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The Awakened [OOC - Registrations Closed]


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true but unfortunately a dress makes it hard for her to have a place to store things. Besides if i get this darkness light like that won't work so she wouldn't be able to see it anyway.

Edited by rustytengo
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Light will still work, but it's very "condensed" for lack of a better word. Basically, it does not light up nearly as big of an area in this darkness as you would expect. Even Lux could probably only light a foot or two ahead of him at a time.

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Well, it's looking like this chapter will be wrapping up soon. I'm guessing Ark will probably be the last one to finish. I had originally planned another event to finish up this chapter, but it's kind of a large thing, and this chapter has a decent number of pages already, so I'll push that back to chapter 2 or 3.

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Actually, this is a bit of a late thought, but just out of curiousity, would Night Vision Goggles have worked in that "Condensed Darkness"?

It would depend on the type of goggles. Thermal night vision would work, as it detects heat rather than reflection of light, though most other types would not, simply because of how they work. Most night vision goggles amplify imperceptible amounts of light to the point where we can see them clearly. In this darkness, there is literally no light at all, other than what small amounts characters like Lux might produce, so there would be nothing for the goggles to amplify.

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Thermal, eh? Well, Anver technically has a form of Thermography, basically he is capable of using the "Thermal Field" technique to form a mental map in his mind of Heat Signatures, which would pretty much look the same as a Thermal Imager in a way, even though his eyes aren't wired to actually see heat ("Thermal Field" pretty much just works by Him being able to just sense the heat energy generated by the motion of Particles with his mind, or the lack there of even.)

So... Anver would be able to "peer" into the darkness in a way then, right? just for future reference...

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Yes, to an extent. It would depend on how much he really knows how to use his own ability. Sensing people would be fairly easy, but discerning a table from a bench might be trickier. With thermal goggles, he could clearly distinguish the two as he could physically see the shape of the heat, but recreating that "vision" with his mind might take practice.

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Well considering that his personality kinda makes him somewhat of a problem solver/ a thinker and the fact that he had been on the run for at least several months (like all the other PCs) he would've had to learn a lot about his own ability through Trial and error somewhat out of necessity to control it, and as a result would be pretty competent with using it by now (which would be the "Certain Skills" he mentioned in that mental monologue against Alistair in the kitchen). Not exactly mastered it, but he knows enough about it and how it works.

I was thinking more of at this point having just limiting it to him be able to sense the exact temperature of the object/ Person and how large/ far away it/ they are and that be about it.

The main reason I say he's fairly competent in the use of his ability is because I honestly prefer not for the majority of development for him not to come from "Learning how to wield his power" Since that honestly works a lot better for coming of age stories and that kinda doesn't work out on him since he's in his mid 30's with a wife and two kids.

instead I want more of it to directly come from his struggle for his family and animosity against Utopia, trying to figure out who he should lend his aid to and who can ultimately pretty much bring the brightest possible future, all that coupled with his interactions with the other PCs whom he will meet and cross paths with. Basically I intend his greatest conflict to be Philosophical in nature, such as whether to be lawful or to be good in the end for example, and other such things, rather than something as generic as "How do I shoot web"

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Sorry about the absence. With this week being before finals, I'm in a mad scram to keep up with my schoolwork. Tests and final assignments and oh my!
I'll see if I can't post this weekend. My apologies for the holdup.

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Sorry about the absence. With this week being before finals, I'm in a mad scram to keep up with my schoolwork. Tests and final assignments and oh my!

I'll see if I can't post this weekend. My apologies for the holdup.

No problem. School comes first. ;) (It seems weird saying that as the procrastinator between the two of us, but whatever. ^_^ )

Anyway, don't feel obliged to post if you're too busy. I can always wait.

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...The finale of this chapter approaches. This was basically just a set-up chapter, to get allegiances and such sorted out. The next will be much more action-oriented, though there will still be parts centered on communication.

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Plot twist: Keaton's mental power can crank into overdrive, removing all his emotions. And some machines can be quite efficient at killing. After next week (the end of finals), I'll be posting like a madman.

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Plot twist: Keaton's mental power can crank into overdrive, removing all his emotions. And some machines can be quite efficient at killing. After next week (the end of finals), I'll be posting like a madman.

