Raindrop Valkyrie Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 Feel free to vaguely lead Vik into something, Not sure where to have him end up meself lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted December 5, 2014 Author Share Posted December 5, 2014 Welp, I just posted that event. I'm not sure what you want to do with that, but I wanted to give a glimpse as to the power of Zeus and Poseidon as well as the teamwork opportunities available in this world's setting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 Nice, Sergeant. Can we assume that Zeus's lightning caused flashes that would've been visible to Lux and Anver and ol' Barkeep? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted December 5, 2014 Author Share Posted December 5, 2014 I'd say that's reasonable enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 Well, might as well try out a bit of this here Team Work myself now EDIT: Annnnnnnd I just realized that if you could tell it lead outside because of the presence of a window, it just be quicker to smash the damn window. that was a bit of a derp moment for me, soldiers. but I'll keep Anver's idea there since I honestly like the route of freezing shit a lot better than just breaking glass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 On 12/5/2014 at 10:13 PM, Surge said: Well, might as well try out a bit of this here Team Work myself now EDIT: Annnnnnnd I just realized that if you could tell it lead outside because of the presence of a window, it just be quicker to smash the damn window. that was a bit of a derp moment for me, soldiers. but I'll keep Anver's idea there since I honestly like the route of freezing shit a lot better than just breaking glass. Nah, Lux already had an extraction plan. He's the commander of this operation, so he's gonna stick to his plan until things start to go south. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 On 12/5/2014 at 10:51 PM, Jory said: Nah, Lux already had an extraction plan. He's the commander of this operation, so he's gonna stick to his plan until things start to go south. Fine, fine... the plan it is then. But I still find myself desiring to freeze something solid and then smash it to bits... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 You don;t know how tempting it is to pop somebodies eyes with Viktor, but anything extremely damaging takes a toll. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 On 12/5/2014 at 10:58 PM, Hukuna said: You don;t know how tempting it is to pop somebodies eyes with Viktor, but anything extremely damaging takes a toll. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD there goes my lunch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 Oh, it doesn't have to be a person, per say, it could be about anything really. just so long as it get's smashed to bits afterwards... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 Shhh, Jory, that was what he was going to do to the guy but uh.....he needs to be in tip top shape since a raid is kinda happening XD. ((is that really as bad as me turning a dude into a human bomb though?)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted December 5, 2014 Share Posted December 5, 2014 I will make an attempt to get back into the flow of things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted December 6, 2014 Share Posted December 6, 2014 make Sterling proud Lux/Bervely! make both missions a success. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted December 6, 2014 Author Share Posted December 6, 2014 On 12/5/2014 at 11:08 PM, King Murdoc said: I will make an attempt to get back into the flow of things. Great! Sorry for keeping things waiting for so long... Also, it's just about time for a certain somebody to make their appearance at the mansion... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 6, 2014 Share Posted December 6, 2014 Hm... for some reason, soldiers, I keep getting this nagging feeling that I need to revaluate how Anver's Thermo-Kinesis/ Manipulation actually works. I just keep feeling like the in depth explanation I gave a while ago honestly isn't up to par with how the physics should actually be; The reasoning and analysis isn't strong enough from how I see it now... I don't know, what do you think, Sergeant Flux, Everyone? I Personally think that I need o try again, but this time go much deeper to explain how it works... (and yes, I have an idea brewing for what I'm thinking of, and I've done some research for it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted December 6, 2014 Share Posted December 6, 2014 (edited) Flux, I Updated right before Typhlosion did. [EDIT]: oh. Edited December 6, 2014 by K_H Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted December 6, 2014 Author Share Posted December 6, 2014 On 12/6/2014 at 8:45 PM, Surge said: Hm... for some reason, soldiers, I keep getting this nagging feeling that I need to revaluate how Anver's Thermo-Kinesis/ Manipulation actually works. I just keep feeling like the in depth explanation I gave a while ago honestly isn't up to par with how the physics should actually be; The reasoning and analysis isn't strong enough from how I see it now... I don't know, what do you think, Sergeant Flux, Everyone? I Personally think that I need o try again, but this time go much deeper to explain how it works... (and yes, I have an idea brewing for what I'm thinking of, and I've done some research for it) Personally, a lot of the abilities I've given to NPCs don't necessarily have a reason proven by Physics as to how they work. For example, Zweiss's ability to control gravity doesn't really have any explanation supported by Physics. There's no way a human could do that without it basically being "magic" for lack of a better word. Now, granted, his ability is still limited by Physics and directly relates to the laws of Physics in how he uses it, but the fact of how he does it is not supported. I'm not sure if that's quite what you meant, but if you feel that you still aren't satisfied with your description of his abilities, feel free to rewrite them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 6, 2014 Share Posted December 6, 2014 Alrighty then. I knew that we can either choose to have our PCs abilities either grounded in the Supernatural (IE, no real scientific explanation) or based in physics, I just personally prefer grounding Anver's in physics because the physics which would make his power actually