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Dragon monotype


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I felt bored and decided to try a dragon monotype... for a (majorly painful) challenge.

Self imposed rules:

- Pokemon has to be a dragon type at some point, mega evolutions count.

- Cannot have 2 mega capable pokemon on the same team if neither are dragon types. (So only one of charizard, gyarados, ampharos can be on the active team.)

- One dedicated non-dragon HM slave allowed. This slave is to be kept at lvl 1 with common candies, and not be used for death fodder. If forced into battle, it will be switched out immediately.

- Bag items cannot be used in combat, (no potion spamming and such).

- Illegal pokemon for breeding is not allowed, except for ditto (to roll for better IVs).


Starting team - Charmander is the only real choice for starter, as it's too much effort to get a froakie with HP dragon. Noibat is the only dragon type avaliable early on. At this point, I decided to keep my starter as the mega of choice, so no more thoughts regarding ampharos or gyarados.

I used noibat as much as I could on the early trainers, as it's practically useless in serious battles. The first team meteor boss was practically impossible until I grinded charmander to 16 for dragon rage.

Team before gym: lvl 18 noibat, lvl 19 charmeleon.

Julia - Dragon rage spam is OP, one of the easiest fights ever. The only danger was charmeleon getting overleveled, it reached lvl 21 right as her last pokemon fainted.

Dragon rage spam (and a lot of pokemon center visits due to the low PP) got me to the park pretty easily. Noibat was taught cut, as the HM slave of choice (zigzagoon) is blocked off for the time being.

After going through the park, I went back to catch the zigzagoon. I chose it as the HM slave due to it knowing headbutt, which is required to get altaria later. 2 hours of vortorb flip got me a trapinch. This will be my team for a LONG LONG time to come.

Fern before Florina - easy fight due to OP dragon rage, but I had to start using common candies at this point. Having only 3 pokemon on the team cause them to get overleveled even when skipping every wild encounter.

Team before gym: lvl 25 noibat, lvl 24 trapinch, lvl 24 charmeleon. (HM slave stays in box as it's not needed here).

Florina - Noibat/trapinch are beyound useless (other than for use as death fodder), unfortunately. Thankfully, a combination of ember and dragon rage allowed charmeleon to easily slaughtered her team. I had to common candy charmeleon down to 24 before the battle start to make sure it obeys me for the entire battle.

The Jasper ward meteor boss was just brutal. The chatot easily murders noibat/trapinch in one hit, while charmeleon is a 2hko. After over a dozen restarts, the chatot finally decided to use nothing but nasty plot, allowing charmeleon to pull through.

At this point, I decided to level the HM slave on wild pokemon to evolve it for the looks. After evolution, the linoone is de-leveled to 1 with common candies.

The beryl ward meteor boss took another dozen+ resets due to the constant self killing through confusion. The difficulty is really starting to show up: noibat is complete dead weight; while trapinch can get 1 or 2 hits off at best before fainting due to poor defense and non-existent speed; dragon rage is no longer capable of carrying this (fail) team.

Team before corey: lvl 35 noibat, lvl 35 vibrava, lvl 35 charmeleon. I couldn't stand the through of having a useless trapinch until lvl 55 for earthquake, so I just let it evolve. I'll probably train a new one to get earthquake once I get to route 1.

Corey - Impossibly painful, I just can't beat it nomatter how hard I try. I eventually ended up grinding charmeleon to 36 to evolve it, then delevel it to 35 so it obeys. Charizard and vibrava managed to pull through, while noibat remained useless dead weight.

After getting to the Lapis ward, I deleted cut from noibat.

Shelly - Time for noibat to be finally useful; air cutter managed to kill off 2 bugs! (Charizard burnt the remainder to a crisp).

Shade - This is just impossible, plainly, utterly impossibe. Chandelure outspeed and 1hko vibrava/noibat, while charizard gets 2hko'd. Charizard need at least 3 hits to take out chandelure. Through a lot of time and frustration (and all my pocket on rare candies), I got vibrava to 45 for evolution, then deleveled it to 40. I used the move relearner to teach charizard flare blitz. After many more resets, I finally took out corey with hax: ignoring confusion 7 times, and flinch hax 5 times in a row with rock slide. Flygon and Charizard were the only 2 pokemon used in the fight; noibat was just useless death fodder.

I mined (and resetted many times) for a sky plate for noibat, and a flame plate for charizard at this point. I really couldn't be bothered to go for the earth plate anymore, as I grew too sick of mining.

Cal - Flygon went through that team like nothing. Rock slide and dig was just too much for his fire types to handle. I made the weather rainy for extra insurance.

Kiki - Flygon and Charizard just aren't enough for her, especially that dam gallade. After over 20 failures, I grinded noibat to 48 to evolve, then de-leveled it. Noivern, with awesome speed and powerful air slash, easily plowed through Kiki's team.

