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#Hoenn Confirmed


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  On 11/4/2014 at 5:52 PM, Nan said:

I like to watch other people playing that's what I meant. But sometimes watching other people playing frustrates me when they do stupid mistakes etc. haha.

EDIT//: oh I just realized that in that the Finnish word läpipeluu =/= walkhrough.. sometimes being non-English native speaker is difficult. I made a mistake.

Oh i do that often too, sometimes i end up almost screaming at the screen for their stupidity

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  On 11/4/2014 at 6:43 PM, Gaunt said:

Oh i do that often too, sometimes i end up almost screaming at the screen for their stupidity

I usually stop watching them or laugh at them if their stupidity is hilarious.

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  On 11/4/2014 at 9:40 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Remember that promotional image that hinted at megas for Slaking, Milotic, and Zangoose? It's returns in this trailer. But instead of Zangoose and Slaking, this time it's Hariyama and Flygon. And Milotic's there TWICE.

Hang on, isn't it Feebas rather than Milotic that's been there twice? Like I said before mega Feebas confirmed.

Being serious didn't you say there would only be four slots left? All this really proves is that this isn't a reliable way to tell if anything else will be getting a mega. I'm of the opinion Milotic will be, but don't read too much into anything until it's actually announced.

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  On 11/4/2014 at 11:41 PM, Sheep said:

Hang on, isn't it Feebas rather than Milotic that's been there twice? Like I said before mega Feebas confirmed.

Being serious didn't you say there would only be four slots left? All this really proves is that this isn't a reliable way to tell if anything else will be getting a mega. I'm of the opinion Milotic will be, but don't read too much into anything until it's actually announced.

There's about 4 slots left (or that's what I have heard) but I think it's not reliable to say "pokemon x was on a picture/trailer it's going to get a mega !!1"

The rest of the megas could be anything but you can always wish (just like I wish that Flygon, Milotic and especially Arcanine could get megas).

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Okay, so CoroCoro FINALLY leaked, being the latest leak in the magazine's entire history. First of all, there weren't any new megas in it, which makes me think that what we saw in the demo really WAS all there is. I know they could be trying to keep stuff secret, but it kinda seems odd that they would suddenly break the pattern of "have at least one new mega in every issue". Kinda hoping I'm wrong though, for Milotic's sake, but we'll get to that later...

Anyway, enough about what wasn't in it and on to what IS in it. That chick that the demo dumps said was a character, with a mega Salamence? She was confirmed and is named, uh... something with an Higana in Japan, English name Zinnia according to the demo dumps. There was some stuff about how we could get all the non-event legendaries, which we already knew. And then there's the thing that everyone's gonna be talking about here.

In the aftergame, there's this bonus storyline called "Episode Delta". Not much is known about it, but apparently Team Magma/Aqua, new mega Salamance girl, Wallace (more on him later), and Steven will all be major characters in it. Artwork from the magazine depicts Mossdeep City's rocket taking off, and Mega Rayquaza battling Deoxys in space. So yeah, we're going to space to get Deoxys! Remember all those rumors you heard on the playground in 3rd grade about taking the rocket to space and fighting Deoxys? Now, they'll become reality! It's unknown whether this "Episode Delta" will be accessible through normal gameplay or through an event, but if it's through normal gameplay, it will be the first time in Pokemon history where an event legendary (Deoxys) is attainable without cheating or an event!

Oh, and about mentioning Wallace and Milotic earlier. Yeah, Wallace is confirmed to also be a major character, farther than just being a gym leader. That makes things even MORE embarrassing for gamefreak if mega Milotic really ends up not happening. You know, aside from the fact that her physical counterpart has one and she doesn't, and the fact that all of the elite four have megas and not one of the champions.

EDIT: There was also some stuff about events for Shaymin, Victini, and Keldeo, but none of that matters unless you live in Japan.

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The Salamence girl's name is Hiragana ( I only know it's an alphabet but who names their kid like that haha)...

But remember that in X/Y there where megas that were confirmed in a CoroCoro leak after X/Y release so I think we have secret megas in ORAS too..

I actually like that that GameFreak doesn't leak every mega or thing that there is in ORAS, it makes playing it more fun, or it's just me.

EDIT// Some people speculate that that Hiragana is that Lorekeeper Zinnia and I think it's possible. I mean they both have Mega Salamence.

EDIT2// Hiragana is Lorekeeper Zinnia.

Edited by Nan
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oh god yes, so much more hype I will have for a game I can't buy and play.

but watching the video above I have some pointers.

-Why to team magma and aqua want the space station? To catch deoxy's?

-Who was that big man from Kalos Wallace talked about? AZ?

-If that man also visited Wallace it gives more hope for mega Milotic

-No Wallie in the trailer :c

-Artwork depicts MEGA rayquaza battling deoxy's, so he can mega evolve without a trainer, at his own?

edit: nvm I see the trainer on rayquaza back around 0.44. But can he still evolve on his own?

But does that mean that for the event you need rayquaza? probably?

-Zinnia asks about ideals, so she was only tutored for one purpose it seems ,imo.

Or just popped up into my mind she has something to do with deoxy's or rayquaza like friend or trainer

-That meteor will prob. be stopped by mega rayquaza signature move head on.

Just imagine deoxy's on the meteor, standing on top like it is a attack of war

Edited by Cornerman
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  On 11/13/2014 at 6:32 PM, Cornerman said:

-Artwork depicts MEGA rayquaza battling deoxy's, so he can mega evolve without a trainer, at his own?

Well it was stated that Rayquazas Mega evolution is "different" but you can clearly see the trainer riding it (in a space-suit)

I just hope we can change Deoxys' form at will at some mini-meteors... and not like in FR/LG (correct me if I'm wrong) where the form it could take was limited to the version of the game

and I guess that, at least, legendary dogs are starter related, like the birds in X/Y... but as unfortunate how I am, I will most likely not get the one I want the most... and get the one I like the least with my starter-choice if that is the case.

now... if only the scratch-card event would come to US/EU to get Shaymin, Victini, and Keldeo...

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  On 11/13/2014 at 11:42 PM, Eagleby18 said:

Well, kinda good news regarding the mega situation. At the very least, if there are no more megas, we get to call Shigeru Ohmori a liar to his face and throw tomatoes at him.

In this interview from a month ago, he said there would be several megas that he wouldn't reveal, and you'd have to find out by playing the game yourself.

Don't get your hopes up. Although I'd be willing to bet there are still at least 3-5 more.

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  On 11/13/2014 at 11:50 PM, Jericho said:

Don't get your hopes up. Although I'd be willing to bet there are still at least 3-5 more.

For the sake of not setting myself up for disappointment, I'm going to say that there are no more megas, and that the datamine showed everything (Although I'm secretly hoping for more. I just don't want to be expecting more, and have there be none ;_; )

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Well guys, that's probably all the official info we're getting before the game actually comes out. I say official, because the game is starting to leak as I type this. Beware coming on here from now on, as we will be talking about stuff that Nintendo didn't want us to know.

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