scientifically viable more or less are already existing or theorized and easy to find. Anyways, on to my rewrite~ What the explanation was previously: Reveal hidden contents I've figured that the main way I'm going to have him work his ability is that he manipulates the Thermal energy of the air around him or his intended targets, though also have it so that he can manipulate the thermal energy of most liquids with as much ease as he can gases. I've split his ability up into two categories: Convective heat transfer, which is for the most part, indirect on his part and serves as a ranged option in combat for him, and what he uses for Liquids and Gases: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convective_heat_transfer and Thermal conduction, which is direct on his part and serves as a close ranged option in combat, what he uses to directly transfer heat he generates onto solid, physical objects without having to use liquids or the air as a medium for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conduction_(heat) Now... theoretically I suppose it would be possible for him to use CHT to heat the liquids in a person's circulatory system, or even to super heat the gases in their lungs and cause death that way... though, for the former I've decided to have it so that something about the chemistry of human blood prevents him from being able to heat it efficiently, taking that option away for the most part... and for the Latter I plan to have him mostly refrain from that due to his personality and basic empathy keeping him from considering exercising such an awful method of death as causing a person to feel as though they burning from the inside out in their chest... so that really won't be deployed unless he is left with no choice but to do it. that leaves tossing blast of superheated/ superfrigid air at targets as his main combat option (how he does it is he heats up a pocket of the air then uses the whole "Warm air Rises" principle to move it towards his target, with the air mass bouncing back and forth as it rises above the colder air and then is sent back down again by anver heating the air directly above it to a higher temperature, and so on and so forth until it hits, which results in the air mass having a somewhat zigzagging path before as it closes in on it's mark. which is why it would take more concentration to send a blast of thermally manipulated air over longer distances, because it is a somewhat complicated process.) I think it reasonable that he can raise things to their Flash points (the temperature at which they catch fire: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_point) with either method fairly easily, though he tries not to do so due to the fact that in most situations, a fire would be far more trouble than help. as for the non-combat active related aspects of his ability, I figured it would be reasonable for him to be unaffected by fire, as he can control the temperature of the air and weaken the heat, but to still be susceptible to Smoke inhalation if he doesn't act to stop the fire quick enough (EX. he wakes up one day and his sleeping place is engulfed in an inferno and has been for several minutes before he awoke). the immunity to hot and cold is pretty self explanatory. as for the limits as to how far he can go: for heating things, his bodily limit is the same temperature at which the element of Tungsten begins to melt: 3410 degrees Celsius, or 6170 degrees Fahrenheit. as for cooling things, his limit is approximately -265 degrees Celsius, or -445 degrees Fahrenheit, which places it at a few degrees above absoulte zero, which is -273.15 C or -459.67 F. So previously I chalked up his power to being through Convection and Direct Thermal Conduction and said it was simple as that. Well, nope... let's just try that again because I'm somewhat of a Perfectionist. We need to go deeper now. Anver's Stated ability is Thermo-Kinesis, or the manipulation/ creation of Thermal Energy. While this is "correct" in a sense, in truth his real power is a technically Particle Manipulation, controlling atoms or molecules at the most basic level. How Anver's True power though, Particle Manipulation, Manifests itself iand how it functions is what makes calling it "Thermo-Kinesis" instead still correct to a degree. First, let us ask ourselves, what is "Temperature"? It is the form of Kinetic energy between Particles at an Atomic or Molecular level; the greater the movement of these particles, the greater the Thermal Energy produced, and vica-versa. the product of this motion, "Heat", is simply internal thermal energy that flows from one place to another; in other words, it is energy in transit. This brings us to our main point: Anver's real ability, Particle Manipulation, Manifests itself as him being able to subsequently control the movements of particles around him, he can either speed them up or slow them down, in turn either raising or decreasing temperature. This is the central basis of how he is able to do what he does. It still goes deeper, however. Anver is able to influence the particle motions in the air around him without having to actually be in the vicinity of the air he's manipulating, ergo, it serves as both a close and long ranged ability, the only real difference in the distance being that the farther away, the more focus Anver needs to exert on the Molecules in the air in order to speed up or slow down their motion. His influence over the molecules of Liquids works in a very similar manner, like with air, he does not have to be in the actual vicinity of the liquid in order to manipulate the Particle Motion. Unlike air, however, heat in liquids is capable of much faster transfer from one molecule to another due to the particles of a liquid being closer together than with Gases, and as such, him having to manipulate Liquids that are far away does not take as much focus as it would for manipulating air that was the same distance from him, so long as he was able to work his over to that spot by passing the influence along from one molecule to another. For example, say he's at a lake and his target is about 300 feet away in the center of the water's surface. Now, if they were on dry land, and the target surrounded by air instead of H2O, Anver would have to focus more than he would have to with the water, because the spacing of the air particles is too far to effectively conduct the same motion transfer he can with water. but since the target is