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What choices did you make and why?

Snap Crackle Pop

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For my main one (Also RIP in pieces, I lost the save data to it.)

-Did not find the cops before the admin battle

-Beaten by Garchomp, needed fairies

-Joined Team Magma, cause Kyogre are for chumps

-Fought Sigmund in the Yureyu Building

-Sigmund done fucked up with his Electrivire

-Sided with Radomus and defeated Dittoceus

For my Nuzlocke

-Found the cops before the battle, by accident

-Beaten the OverkillChomp RIP Azumarrill

-Joined Team Aqua

-Fought Sirius in the Yureyu Building, again, by accident

-Stopped Sirius or Sigmund??? from reaching Laura

-Sapphira kicked ass.

When I reach to the ditto battle I'm gonna side with El, because I heard something about him taking the Emerald Brooch.

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For real? Did you forget all the terrible things she said to Benette? Sure he made some wrong choices, but that doesn't give her the right to be so harsh and rude. G. Gardevoir is an hypocrite, not to mention that it's actually a male.

Sure, i can agree with that. But i'm talking about the way she's (The Ditto) was acting when you first reach Citae Arc-d' Astrae. While she might be a hypocrite, i don't think she'd act like that towards Radomus. She's pretty close to him imo... unless she has other plans, of course.

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Sure, i can agree with that. But i'm talking about the way she's (The Ditto) was acting when you first reach Citae Arc-d' Astrae. While she might be a hypocrite, i don't think she'd act like that towards Radomus. She's pretty close to him imo... unless she has other plans, of course.

Ugh, I don't even know what to think of her anymore. Perhaps we'll find out who she really is and what her intentions are, someday...

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Well, I think it's pretty difficult for a Gardevoir to actually hate it's trainer. If you have played and thoroughly completed the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you learn that a Gardevoir gave it's life (Or physical body for that matter..) for it's trainer that it even stated that it's trainer was a truely horrible person. It could be different in Reborn though.

I think in relation to the puzzles in the towers that you encounter, there may be a lier among them, this is speculation though and I am just trying to shape a peice of the puzzle to match the others.

I'm contemplating if Radomus is completely innocent, but I think that he is still a 'good' guy. I'm also thinking that El might not be too terribly bad too, his mind is pretty far gone, but he might have been okay in the past. He could have turned to the Arceus religion as compensation for something bad that has happened or to correct a past wrong. Haha, who knows though.

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  • Found all the cops, but only after beating Taka/ZEL

Beat the Garchomp (it took damn near 60 turns to do it though)

I fought Sigmund at Yureyu; I didn't even know that I could fight Sirius until after the fact

I fought Sirius at Tanzan Cove and went upstairs (Laura got caught)

I sided with Radomus (had Mirror Coat Magnezone in the cut for Ditto-Arceus; gave El that work first turn)

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1) Found all the police and got the Growleth

2) I beat the Garchomp because I did not want that cockey douche to win.

3) I didn't even know you could fight Sigmund in the orphanage. He always just surrenders because he's outnumbered in my playthorughs.

4) I stayed down stairs in the house, whoever you fight for doing that.

5) Sided with Radomus because El is clearly insane. Even if he was abusing the G. Gardevoir it's still better than siding with a religious extremist.

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1. Found the policeman after the fight, didn't know where the last one was.

2. Beat the garchomp by shuffling intimidate ekans and lowering it's accuracy with a smokescreen koffing, before using curse to kill it.

3. Fought sigmund, didn't know about an alternative choice.

4. Stayed downstairs, the twins got captured.

5. Sided with Radomus; El is an obvious liar from the banette brainwashing outside of the ice gym.

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