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The Awakened [OOC - Registrations Closed]


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well it would seem logical that the radiation wouldn't effect the user, but only those in the immediate vicinity when the hole is being opened... otherwise, the user would eventually drop dead from using their own ability...

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My thought exactly

So... Certain people might try to take advantage of that and just rip holes in space all over the place without a second thought. I can think of a couple interesting plot points that could center on that...

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To be honest, I'd been thinking about a story arc that sheds a little more light on Lux's brother. He's an interesting character to me because he and Lux's backgrounds are closely intertwined, and as of right now he's pretty much a blank slate that could have a serious impact on Lux's role in the overarching story.

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That is completely fine lol, I don't decide how your character acts. (Viktor doesn't really feel much of a connection to him anyway. He actually thinks Keaton is an idiot to be honest. He feels lke he is throwing his life away. DO keep in mind VIktor is a bit jaded towards the government, so his thought process isn't 100% rational when it comes to hose matters lol.) I sent Viktor to Olympus because I feel he would grow more as a character and 2, because their is no way in hell he ever wants to be in charge of people ever again.

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Yea maybe lol, Keaton could probably keep Viktor from destroying himself. (I feel Viktor is going to end up walking a thin line, and may even Became He who Kills Monsters. Basically he will become so consumed in the hunt of Bad Awakened he becomes almost worse than them, I can try and find the page on it in TV Troupes, but they have a thing for explaining troupes with other troupes.....so it would be a shit ton of reading.) I think hunting Utopia will do it to him lol. (Cause I assume they will end up clashing with us at some point.)

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well it would seem logical that the radiation wouldn't effect the user, but only those in the immediate vicinity when the hole is being opened... otherwise, the user would eventually drop dead from using their own ability...

Exactly. If my character isn't careful, he'll kill himself.

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Mhmm, well, nuts to the shredding things with radiation idea...

Bit of a short post, but I forgot to look up Cassidy's outfit before hand and was too lazy to open a new tab to do so whilst writing <_<

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Well, I'll be gone for a week starting tomorrow to help people in Cincinatti, so I probably won't be able to update anything during that time. I'll try to get you updated one last time before then tonight, since I doubt I'll have internet access while I'm there.

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I'm a little confused by your post Weavile. At the end you say that Cassidy's grin fades away and a distant observer could see them. Are you implying that the group has left while Cassidy was on her killing spree?

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What I think Weavile was implying there, Supernovae, is that Cassidy was grinning as she finished the deed, yet tried to hide the expression as she turned around to look at the group. however, if a person was observant enough, a slight trace of the smile could still be seen on her face.

At least, I'm pretty sure that's what she meant by it...

Edited by Stratos
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Indeed >_<

Also, I tried to avoid saying whether or not they'd left, I expect they won't have, but Cassidy's ability takes time. The whole post probubbly spanned about fifteen or twenty minutes, so it's entirely possibubble they could have left

Also, I didn't say distant, I said an "observant watcher" ^_^

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Just like I posted in the other RP's I'm involved in: I'll be leaving on holiday this Monday. I won't be online much and can't post. I don't want to hold back the story so if someone could bunny Eugene if necessary.. Sorry for any inconviences but it was pretty much a last-minute call.

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no quieter than Poke-people (NKA: the Shrouded Islands) was at one point...

I'm hope it's still running. (Because it would honestly be a shame if this thing died in the early stages... it's pretty interesting)

maybe Flux is just taking some time to go and think about where he wants the plot to ultimately lead?

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