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#Hoenn Confirmed


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More details confirmed for the new megas: Diancie raises its attacks and speed but lowers its defenses. I... Did not expect that. I bet no one else did either, we expected it to become even more defensive than it already is. Also, Metagross's new ability is Tough Claws, and it gets a boost in...........................wait for it..........................EVERYTHING. But mostly in speed.

Edited by Eagleby18
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  On 7/14/2014 at 9:12 PM, Eagleby18 said:

More details confirmed for the new megas: Diancie raises its attacks and speed but lowers its defenses. I... Did not expect that. I bet no one else did either, we expected it to become even more defensive than it already is. Also, Metagross's new ability is Tough Claws, and it gets a boost in...........................wait for it..........................EVERYTHING. But mostly in speed.

Nothing was said about Mega Metagross' HP, but it's probably way too good already.

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3. You forgot Mega Lucario. And come on, Megas are more for the players. Random NPCs won't have Mega Evolution!

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I could see wallace getting a megastone for his Gallade.

I would really like to see gym leaders start to use megas. By definition they're not normal trainers and are often there to impart some wisdom to your trainer as to how to raise your pokemon. And they already each have a pokemon that is iconic for them (plus mega torkoal would be so beast). It would only be too easy for it to happen late/post game. Not to mention Steven's prize fighter getting a mega form.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well if they don't change the teams for both of them... I would say:

Mega Sharpedo for Archie

Mega Camerupt for Maxie

since both teams are identical despite their signature pokemon, which are Sharpedo and Camerupt.

Or they rewrote the story a bit so that they get to Control Groudon/Kyogre, and they use their Stones to Prot-Evolve them in a battle prior to the actual battle where we can catch the respective legendary.

"With this Stone I control Groudon/Kyogre and unleash it's full Power!"

--- *Groudon/Kyogre proto-evolve*

"Try and stop us now Kid!"

--- *Battle against Proto-Groudon/Kyogre*

"How can a kid like you surpass the power of Proto-Groudon/Kyogre???"

--- *Groudon/Kyogre flees to it's cave*

Or something like that^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the "mega evolution scoop" from this Month's CoroCoro only consisted of 3 new megas: Salamence, Altaria, and Lopunny. Kinda expected it to include all the game's new megas, but since they've still never "revealed" mega Latios/as or the mega whatever-the-bad-guy-bosses-use, there's clearly still more in the game that we haven't been told about.

And remember how when X and Y came out, you could download a free Torchic with Blazikenite? Well, with the release of OR/AS, you can get a free SHINY Beldum with Metagrosite.

Oh and contests confirmed and character customization confirmed but who cares about that.

Edited by Eagleby18
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  On 8/8/2014 at 3:30 PM, Eagleby18 said:

So the "mega evolution scoop" from this Month's CoroCoro only consisted of 3 new megas: Salamence, Altaria, and Lopunny. Kinda expected it to include all the game's new megas, but since they've still never "revealed" mega Latios/as or the mega whatever-the-bad-guy-bosses-use, there's clearly still more in the game that we haven't been told about.

And remember how when X and Y came out, you could download a free Torchic with Blazikenite? Well, with the release of OR/AS, you can get a free Beldum with Metagrosite.

Oh and contests confirmed and character customization confirmed but who cares about that.

Wouldn't you get the Metagrosite from the beldum that Steven gave you kinda like what happened with Diantha trading away her ralts? I still think they will give away a pokemon with their evolutions mega stone though.

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Taking a closer look at the leaked scans, it seems that the mega evolution section had a big circle spanning across 2 pages, and inside it were Swablu, Bagon, and Buneary all divided into quadrants. But there are 4 quadrants in a whole, and we were only shown 3. Could there be a fourth that the leak isn't showing us? Guess we'll find out on the 12th when it actually releases.

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Mega Flygon or Mega Swellow is what I'm hoping for

  On 8/8/2014 at 4:08 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Taking a closer look at the leaked scans, it seems that the mega evolution section had a big circle spanning across 2 pages, and inside it were Swablu, Bagon, and Buneary all divided into quadrants. But there are 4 quadrants in a whole, and we were only shown 3. Could there be a fourth that the leak isn't showing us? Guess we'll find out on the 12th when it actually releases.

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  On 8/8/2014 at 4:08 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Taking a closer look at the leaked scans, it seems that the mega evolution section had a big circle spanning across 2 pages, and inside it were Swablu, Bagon, and Buneary all divided into quadrants. But there are 4 quadrants in a whole, and we were only shown 3. Could there be a fourth that the leak isn't showing us? Guess we'll find out on the 12th when it actually releases.

So.... Your implying that we're getting 4 megas in total for August, and only 3 were released. The main question is what that 4th thing would be. Personally, I see no connection between these 3, so the only thing left to do until we're sure wether or not there actually is a 4th quadrant is to find a connection between 'How to train your Salamence', 'Step outa the club and into the Ring', and Mr. 'It's so fluffy we're all gonna die!'

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Here is what got announced in a whole.

Page 1 and 2.

Mega Alteria whom is Dragon/Fairy with Pixalate

Mega. Lopunny with Normal/Fighting with Scrappy(fu Aigislash and rip Sableye)

Mega Salamence with Aerialate, aka turning Thrash into outrage on steroids...

A 4th missing mega that we won't know about until next week.

The story behind that is that the leaked was sending these scans to serebii and bulbapedia. And Bulbapedia was going to post "check out these scans thanks to.... Twitter account here. And the leaker whom didn't want to be named spitefully withheld info from us.

Page 3 and 4

Contest stuff where they talk about alternate costumes you can win as rewards

The alternate. Pikachus also gain new moves depending on it's costume.

Rock star Pikachu gets a fist full of Metal with Meteor Mash.

Pikachu PHD strategizes with electric Terrain

Pop star Pika gets cute with Draining Kiss.

Belle Pikachu can learn icicle crash.

And my personal favorite Pikachu Libre learns Flying Press!

Lastly post game, you can find a shiny Beldum in Steven's house with a metagrossite

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