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Keeping track of those mysterious "X" doors



Chances are you've seen at least one of them. You were going through some cave when all of a sudden there's this big, extremely out-of-place looking blackish-gray door with a big "X" on it. Obviously, the four lines on the X are supposed to be blue, red, green, and purple, since those are the four colors of Reborn. However, they're all gray, and the door does nothing when you try to enter or interact with it. You have nothing to do with it but move on, and wait until something happens later down the line...

Whether it's going to be part of the story, just a bunch of sidequests, or a mixture of both is unknown, but whatever it is, it will undoubtedly become a huge pain to remember where all of them were when they do open. That's why I'm making this list, to keep track of all the door's locations, so that it's not so much of a pain to find them all again when we get the ability to open them. As for what's actually behind them, I won't say anything. I'll just tell you the locations, you can go see for yourself.

I THINK I've got every single one of them so far on this list, but if I missed one or two, please let everyone know.

EDIT: Ame has changed the appearences of the doors to the Grand Hall, Desert, and Wasteland. It's probably to show that the others are "special" doors while those three were just "regular" doors.

Under the Grand Staircase (2)
Location 1: Impossible to miss. When you're rescuing Victoria from under there, the Meteor Boss literally monolouges about it. It's in the center of the room with the glowy walls and 100% Unknowns.

Location 2: In the room where you get the mining kit. That room, by the way, is north of the entrance/exit, and requires rock smash to get to.

Apophyll Cave
Requires Strength. Well, first of all, the cave itself. From the Apophyll academy, head north, hugging the edge of the water until the path gets thinner and thinner. Eventually the path opens out into a small alcove with the entrance to this cave. The door itself is on the third floor.

Pyrous Mountain
Requires Strength. On the floor below the entrance, in the the North East corner.

Underground Railnet
Requires Strength. When you're rearranging the train tracks to open up the way to the Chrysolia Forest, there's an alternate door to the west you can open by directing the train tracks in front of it. The room is instantly recognizable, characterized by darkness that you can use Flash to light up, Arons up in the rafters, and a long, spiraling staircase leading downward. At the bottom, there's some items and this door. (Protip1: Don't have Flash? It's in this room. Use Rock Smash on something that isn't a rock... Protip 2: there's a dude in this room you can rescue with rock smash. Afterward, meet him and his girlfriend at the Obsidia ward Pokecenter and you'll get something nice. Protip 3: the big pillar at the bottom can be headbutted to occasionally drop wild Arons)

Byxbysion Grotto
Requires Cut and Rock Smash. First of all, the Grotto itself. After all of the blue towers in the wasteland overworld are turned from blue to red, a door in the side of a toppled building in the wasteland will open, previously locked. Inside you'll follow a series of dark Flash-friendly tunnels that seems pretty straightforward, until you end up in a room you could've sworn you already went through. Don't question it, keep going on, if you turn around to look, you'll end up back at the start. Eventually, you'll reach a dead-end looking (still dark) room, with four more blue pillars on either side (unrelated protip: there's some more secrets through a path hidden behind one of the pillars). Turn them all red, and a door will appear. Now the path splits in 3 directions. The left takes you to where you use the Odd Keystone to get Spiritomb, the right leads to Mr. Bigglesworth, and the center path leads to this door.

Beryl Cave
Requires Rock Smash. In between Corey's gym and the Cemetery, there's a set of stairs leading onto the cliffside. Smash the rocks in your way and enter the cave. This cave is also dark and can be lit up with Flash, also there is a rock climb wall in there. Too bad we don't have rock climb... The path from there doesn't lead directly to the door, but passes right by it. (unrelated protip: the path leads to a clearing with a totem pole. Try bringing an ill-fated doll there.)

