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Sir Derping Derpderp's Team of Swag and more Derp

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Hi pokeman reborn people dudes its this derp again! Was going to paste this team when the servers went down, but wasn't able to then and ran into school stuff to do. Anyway, been working on this team quite a bit, probably one of the more ironed out team's I've made for gen 6 and I use it pretty often so I'll definitely listen to feedback and try to incorporate suggestions. I don't have much else to say in this intro paragraph thingymabobber so lets get to the team

Deoxys-D @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave/Taunt
- Seismic Toss
- Spikes

At first when I found out Deoxys defense was allowed in OU, I was mad that such a broken thing was allowed, shortly after I joined in on the fun. Anyway back to its actual spot on the team, it is pure EVIL! It's tankyness is near unrivaled in OU and even respectable in Ubers. And base 90 speed is surprisingly fast for a Pokémon with such bulk. I'm running physical EV's because I've already got another Special wall on the team. Stealth rock is still viable even with defog(Most the Pokémon that got it from the HM in gen 4 cant transfer due to Defog being an hm in that game), Thunder wave is to let it hamper faster sweepers like Talonflame(Incase they lead with it) and works pretty in other situations as well by allowing it to get up some free hazards and switches, Spikes is so it has something to do once it gets SR up and Siesmic toss is so it can actually deal damage. Deoxys defense, as I said earlier, can be pretty evil due to its INSANE defenses and fast speed allowing it to outspeed faster sweepers after a thunder wave. Its only downside is that its damage output is poop.

Mawile (M) @ Mawilite
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- Play Rough

This here is my favorite mega evo. It may not be as overpowered or spamable as say Mega Lucario or Mega Charizard, but holy cow it is fun. See that attack stat and ability? Yeah, that gives this guy attack stat of 678, higher than any other Pokémon. That's a pretty sexy number, but that's not enough for this derp. Lets throw Swords dance on this dude and crank it up to over 1,000 attack. Now you might be thinking "Holy cheesecake that's insane, but the guys slower than Grandpa!". Lets through Sucker Punch on this guy, and people will be pretty eager to attack you directly and take you out quickly when you've got over 1,000 attack, thus activating the ability. I speak from experience, this thing can put a stupidly high level of pressure on the opponent when you bring this guy in and get the chance to set up. Combine this with some revenge killers and entry hazards to make switching all the more a difficult feat, and you've got a scary situation for your opponent. Not to mention that since I'm running intimidate, which activates before Mawile mega evolves, I'm more or less packing two abilities on the same Pokémon. Plus the fore mentioned Intimidate can let you force switches on pretty much any unboosted physical attacker save Defiant Bisharp. NOW you may be thinking "Holy darn derpsauce how do I take this guy out once he's set up?". My answer is I dunno, you tell me

Rotom-W @ Choice Specs
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Trick
- Shadow Ball

Often considered the face of competitive Pokémon battling according to the internet memes, and for good reason. His stats might not be as insane as stuff like the megas or Legendaries, but its unpredictable. Just about any set without physical attacks that you can come up with, this guy can run. I went with Choice specs just to see how it went, and it turned out to go pretty well with that Item. Hydro pump is pretty self explanatory, Volt switch is great for getting some damage off and switch to reset the lock, Shadow ball is coverage and Trick can be great for locking opponents into non damaging moves like rocks and swords dance.

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Wish
- Heal Bell
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave

The special wall to end all special walls. This is why I had physical defense evs on Deoxys, cause when a special attacker came in I could bring out this beast. Plus that gigantic 700+Hp(At level 100)? that's going to be 350+hp to my other Pokémon with wish(Pretty much back to full health for them). Rest is pretty self explanatory.

Greninja (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Protean
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

Stabs, stabs everywhere(Insert meme). Might seem a bit redundant to have two Water types on the same team, but it actually works. Despite being of the same type, they both cover a lot of each other's counters. As for Greninja itself, dat Protean tho. One moment hes Water/Dark, the other moment pure dark, then pure ice, then water, then Steel if you covering fairies with HP, then I dunnp wizard type. Plus the fact that this gives him STAB on everything, its pretty hard to take without a dedicated special wall like Blissey or Goodra.

Garchomp (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Poison Jab

Heres another revenge killer. I think its pretty obvious when this thing was tournament banned when it first came out and was still uber for a while in gen 5. Outrage as a dragon stab may seem like it did get nerfed by the fairy type, but switching in a fairy actualy ends it without the confusion, which is nice when it happens. Earthquake is another stab and Stone Edge+Poison Jab is just some coverage.

