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I never know where to put my posts, so I'm just gonna assume this is the best place and dump it here.

As the title may suggest, this topic is about Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. As me posting it may suggest, I am a fan of PMD. But what I want to know is this - are any of you? I feel like I'm the only person in the world who still plays these games, and it's kind of sad. They are fantastic games and I personally feel they were under-rated, and I wish that there were more people that I could talk to about it. I mean, other than the fantastic stories, there were the soundtracks, the fact you had your own team, you could rescue other people across the planet... y'know, it was pretty cool. I wanna try and revive all of that here.

So basically, the point of this post is not only for people to discuss it, but also to help one another with it. I mean, you can just say "yeah use this Pokémon in this dungeon" and whatnot and consider that helping, but I mean actually accepting Wonder Mail requests using the passwords and actually rescuing people if they need it, or giving each other items you might need (if you can even do that over Wi-Fi, I forget.) I mean, let's face it, you can't just wander into places like Zero Isle or Wish Cave every day of the week and just clear it within a few minutes. Some dungeons are really hard, and having other people there to help you through it would be great, especially seeing as they get rewards for doing it. It's a win-win! One gets saved, the other gets rewards for saving.

I think having a mini-community of PMD fans, for lack of a better name, would be a nice thing to see. I for one would be happy to be a part of it. But for that to actually work, people would kinda need a place to talk about it all and whatnot, and that's why I started this topic. I've not really seen this sort of thing anywhere before, and I know there are a lot of cool people on this website that I haven't had the pleasure of talking to yet, so now I sit here by my PC in hopes that any of you PMD fans out there will come here to chat and help each other out and whatnot. Of course, I'll be ready to do just the same thing. :]

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God, I played the original and Darkness, and even bought Sky ( Where my Espeon became OP due to Gummy Drinks) I loved playing those games, although i could get so angry at it. (Try Fighting Moltres with a bulbasaur and charmander)

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i've only played the first part of Darkness, and i agree that the PMD Games are EXTREMELY underrated. the only one that i've even partially played is EOD, but it turned me into a PMD fan instantly. i hope they reinstate the "Which Pokemon of these are you?" Quiz and keep the ability to allow Evolution in the next PMD game.

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Did somebody say Mystery Dungeon?

I played Red Rescue Team on an emulator when the japanese version first came out... and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Regardless of that, though, that kinda cemented my love for the series as a whole. I've played Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky now, and I want to play Gates to Infinity, but I can't. Although I'm kinda sad about the limited amount of Pokemon in that... (Does anybody know anything about the Wiiware games, by the way? Blazing, Stormy and Light Adventure Squads, I believe they're called? I ask because I'm curious about them.)

And yeah, I still play them today. Started a new file in Red Rescue Team just the other day, actually. Team o' Meowth (who is only available if you pick male at the start but really I don't care) and Mudkip, for a change.

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I must admit, while Gates to Infinity wasn't a bad game (the story was no letdown that's for sure) it's probably the worst of all the Mystery Dungeon games that were actually released outside of Japan. I've played all of them and the problem with Gates to Infinity is that:

1. You can only CHOOSE 5 starters, there is no personality quiz. (The starters were Pikachu, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott and Axew for those wondering. Kinda lame.)

2. There was no post-game. You literally did one mission and that was the post-game. It was a real letdown.

3. I believe there was something like 144 Pokémon in the game and that was it. Half of them are Unova based too. It's understandable to want to promote the newer games, but seriously, nothing stopped them from adding all of the current Pokémon to the game. They did it for X/Y and it's the same console. They were just lazy with what is arguably the best Pokémon spin-off series they've ever created.

While they are all bad points, GtI was pretty good in its own right. The battles with the legendary Pokémon were made to be more epic, with some of their moves taking two turns but being devastatingly powerful and covering a range where you can't run away unless you spam Agility or something. It made them hard if you chose missions with harder difficulties. It was also the first PMD you could actually play live multi-player with other people, and while they only did this for missions where you basically fought a boss and that was it, it was still pretty cool. Though I've never done it myself. Lack of friends. :[

Also, yeah, those are the names of the Wiiware games. They never came out of Japan and I don't think they had a story to them, I can't remember, but they basically had Red, Blue and Yellow Pokémon depending on what game you were playing. They were almost completely monotype too I think. It was weird, but I can't judge them, I've not had the chance to play them. *cries*

Dare I say it, I'm not really sure if they'll make another Mystery Dungeon. I don't think GtI sold that well from what I remember, and unless they can make a game that is as good as Explorers of Sky was, then they probably have no reason to do it because people will just complain, especially since GtI was a flop in comparison. They probably don't believe it will sell well, when it would if they just put the effort into it. I hope they do though. With Gen 6, Mega Evolution, and the power to make soundtracks on more than just a soundfont, it could have real potential. I dunno though. That's just what I think.

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