Blackstream Factory
Just to the left of the Pokemon-cage puzzle, there's a door leading down into the basement. The basement is dark and can be lit up with flash, and the door is in the very back. (Protip: Also in the room is the TM for Psych up, as well as Magnet Powder)

Mysidia Railcave
This one's probably the hardest to get to. First of all, it can only be accessed on windy nights. Go to the Chrysolia Forest's South East corner. Where there is usually a tree, there is a clear path on said windy nights, which leads to a cave. The cave's puzzle is related to another sidequest involving a lost train captain and an Eevee. (protip: to complete that sidequest, keep going in the direction that the train tracks AREN'T pointing) Now, at the end of that sidequest, a final log describes a mysterious door that the Captain could not get around. He says that he put stone markers to mark the way to the door. What does this mean? Well, in each room there should be 3 rocks lying around. 2 of them should always be next to a specific side of the room. Go in that direction into the next room. Repeat, repeat, and keep repeating until you eventually find this door. Also, the TM for Confide is there.

Tanzan Mountain (2)
Location 1: When you enter the mountain from the Chrysolia Forest, there are a bunch of branching paths going in all directions. Some lead to dead ends, one leads to Route 1, one leads to the Meteor base, one leads to the hidden cove where you fight Noel and whatnot, and one leads to this door.

Location 2: Remember the Tanzan Depths? It was the place you got teleported to by the PULSE Abra, and escaped from with Saphira when you met the giant Steelix. Well, you can go back there. Go to what used to be the Meteor Base (Saphira reduced it to rubble) and next to where the entrance was, is the entrance to the depths. Follow the tunnel that was dug by Steelix until you reach that room with all the crisscrossy paths. (protip: In this room, the wreckage from the base above made a couple new paths that lead to extra goodies). Somewhere in this room is a door that wasn't there before. It leads to a flash-friendly room with a stairway that leads downward as the ground ominously gets steadily darker... The door is at the bottom.

Reactor Cave
First of all, you have to have beaten Luna, or at least gotten far enough into Iolia Valley to have the green part of the crystal plug. Also Requires Rock Smash and Strength. Now, go back to that room where you saw Saphira blow up a big hole in the wall (right before you enter Route 1). There's a green crystal in there, use the crystal plug on it, and it turns one of the nearby rocks into a smashable green crystal. Smash it and a twisted path that allows you to bypass the ledges and reach the other side, where you exit onto the exterior of the mountain. Follow the path until- what's this? You're back in Byxbysion? Yep, the wasteland is even so kind as to put a sign saying "W3LCOM3 B4CK" before shoving in your face one of the most horrifying Strength Puzzles you've ever seen. Figure it out and turn the 3 blue pillars red, and a new door will appear, leading you out on top of the Wasteland Wall, the barrier between Byxbysion and Chrysolia. If you try to simply walk across the wall, you'll be stopped short by a rock, so go down the ladder to your left. Next you'll go through a 2D (you read that right) series of Strength puzzles that involve dropping boulders into holes, dropping down said holes yourself, and ladders. I'll leave it to you to figure it all out, but at the end you'll emerge on top of the wall again, past the rock that was blocking your way. (Protip: Going back towards that rock will get you the Yureyu Key) Keep going east to find another blue pillar. Ignore the pillar itself, the control panel can't be reached so you can't do anything with it. However, hidden behind the pillar is the entrance to a cave, which contains the door. (Protip: There's another pillar inside the cave, but it looks like it's broken... wonder what happens if you try to interact with it...)

Yureyu Power Plant (Shade's Gym)
You might know about how the Yureyu Key goes to a locked door in the North West corner of Shade's Gym (If not, there's a protip for you). Well, in the North East corner, there's another door that leads to a small room with this door in it.

