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The Awakened [OOC - Registrations Closed]


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All right, I'm going to drop off the first two character themes here. I've had these picked out for a while now, but I wanted to keep searching in case there was something even better. In the end these themes are the ones that I felt fit the characters best. You may or may not agree at this point, possibly due to lack of full information about backstories, etc. Anyway, here are Cedric's theme and Zweiss's (first) theme.

Cedric Sterling's theme:

Zweiss, Theme I

I'm curious on any opinions or thoughts you may have, if you'd like to share.

EDIT: In addition, I think I'll start writing up bios for some of the NPCs. I'm only going to include information that is known for certain in the story so far, for obvious reasons, but I'll try to update them every so often.

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I'm not sure who I'll be meeting in Ch. 2, but knowing me, I'll mix up names at first. Bear with me, I've gotta confess I haven't read up on each character's bios and personality/powers.

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I'm not sure who I'll be meeting in Ch. 2, but knowing me, I'll mix up names at first. Bear with me, I've gotta confess I haven't read up on each character's bios and personality/powers.

...That's another reason that I should probably write up some NPC bios. Though I would recommend trying to read as much as you can.

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For those who might not see the status update, I realize I've been silent on this RP for a while now. I may or may not continue the RP, based on a few factors. The main thing right now is that I just don't feel inspired to write for and host this RP at the current time. Hopefully I can continue at some point, as I do feel a certain attachment this setting and all of your characters, but that would also require the participants to still be willing, which I feel kind of selfish about for taking these breaks. This is not necessarily a death post for this RP, but I apologize and hope that we can continue sometime soon. I just need to find that will to write again.

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