BF)

- I want to see Trainer Customization make a return, instead of having to appear as an Ace Trainer or something in competitive battles. Plus, Dress up is fun.

- I want to see more encounters with Wally. This doesn't mean Battles, but I would love to see him have a side story that is actually told on screen.

- I would like the ability to get starters from Generations 2 and 4, like Kalos.

- I would like to see Secret Bases be incorperated with Streetpass mechanics instead of being able to locate them after your friend tells you where it is, as well as functionality with the PSS.

- I would like the opportunity to catch either Deoxys or Jirachi in-game, as opposed to both being event Pokemon.

- I would love to see Swampert and Sceptile get Mega-Evolution love, if that's going to be a thing in Hoenn this time around.

- I would love some post game story that is unique to this remake only.

- I would love to rebattle trainers and gym leaders using Match Call on the PokeNav.

- I would love to see new Mega Evolutions, mostly for Pokemon that are relavent to the story, such as Camerupt and Sharpedo, or Mightyena, along with Pokemon that are not usually used.

- I would love the ability to use field moves such as Rock Climb and Waterfall to explore new areas.

.... I'll stop. I'm just happy the game I played the living daylights out of is getting a remake, but there are so many great things that could be added. HYPE.

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- Ironically the first thing I want to see is a more streamlined 3rd person camera angle that isn't at all like Lumiose City whiplash cam, should they make Slateport or Lilycove a monstrous city, or just try to add some neat viewing effects.

- I want to see a return of the Battle Frontier. I never played Emerald, but looking at what it did for competitive battling (which wasn't so much a thing as it is today mind you) was revolutionary and could be expanded on so many fronts. For example, they can leave the Safari Zone in-game be and put the friend safari at the Battle Frontier (Basically, Kiloude City is the Kalos BF)

- I want to see Trainer Customization make a return, instead of having to appear as an Ace Trainer or something in competitive battles. Plus, Dress up is fun.

- I want to see more encounters with Wally. This doesn't mean Battles, but I would love to see him have a side story that is actually told on screen.

- I would like the ability to get starters from Generations 2 and 4, like Kalos.

- I would like to see Secret Bases be incorperated with Streetpass mechanics instead of being able to locate them after your friend tells you where it is, as well as functionality with the PSS.

- I would like the opportunity to catch either Deoxys or Jirachi in-game, as opposed to both being event Pokemon.

- I would love to see Swampert and Sceptile get Mega-Evolution love, if that's going to be a thing in Hoenn this time around.

- I would love some post game story that is unique to this remake only.

- I would love to rebattle trainers and gym leaders using Match Call on the PokeNav.

- I would love to see new Mega Evolutions, mostly for Pokemon that are relavent to the story, such as Camerupt and Sharpedo, or Mightyena, along with Pokemon that are not usually used.

- I would love the ability to use field moves such as Rock Climb and Waterfall to explore new areas.

.... I'll stop. I'm just happy the game I played the living daylights out of is getting a remake, but there are so many great things that could be added. HYPE.

I like how you always seem to have your stuff together and organized like this.

Battle frontier left me with scars in Emerald. I've got no problem with the battle dome, arena, factory, and even the pike sort of but everything else no so much.

Cartridges will fly if hear the phrase the Battle Palace returns.

I don't really like how mega evolutions work right now so I'd like to see some changes done with that unless they decide to bring us another large cast of mega evolutions then maybe we'll see a larger variety of teams.

It'd be nice to see if the story were to expand a bit like with our meetings with Wally and May/Brendan. But I can't shake the feeling that this is just going to be a remake of the same old Ruby/Saphire with more pokemon and extra features like some new match call system.

It is interesting though.

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I just want to hear the remade soundtrack. Dem horns.

Speaking of, here are my top 5 tracks from that game:

very percussion, much drama, w0w


pretty much the best route theme EVER


not much to say, pretty good theme



And of course, the second best champion theme, , ,

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