Celestine Mountain BF3
Requires Dive, and to have completed the current episode. Good job hiding this one, Ame. I don't think I would have EVER noticed this one if it weren't for stumbling upon it on accident while snooping around for hidden items. So, you know how in the North Adventurine woods, you can ride a Tauros up to the entrance to Celestine Mountain's BF2? You can't go any higher without Rock Climb and Waterfall, but the Icy Rock and a Dive spot are here. After you complete the current episode and are allowed to go past Agate, come here and go down the Dive spot. You're in a huge, underwater cavern full of hidden items, but there's something even more nefariously hidden. You know how you can see some of the rocks below you? Nothing's down there, though... right? Wrong. Somewhere in this room, underneath where the player swims around, there's an opening embedded into the rock. You probably glossed over it, after all, if it wasn't on the player's level it probably wasn't an actual thing that could be interacted with. But this opening, if you spot it and swim straight into it, takes you to BF3. From there, rise to the surface, and you find a small ice sliding puzzle, with this door. Also, a Deepseascale. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go to every other dive spot in the game and make sure I'm not missing a similar secret.

Ametrine Mountain B3F (2)
Location1: Requires Dive, Waterfall, and Strength. On Ametrine Mountain B1F, there’s a dive spot in the Northwest corner. It seems to lead to a dead end, but… Remember the well hidden door I described for Celestine Mountain B3F? Yeah, there’s another one of those doors hidden there. When you go in, you come to a really big room with a Lapras swimming around in the middle (but only on Saturdays). Somewhere in this room, is yet another hidden door, which takes you to the X door in question.

Location 2: Really the only thing of signifigance on the floor, sitting right next to the TM for Roar, a mineable rock, and a hidden Red Shard. Pretty hard to miss, once you actually FIND B3F. How to do that, you ask? I’ll leave that to you, just know that you need Dive, Waterfall, and Strength, and look for those hidden underwater doorways.

Citrine Mountain 3F
Requires Waterfall, and is pretty easy to find. You know the cave entrance on the far west side of Route 2? The one that takes you to Citrine Mountain 1F? Go there and go up the ladder north of the entrance. Then you’ll need to surf, then climb some Waterfalls, and eventually you’ll reach the third floor. The door is in the back of the room, waiting to be opened…

Water Treatment Center
In the Onyx Water Grid. After you’ve cleansed the water, go to the water-level-changing machine. Make it so that the water is up, and surf north. The door is there with the TM for Sandstorm.

Iolia Valley
Requires Waterfall, and for you to have beaten the current episode. There are two waterfalls in Iolia Valley (you'd think they would be unusable like the pre-agate dive spots, but whatever). go up the Northern one, and you’ll find a cave with this door inside it. The cave itself is weirdly lighted, seems ominous…

Citae Arc-D'astrae (Probably misspelled but I don't care)
Not sure if this counts but I know I'm gonna get called out on it anyway if I don't include it. It's at the very top of the Chapel, and is impossible to miss as an entire cutscene and boss fight revolve around it.

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I've found another door that I don't believe is mentioned here.


Found this one by going to find Totodile. There's an ice puzzle there, if you go to the north exit of it, you should be able to find this by following the path. Requires Dive + Waterfall.

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Update (potential spoilers)

ojglch.png need dive and waterfall, inside ametrine mountain.

Ditto that v81nvl.png

You missed a couple

In Iolia, climb up the waterfall at the northernmost of the river, go ahead by using the crystals and there's one in a cave that transforms with a crystal.

And there's one in Citrine mountain, you have to enter it from Celestine or from the entrance west from after Amaria's house, go steadily upwards with stairs and waterfalls and there's one on the third floor I think.

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I actually had found all those before you guys posted anything, along with a door you didn't. Yes, you heard that right, there are FIVE new doors in this episode. Ame sure is making up for lost time from the past couple releases, which didn't have any.

Anyway, there were a couple changes to old doors. First of all, the doors to the Grand Hall, Desert, and Wasteland look different. It's probably to show that the others are "special" doors while those three were just "regular" doors. And the door in the "reactor core" now has an extra requirement: You need the crystal plug with the green attachment.

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The shortcuts thing seems kinda pointless now that we

have fly

Yeah, I'm still sticking with my(and many others, it seems)original theory, which is they either lead to Legendary Pokemon, powerful items(i.e certain Mega Stones), or both. So far it seems we have about 20(unless I miscounted)doors. That's a lot of doors, and that's not even close to the amount of Legendary Pokemon there are(I believe there are currently 52 Legendary Pokemon, and this includes Volcanion). If I'm correct, we've got a LOT more doors to find...maybe.