So he becomes a Terminator basically?

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Plot twist: Keaton's mental power can crank into overdrive, removing all his emotions. And some machines can be quite efficient at killing. After next week (the end of finals), I'll be posting like a madman.

Well, that was unexpected. But I suppose Hades will like it.

Also, are you still around, Snap? Haven't heard from Alice in a while, so I've had to kind of bunny past her. I think Murdoc said he was catching up, so I'm assuming he'll start again next chapter if he does decide to stick around.

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Ark, just to clarify, was Keaton hit by a guard or was that some kind of cost for his power?

Also, I've been thinking about something. The way this RP is set up makes it so that a drawn out battle between PCs is very unlikely. Most battles would be over in an instant, due to the extremity of the powers. Viktor could give you a heart attack, Lux could fry you at the speed of light, Anver could freeze/burn you to death, Ace could kill you before you saw it coming... (And probably more I missed)

It would make PC conflict very interesting (but also very aggravating), and character death in a PC conflict would be a serious possibility...

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Ark, just to clarify, was Keaton hit by a guard or was that some kind of cost for his power?

Also, I've been thinking about something. The way this RP is set up makes it so that a drawn out battle between PCs is very unlikely. Most battles would be over in an instant, due to the extremity of the powers. Viktor could give you a heart attack, Lux could fry you at the speed of light, Anver could freeze/burn you to death, Ace could kill you before you saw it coming... (And probably more I missed)

It would make PC conflict very interesting (but also very aggravating), and character death in a PC conflict would be a serious possibility...

The immense headache is a side effect of his power. Since Keaton's only power is incredible planning and going terminator, he still is only as powerful as his physical self and weapons at hand. I felt like he needed a major flaw to make things interesting. Basically, if he is in his heightened intellect state (terminator mode), then he can be a lot more physically powerful, but cannot use his "gray room" planning power. If he tries to, then he is struck with terrible headaches that can knock him out.

As for PC conflict, you're absolutely correct. Without a plan, Keaton is incredibly vulnerable.

Edit: Also, when Keaton tries heightened intellect and is in the gray room, his eyes bleed. Because magic.

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Ah, ok.

And that part about PC conflict is directed at pretty much all characters, though it would be a lot more dangerous of a situation for characters like Keaton and Beverly. Viktor vs Anver, for example, would probably end in a draw if neither had the element of surprise. Viktor could cause a heart attack, but Anver could still probably fry him before he died... It makes things tricky to set up as a host, unless we want half the PCs dead.

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And I actually like Anver very much as an OC... :c

just out of curiosity, In the event of death, what, would we just draft a new PC or something?

EDIT: Actually, In a fight, Anver is probably going to do everything he possibly can to avoid death because the last thing in the world he'll want after his wife is gone is to potentially leave his daughters behind as orphans. So he'd likely end up doing something like withdrawing from the field of operations if things ever went too far south... Prudence over Glory.

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Yea, the PC is this are super powerful, so it is hard to have them fight and not like...literally blow each other up super easy. ((also, VIk can cause nastier things than a heart attack for sure. Honestly....he can a lot of f'd up thing to people, so I imagine it is hard for him to not literally go insane when he can literally do some really horrible things to people on a whim.))

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Yeah, I feel like anyone with a combat-based ability is going to be impossible for anyone to take out head-on. Although I'd been thinking about other superhero based storylines (such as DC and Marvel crap) and I've arrived at the conclusion that a lot of the "mutants" or "meta-humans" have one thing in common: the ability to heal faster than regular people. So while most of them don't have Wolverine-style regeneration, they can all survive conflict with one another without totally killing suspension of disbelief because even if they're badly injured they can be back in the fight relatively soon.

Just a thought.

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Well, we might have to go with that, considering how powerful you guys are XD. We have time before a final decision on that matter needs to be made though. Chapter 2 will probably be when the first real PC vs PC action happens.

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It is a possible solution. The Awakened are probably tougher than the average human for sure, as I imagine using their abilities isn't easy. It would probably put massive strain on their bodies to use it at first and they have had plenty of time to hone them while on the run etc.... and I mean strain other than the drawbacks.

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