Meteors on azurine island - Much much easier then the previous meteor fights. They stood no chance against noivern/flygon. Charizard is starting to get underused, as it just doesn't do as well as the other 2 with the poor type coverage and low base power moves it's stuck with (for the time being).

Cain before wasteland - Easy pushover, flygon wrecked his whole team.

Aya - Surprisingly difficult. I lead with noivern and flygon. Everything was going so well until that gengar came out... It outspeeds both of my pokemon and slaughters them due to both having 4x ice weakness. I changed my lead to charizard and flygon; fare blitz took care of gengar with a 1hko, and thankfully icy wind missed flygon. The rest is smooth sailing.

At this point, I realized the team is stupidly ice weak. Noivern and flygon are already 4x ice weak. Altaria, to be obtained in the future is also 4x ice weak. Tyrantrum, while being only 2x ice weak, doesn't fair any better with the non-existant special defense; it ain't surviving an ice attack either. Oh god the ice gym will be terrible, just terrible. Does charizard really need to solo the ice gym? Gulp!

Yureyu HQ - Flygon easily handles the doc's electric types with bulldoze (and teamkills cain's poison types in the process) until..... unexpected ice punch from electivire caused an OHKO. Using dig to avoid it on attempt 2 easily worked around it, however.

Edited by Hally
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Well Abomasnow, Cryogonal and Froslas shouldn´t be a problem with Charizard but i don´t think Charizard can deal with Cloyster, Lapras and Avalugg. Cloyster knows Shell Smash and Rock Blast which will defintely kill Charizard if it doesn´t miss. Also it has a Focus Sash. Avalugg has Sturdy as ability and although I´m not sure about it but I guess it knows also Stone Edge. Lapras has just a lot of HP and knows Hdro Pump if I´m not mistaken. Your best bet will be equipping everyone with Bright Powder and hope they miss with their attacks.

Good Luck.

Edited by Yazmat
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Banette - Noivern -> air slash -> easy win.

Serra - as expected, this is pretty much impossible without hax.

Cloyster - Restart until noivern flinch it with air slash. Once it get flinched, serra will waste all hyper potions, and noivern will win without taking damage.

Abomasnow - Charizard -> flamethrower

Lapras - Flygon -> rock slide -> pray it get flinched 3x in a row.

Froslass - Charizard -> flamethrower

Cryogonal - Charizard -> flare blitz

Avalugg - Charizard -> flamethrower (I got lucky and burned it)

Meteor Sirius is a total push over compared to the ice gym.

While looking for a heartscale to teach noivern boomburst, an earth plate was found.

Edited by Hally
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I know this wouldn't help Serra that much, but if you want another dragon, you can go with Altaria. It's a little weak imo, but it still is a dragon. And later on, you could prepare the coming of episode 12 by getting a Tyrunt.

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Altaria won't be avaliable until route 1. Currently stuck at noel; cincinno outspeeds everyone and 1hko charizard/noivern, flygon can barely beat it, but will be reduced to fodder status. Swellow outspeed and 1hko noivern, while charizard is a 2hko; then there's the clafable.... I think I might have to go ev train to stand a chance.

EDIT: changing weather to sunny did the trick; charizard 1hko all of noel's team with sun up; and can survive a hit from swellow.

Fern at route 1 - charizard made short work of him (sun is still up).

Cain at Radomas castle - flygon solo'd his whole team.


Time for sleep ^^. Tomorow's targets: 1) get an altaria; 2) get a new flygon with better IVs and earthquake; 3) Change natures at 7th street; 4) EV train the whole team. Hopefully this will make future battles less reliant on hax/gimmics such as perma-flinching/crits/weathers.



I didn't bother beating the ditto-arceus; just couldn't stand the thought of training a completely, utterly useless swablu/altaria to lvl 57 for perish song without exp share.

Radomas gym battle was surprisingly difficult. Reuniclus setting up trick room and massive rock weakness on charizard/noivern caused many wipes. (Psychic get turned into rock type from the field effect certainly didn't help.) Eventually, when reuniclus decided to go with focus miss instead, radomas was swiftly defeated.

Edited by Hally
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While the site is down:

- Fully ev trained the whole team.

- Stomped Bannett with 6x 1hkos.

- Easily beat luna with no casualties.

- Grinded the team to 70 after luna.

Current team: Charizard, Noivern, Flygon, Tyrantrum, Altaria

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well done hally, but i think you went overboard abit with training since as soon as 1 of your pokemon dings in E12 you'll lose cotroll of them i highly recomend downgrading them to 68 or 69 to make thigs alittle easier also im not sure if ame will put a level increase from samsons or hardys badge. thing may change tho im thinking to go to 66 or 67 myself

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