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Maybe some of the Legendaries will be obtainable with other means/methods like for example the roaming ones from the official games the rest is probably behind the doors (and very dificult puzzles and/or battles)

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What if these doors aren't legendaries at all? I mean, the big theory is that the legendaries are behind them and yet when we first meet Solaris he describes the door with the words, "It's the very core of the Reborn region... A vast power, unrivaled by any other." The core couldn't possibly be a pokemon could it? Some people believe it to be Arceus correct? Well how could Arceus be there if El states, "Beyond this gate... lies that from whose dreams our world unfolds. Behold, o unworthy ones- the birthplace of Arceus," at the Citae Arc-d'Astrae? Again it is behind a door that takes all the keys to open. This area cannot be the core of Reborn either, otherwise Team Meteor would have already gotten to it easily. So what is this? What do these X doors mean then? If we are to believe the core houses Arceus and then see this door what then? What could possibly be behind this one? Another Arceus? maybe idk. El then states Arceus was born of a Meteor that was built upon at the Arc... But then wouldn't Solaris have been lying then? If Reborn was built around this meteor, is Solaris looking at the wrong door? Well if you payed attention to the books in the Subseven Sanctum you'd realize that, "When one door opens another closes," and that, "Soon the world will be reborn." Could that be what's behind the main X door? The power to make the world reborn? What if every other X door leads to a fractured piece of the meteor that it lost upon entering the atmosphere? I think so. However if we continue to read the books starting at Lights End we soon realize this. "Six pillars shone, their truth deployed: Emerald, Crimson, Violet, Gold, Azure and Ivory seal as told. Take heed of its prison, o ye foolish men, for the blackest beast lies at nights end." Well four of those colors sound like they describe the 4 colors of the gems, ruby=crimson, emerald=emerald, sapphire=azure, Amethyst=Violet right? But then we have this Gold and Ivory in the mix. Are these two lost seals to Arceus? They also describe a prison behind these seals, as a "beast" lies at the end of it all. What does this mean? Well this seems like a bright idea to Solaris to find this light and rekindle the region, and yet if he does, he may not be able to handle the outcome.

How does this all relate to the other X doors? Well if we read on in the subseven sanctum we get to, "Remnants of the New World: When our lord Arceus had at last finished crafting the world from stardust, what then should the divine do with the remnants of immateria? These forgotten fragments of reality have been sealed away in the Sacred Land. Behind stone doors, four pillars of light bind the new world to a shadow of our own. Yet, the sleeping legend remains... The lord Arceus shall come again. The New World, too, shalt be Reborn." What we can gather from this is what may truly be behind the doors. Fragment of this lost and yet new world. What lies beyond those doors is the Sacred Land. All sealed by the four lights. Where do Gold and Ivory come in? Do they even play a role in all of this? However now we know for sure what will happen if Arceus reawakens. The New World will be Reborn... However something to note here is that Reborn is capatilized. Is this implying the Reborn is in fact the new world already? Or is it just simply like that for reasons. idk.

tl;dr I believe what lies behind the doors are the meteor and its fractured pieces and the Sacred land that came with them. I also believe that Arceus is in the Arc. If we are to go even deeper... Well I believe that there may in fact be two Arceus' One that is gone and a baby one. A baby that wants to play with us. One that Terra wants to play with in the glitch world. It all morphs into one big picture... In fact I need to add on here, Terra describes it as the baby arceus allows her to see everything from the glitch world. She wants to repay it by setting it free and playing in the new world. But is the new world now or the world that will be reborn? Not to mention her words are "hee hee this is fun." Doesn't that sound familiar? When exiting the Arc a strange voice says "hee hee hee. This is fun. Come back and play again sometime, okay?" Is that Terra talking to us? Who is it? Is Terra a god? Does that explain why she can bend physics? Oh my lord hold up guys this is making way too much sense to me. Something is wrong. I'll be back after theory crafting some more and shit.