in the lake, he can manipulate temperature far more easily simply initiating either a super boil or deep freeze from where he is at the water's front, and then spreading it out from one particle to another over time, effectively freezing or boiling the whole body of water. it should be noted that the chemistry of Human blood however, prevents him from being able to directly exert control of the particles in it effectively even with this principle (but the same can't be said for animals...). His influence over the particle motion of Solids, however, does require that he be in the vicinity of, if not have direct contact with, the object which he is trying to influence in order to manipulate it's temperature. He is not able to directly raise or lower their heat values from a ranged distance as he is with Liquid or Gaseous states of matter. However, when he is in vicinity and even more so when he can have direct contact with the thing, he can exert control of the Motion of the particles with far less concentration and focus then he needs for either Liquids or Gases. In addition, like with Liquids, the atoms of Solids are far closer together than liquids or gases, and as such he is able to conduct direct transfer of motion from one particle to another, which in other words means, if anything is touching the solid he is, he can by extension of the above mentioned principle influence the heat or cold of that object as well by spreading it. Onwards to techniques now. With his influence over the molecular motion of the air, He is able to take advantage of the "Warmer air rises above colder air" principle, and effectively move air to or from one location to another by exploiting it, resulting in him being capable of sending super heated or super chilled blasts of air hurtling at targets, or go on a tad smaller scale and up to use smaller, but taller and thinner bladelike waves of air, both of which more or less serves as a main combat option for him. Another option is to simply manipulate the particle motion of the air directly around his targets and either burning them by super heating it or freezing them solid by super chilling it. Theoretically, he could also condense and fire bullets of Thermally manipulated air by using the same principle that he does to send blasts. Another possibility is creating thermal barriers or walls of superheated or Supercooled air which could make humans, certain objects, and other organisms passing through it impossible without sustaining heavy damage and injury/ being burned up or frozen solid. A possible application for Close range could be him manipulating the particles around his fists or body and engaging in CQC (Close quarters combat) with his hands or other limbs cloaked in a layer of super burning or freezing air. Additionally, if he is able to physically get his hands on an assailant, he could easily... well, from my explanation thus far, I don't think I need to go into very much detail on what could happen in that situation. His ability also allows him to raise the temperature of things to flash point, or the point at which the burn, or to freeze point, which is self explanatory. As stated before, his bodily limit for heating is 3410 Degrees Celsius (6170 Degrees Farenheit) and his bodily limit for freezing is -273.51 Degrees Celsius (-459.67 Degrees Fahrenheit). Due to Anver's persona however, the more powerful or "Extremes" of his abilities combat uses, such as Temperature CQC or Barriers, will not be drawn on offensively very often due to self restraint in a fight, as already shown in multiple cases in the IC so far, Anver somewhat dislikes using Absolute force in a fight, preferring to just immobilized, hinder, or incapacitate his foe rather than killing them, even when he is not using his powers (Early on in chapter one, when the PCs were each separate still and fleeing the cops, Anver intentionally aimed for limbs with the shot he fired while moving through an alley way, wounding a cop in the outer thigh.) Basically, his main aim is for the most part to stop the fight or take away the other parties ability to continue rather than flat out kill his enemies... unless, of course, they fight for utopia (Which I will begin to get deeper into showing his eventual complete lack of restraint against their operatives in the future) or they directly and actively threaten the people he cares about, in which cases he will do whatever he feels most necessary first, and worry about any restraint second. And there's my long, long explanation, soldiers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted December 7, 2014 Share Posted December 7, 2014 If you need an explanation for anything, speak with me and I can probably BS one out. (I say BS because you're usually still left with no explanation for how a human could, say, stretch and fold spacetime and where they get the energy to do so.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted December 7, 2014 Author Share Posted December 7, 2014 Ok, so I won't be home for pretty much all of today, so I'll have to push updates for this to tomorrow, when I'll have internet access again. (I pretty much just have time to write this before I go.) Sorry about that, but I figure you guys can be patient for a day. This won't be anywhere near as long as the waits in the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 rustytengo, could you post that Beverly gets to the extraction point? Either that or let us bunny her since we haven't heard from you in a number of weeks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted December 8, 2014 Author Share Posted December 8, 2014 On 12/8/2014 at 8:55 PM, Jory said: rustytengo, could you post that Beverly gets to the extraction point? Either that or let us bunny her since we haven't heard from you in a number of weeks. He made a post yesterday that's on page 19. I'm assuming he'll make another one in which he reaches the extraction point sometime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 Ah, completely missed it. Nevermind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 yeah its the last post of said page. Anyway i might it depends on if she can fid her way in the dark and if she remembers where it is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted December 8, 2014 Share Posted December 8, 2014 She should have a map on her flip phone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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