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I'm truly insane


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Well in psychology we are finally doing mental illnesses, and I got ASPD (anti-social personality disorder) which basically means you are a psychopath, or sociopath. Of course having ASPD doesn't make you a psychopath, but it is still a serious disease. So yeah here are my results. I also took another test to see how high I was on the psychopathy scale, I got 25 where 30 is psychopath level, so yeah I got them traits, but I still hold on to sanity, just a little of it though. It's also quite fun to freak people out with my erratic behavior so thats a plus.

So I'm pretty sure a lot of us here are some what crazy (personally I think everyone on Earth is a little crazy) anyone wanna share if anything interesting.

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Well, keep in mind, if you actually care that you are a psychopath then you probably aren't, as a psychopath is a person with a personality disorder making them unable to feel sympathy or have a concience. I think I took the same test as you and got results within a similar range.

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I believe insanity is what make humans truly human. Deformed and impure inside. =)

Hmm well, i haven't done any tests but i did some kinda crazy stuff.. nah, not crazy, just mostly anger rampages and some "too dumb to live" moments, among the lines of "Throwing yourself in the front of a gun who was aimed at your little cousin who by miracle of god was a fake gun"(actually somewhat proud of that) and "Snaping and throwing a chair at your teacher because he didn't accept your work" (Not so proud.)

well, i did the test and got this:

Paranoid |||||||||||||| 51%

Schizoid |||||||||| 40%

Schizotypal |||||| 26%

Antisocial |||||||||| 39%

Borderline |||||||||||| 48%

Histrionic |||||||||||| 46%

Narcissistic |||||||||| 33%

Avoidant |||||||||||||| 60%

Dependent |||||||||||||| 57%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 33%

So aparently, i'm avoidant, dependent and paranoid.

Edited by Telos
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Paranoid 37% 50%

Schizoid 40% 40%

Schizotypal | 50% 56%

Antisocial 67% 46%

Borderline 41% 45%

Histrionic 16% 52%

Narcissistic 23% 40%

Avoidant 48% 48%

Dependent 38% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive 11% 45%

For accuatcy I did the test a 2nd time

Paranoid 40% 50%

Schizoid 59% 40%

Schizotypal 68% 56%

Antisocial 67% 46%

Borderline 38% 45%

Histrionic 12% 52%

Narcissistic 20% 40%

Avoidant 50% 48%

Dependent 35% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive 10% 45%

Edited by Meepcw
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Paranoid |||||||||||| 46% 50%
Schizoid |||||||||||| 49% 40%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 75% 56%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||||| 75% 46%
Borderline |||||||||||||| 51% 45%
Histrionic |||||| 25% 52%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 36% 40%
Avoidant |||||||||||||| 53% 48%
Dependent |||||||||||| 43% 44%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 22% 45%

Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal

You might think you're insane, but I'm even more insane than that.

But "insanity" doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. I mean perspectives other than the standard bullshit people try to shove you in is what makes life worth living, more interesting. I mean, as long as you are not actively harming anyone, as long as you "look" sane and live your life the way you want it to be, it's perfectly fine.

Edited by Infinix
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Did the same test:

Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 64%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 63%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Borderline |||||||||||| 50%
Histrionic |||||| 30%
Narcissistic |||||| 27%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Dependent |||||||||||||||| 62%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 55%

It seems i'm pretty much a Schizoid/Antisocial/Avoidant good to know (well i pretty much already knew)

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Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 67% 50%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 40%
Schizotypal |||||||||| 39% 56%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 67% 46%
Borderline |||||||||||||| 58% 45%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 58% 52%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 35% 40%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 83% 48%
Dependent |||||||||||||||||| 72% 44%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 47% 45%

The OCD part is a bit wierd. I'm not sure if there are different versions, but I can't stand breaks in patterns and stuff like that. Also, I'm extremely avoidant...

Edited by Mikzal
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"Have I ever told you the definition of insanity? It's doing the same same s**t over and over and over and over again, expecting the results to change!"

What fun would life be, without being a Little bit insane?

Maybe I'll take the test myself when I'm at home...

And If I don't get at least 75% antisocial... then my whole life is alie :o

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Well, hardly as insane as I used to be, but I don't see how Obsessive-Compulsive is at the top, when the only things I contently do is think about how I am going to deal with a problem that involves me or a friend

also avoidant should be up a little higher but there wasn't really an option for that on the test

all in all, meh.. close but not quite

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You should know that taking an online test in anything isn't a way to establish whether something is true or not, goes for other things like IQ tests. Leave it to professionals to confirm you're suffering from personality disorders. Your score is always roughly the average of test takers, so as for you being insane, I wouldn't be so sure about that.



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Yeah the average web score is always the same on this site. All my scores for this test were 35-42%, yet the web average is the same as with everyone else here. And I most definitely agree with Doj, leave these kinds of test to a pro. A professional told me that my IQ was 125, whilst the internet spat out various results from 100 to 140.

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Just reiterating again- these aren't anywhere close to valid. They are fun, but don't take them to heart.

Also for the general information, the "Schizophrenic" here is not the same as the popularly misconstrued mental disorder. This is a personality disorder completely independent from that diseased, but described in many of the same ways.

I've taken this test a lot in the past and cba to do it again right now, but I'm always extremely high on avoidance

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Paranoid |||||||||||||| 53% 50%

Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 40%

Schizotypal |||||||||| 38% 56%

Antisocial |||||||||||| 43% 46%

Borderline |||||||||||| 48% 45%

Histrionic |||||||||||||| 51% 52%

Narcissistic |||||||||||| 45% 40%

Avoidant |||||||||||||| 55% 48%

Dependent |||||||||||||| 55% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 55% 45%

Edited by Nova
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Oh you guys, the reason why I did this just for funzies. I've already been diagnosed to have ASDP, like a while back. I just wanted to get a nice little view of everyone, that's all. Call it data collecting if you will. Also I should have said this, but Schizoid, Schizotypal, and Schizophrenia are not the same, and really don't have to with each other. Valid test, not really, fun sure that's the point.

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Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 79% 50%

Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 71% 40%

Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62% 56%

Antisocial |||||||||||||||||| 76% 46%

Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 72% 45%

Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 63% 52%

Narcissistic |||||||||| 39% 40%

Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||||| 98% 48%

Dependent |||||||||||||||||||| 83% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 39% 45%

I got big number on most of it! ^_^ That's good, right? Riight?

Also, I'm OCD, even if the test doesn't think so *Shuts her door* :P (Though I'm not super-duper bad, it's mild, but there)

And yeah, I'm not a narcissist in the slightest >_>

Sigh, maybe I should relent to my mom and let my counselor talk about more than my shitty lifestyle...

P.S. So now do you believe me when I say I hate you? :/

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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This actually describes me pretty much perfectly, although my work ethic isn't that bad...i just think it's important to have fun and enjoy yourself, work is something you have to do anyway.

Oh by the way i took the global 3 126 question test, because i figured it'd be better take a much more detailed one, and also i think these categories make more sense than the ones in that other test....plus there are many more of them.

I find it interesting that i actually hit 100% individuality. I was sure it would be high but wow.

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