Of course I could just be crazy and over-theorizing. Like seriously wth? Two arceus? lol.

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What if these doors aren't legendaries at all? I mean, the big theory is that the legendaries are behind them and yet when we first meet Solaris he describes the door with the words, "It's the very core of the Reborn region... A vast power, unrivaled by any other." The core couldn't possibly be a pokemon could it? Some people believe it to be Arceus correct? Well how could Arceus be there if El states, "Beyond this gate... lies that from whose dreams our world unfolds. Behold, o unworthy ones- the birthplace of Arceus," at the Citae Arc-d'Astrae? Again it is behind a door that takes all the keys to open. This area cannot be the core of Reborn either, otherwise Team Meteor would have already gotten to it easily. So what is this? What do these X doors mean then? If we are to believe the core houses Arceus and then see this door what then? What could possibly be behind this one? Another Arceus? maybe idk. El then states Arceus was born of a Meteor that was built upon at the Arc... But then wouldn't Solaris have been lying then? If Reborn was built around this meteor, is Solaris looking at the wrong door? Well if you payed attention to the books in the Subseven Sanctum you'd realize that, "When one door opens another closes," and that, "Soon the world will be reborn." Could that be what's behind the main X door? The power to make the world reborn? What if every other X door leads to a fractured piece of the meteor that it lost upon entering the atmosphere? I think so. However if we continue to read the books starting at Lights End we soon realize this. "Six pillars shone, their truth deployed: Emerald, Crimson, Violet, Gold, Azure and Ivory seal as told. Take heed of its prison, o ye foolish men, for the blackest beast lies at nights end." Well four of those colors sound like they describe the 4 colors of the gems, ruby=crimson, emerald=emerald, sapphire=azure, Amethyst=Violet right? But then we have this Gold and Ivory in the mix. Are these two lost seals to Arceus? They also describe a prison behind these seals, as a "beast" lies at the end of it all. What does this mean? Well this seems like a bright idea to Solaris to find this light and rekindle the region, and yet if he does, he may not be able to handle the outcome.

How does this all relate to the other X doors? Well if we read on in the subseven sanctum we get to, "Remnants of the New World: When our lord Arceus had at last finished crafting the world from stardust, what then should the divine do with the remnants of immateria? These forgotten fragments of reality have been sealed away in the Sacred Land. Behind stone doors, four pillars of light bind the new world to a shadow of our own. Yet, the sleeping legend remains... The lord Arceus shall come again. The New World, too, shalt be Reborn." What we can gather from this is what may truly be behind the doors. Fragment of this lost and yet new world. What lies beyond those doors is the Sacred Land. All sealed by the four lights. Where do Gold and Ivory come in? Do they even play a role in all of this? However now we know for sure what will happen if Arceus reawakens. The New World will be Reborn... However something to note here is that Reborn is capatilized. Is this implying the Reborn is in fact the new world already? Or is it just simply like that for reasons. idk.

tl;dr I believe what lies behind the doors are the meteor and its fractured pieces and the Sacred land that came with them. I also believe that Arceus is in the Arc. If we are to go even deeper... Well I believe that there may in fact be two Arceus' One that is gone and a baby one. A baby that wants to play with us. One that Terra wants to play with in the glitch world. It all morphs into one big picture... In fact I need to add on here, Terra describes it as the baby arceus allows her to see everything from the glitch world. She wants to repay it by setting it free and playing in the new world. But is the new world now or the world that will be reborn? Not to mention her words are "hee hee this is fun." Doesn't that sound familiar? When exiting the Arc a strange voice says "hee hee hee. This is fun. Come back and play again sometime, okay?" Is that Terra talking to us? Who is it? Is Terra a god? Does that explain why she can bend physics? Oh my lord hold up guys this is making way too much sense to me. Something is wrong. I'll be back after theory crafting some more and shit.

Of course I could just be crazy and over-theorizing. Like seriously wth? Two arceus? lol.

omfg... b00ty 0v3r104d

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