So yeah that's my team, please leave any thoughts in the comments, I wont bite

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your team looks good but their are faults and i wouldn't change your team every poke her works with each other

. I would watch out for galvantula since he has bug buzz for deoxys and greninja thunder for greninja rotom w and can put up sticky webs to slow your garchomp

. A very bad weakness vs bishrp knock off for everyone but mawile brick break for blissey greninja that would be both of your walls

. Excadrill mold breaker earthquakes rotom wash and mawile

. Theirs no priority

. weavile with low kick,ice shard, and knock off messes with your whole team

. be careful with your greninja

. No one on your team can hit a blissey and florges can't be touched by anything but garchomp

. too many choiced items leads to bad lock ins

.very slow pokemon over all

. crawdaunt enough said

.no recover besides blissey

good things:

Very good choices of bulk

good set ups for the most part

not many types goes unchecked

can adept with move pools

things to change:

change u-turn for extrasensory for fighting type coverage

if your looking for coverage expert belt if your looking damage for all types life orb on greninja

if your locked into outrage you have no safe switch in except blissey for its defences or the frail mawile

if your locked into hydro pump and a grass type comes in something is going to sleep or if its a breloom dying i dont know a way to help with your current pokes

locked into volt switch when a ground type comes in no switch in but deoxys

nothing to hi water ground types but the neutral ice beam maybe grass knot over extrasensory/u-turn

im sure theirs more but those are the main ones i found

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Bisharp would plow through this team, choice Chomp is alright but... If it's last in against a Florges, or even a Clefable, you're in for a rough time since it won't be able to one hit, and then it's endgame for you. Ermm... I think it may be a little reliant on Mawile, but I don't know how to deal with Mawiles so I think you're alright with that. Once Deo-D is gone, Blissey is gone and possibly Rotom-W, you're left with 3 frail Pokemon who aren't safe switches, so just bear that in mind.

I have Fire Fang over Poison Jab on my ScarfChomp, because I'm a Gen 5 person and worry about Ferrothorn being viable or something like that, so that's a suggestion.

Otherwise it looks okay. I'm not sure if Assault Vest Deo-D is a thing but maybe you could play around with that?

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The team is fine, but very predictible and most players know how to deal whit most of the pokes on your team. And Bisharp laughs at it D: However...

Put Protect on Mawile, since when he/she enters to the battle, players will quickly think "Sucker Punch" And Mawile depends too much on Sucker Punch thanks to his mediocre speed. And is easy to switch in and you just loss one PP of S.P. Prankster pokemon like Sableye, or even a Rotom-H will use Will o Wisp, and Mawile will no longer be a treath.

Excadrill and an Special Attacker Heatran laughs at Mega Mawile, even whit Huge Power.

Exadrill laughs at Rotom W F H, except Maw and Fan and those two completly wall the drill.

Fairies like Azumarrill, Granbull and physical walls laugh at Scarfchomp. And Togekiss is the worst Nightmare for poor Chomp. Poison jab seems a nice option to dealing whit the sponges Fairies or maybe Iron Tail to deal whit the fairies since their Defense are kinda Avarage, but, reconsider Fire Fang, or stone miss.

Greninja is frail as fudge, but he can clean his ass whit Bisharp. Technician Breloom whit Mach Punch clean his ass whit the beloved frog, and a burned Conkelderp and Machamp whit Mach Punch laughs.. I run a Greninja whit Shadow Sneak just for the pure sake of trolling the fight types.

Bisharp laughs at Blissey.

Bisharp laughs at Deoxys.

Still, it depends on how you use them and hows the situation on the battle.

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This Bisharp Stabby Man Dood is given my team troubles, actualy every team I make lol. I'm fooling around with the team currently to fix its issues, mainly the aforementioned Bisharp and general lack of speed. One Pokémon I'm planning on experimenting with is Conkelderp with an Assault vest. Looks like a pretty good check to Bisharp and Mach punch can help with the teams lack of priority. Any other pokemon/team changes you people think I should try?

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This Bisharp Stabby Man Dood is given my team troubles, actualy every team I make lol. I'm fooling around with the team currently to fix its issues, mainly the aforementioned Bisharp and general lack of speed. One Pokémon I'm planning on experimenting with is Conkelderp with an Assault vest. Looks like a pretty good check to Bisharp and Mach punch can help with the teams lack of priority. Any other pokemon/team changes you people think I should try?

Conkeldurr, Machamp, Lucario and Houndoom laughs at Bisharp xD. Conkelderp is a good pokemon, but if you like you can try Machamp (Spam Dynamic Punch like there´s no tomorrow)

Ever tried a Rest-Lum Berry Rotom?

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