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~Late Hello.... >_<' ~


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I joined Reborn in mid Feb. but never realized this existed to introduce yourself. :unsure: But better late (3 months) than never. :D *Insert Funny Line Here* Right now in-game i'm at gym leader shade and cant beat him >_< argh! Anyways I may get crazy sometimes but hopefully you can forgive me, right? :D Please. :unsure: Anyways lets have many fun times kuz there's many to come. :3

Edited by EXLink32
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Being late don't matter. So welcome. Or maybe you should be welcoming me... *Shrugs* jump on the server sometime, it's where people are, that aren't called Vinny. Or me for that matter. But you probably already know about the server.

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1. ...eh, who am I kidding, you know about Reborn driving you nuts.

2. Love to see you on the Pokemon Online chat n' battle doohickey. Chats and JRPG-style turn based combat go good together.

3. Ask Vinny or Tempest if you have any questions. Apparently their the 'sheriff' around these parts.

4. If Shade or whoever gives you the blues and you think about leaving, read Timber Dragon's "So, you want to play Pokemon Reborn..." thread. Inspiring, gut-checking words of wisdom right there.

5. Welcome back, enjoy your stay, and take LOTS of notes. The Pokemon Universe hasn't seen a bronco like Reborn.

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Late welcome than! ^_^ I'd love to try and help you with Shade but honestly I don't remember my battle with him (or... she? Or it? Dunno), so all I can do is wish good luck. If you see me on the server don't exitate to call for a battle! See ya!

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Why hello there~

If you're late, it doesn't matter, as long as you're here xD

But now that I know of your existence, I can burn/melt/push you into lava~

My name is Ruby and or Alice, nice to eat meet ya~

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What is this "late thing" you speak of?

Anyway, hi and welcome to Reborn! You should drop by the server in PO if you never did that. There's a lot of awesome people in there, and if you enjoy battling and talking, both or neither, you should visit it.

Also, if you have questions, feel free to PM me. I'll spam Tempest until he decides to answer/ban me.

See ya o/

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