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What is the best new pokemon we can get in epi 12?


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say goodbye to Gyarados, and hello to some new guys. my post is very simple: we'll access to 8-10 new pokemons in epi 12. and what will be the best? my thought:

1, Conkeldurr

I just saw some guys say: "give me assault vest, and my conkel will rule the world". That's just so sad. really. the reason is simple: what kind of moveset are you going to use for your conkeldurr?? It's stats is perfect. Its looking just like a demon. But its moveset IN-GAME is pathetic. All fighting moves he can learn through level up is useless. Drain punch and mach punch?? now that's what i'm talking about: you CAN'T breed both these moves to timburr at this moment. No-way. So you have to choose. anyother cover move?? "stone edge for flying type". Really? Almost every flying pkms are faster than your conkel, and 80% is too low. The only fighting pkm should use stone edge to cover Flying type is No Guard Machamp. And if you invest EVs or natures to speed, you don't know how to use a conkel really. And we CAN'T access to elemental punches right now (tks Ame). So basically what moveset are you going to use?? A beast with no weapon. It's useless.

2, Braviary.

Now that's new. 123 base atk and 80 speed. not bad at all, especially when we can see his moveset: Brave Bird and Thrash for stab. Roost (i'm not 100% sure it can learn roost through breeding??) for healing. Superpower for Rock and Steel. Tailwind for speed. it's good. But it just remind me something: "hey, i got a Staraptor with 30 IVs atk and speed in PC, and it has reckless to boost Double edge and Brave bird as well, and Close Combat is 100 times better than Superpower, and 100 speed is way faster than 80, and...........". then why should i use this eagle, or hawk, or....weird bird??? ok if you don't have older version, this is a acceptable replace for staraptor, but no- it cannot be the best this epi.

3, Tynamo and Eelektross:

this guy's typing and ability got no weakness. but that's it. i don't know why Ame throw him out in epi 11, but he's not good. i can breed him some new moves, but maybe it still be useless. but anyway, welcome back...to the PC -_-

4, Mienshao:

this is it. my man. or chinese woman i don't know. This is the best PKM in epi 12 imo. speed 105 is ridiculous. atk 125 and sp.atk 95 even more surprising. who care about his HP or defense? and his moveset- omg, it's so good: High Jump Kick/ U- turn/ Knock Off/ Fake out or hidden power (IF ONLY you can get hidden power ice). max speed and atk, naive or jolly nature. Regenarator or Reckless are all good, but in the future i want to give him Life Orb, so Regen is way better than Reckless. Hidden power ice is ONLY for something got 4x weakness to it, so it's just situational move. and the best thing is you can breed U-Turn or Drain punch from Mienshao to a lot pkms need it (like Conkeldurr or Toxicroak). It's good in combat- scout- kill- break sash- heal himself- and even breeding. As i remember we can only get Mienfoo through an event, so basically only 1 Mienfoo. Remember to get a female one, so we can breed Knock Off to it. This is what Conkeldurr will be jealous all day till he can get other good moves.

Any other ideas?

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say goodbye to Gyarados, and hello to some new guys. my post is very simple: we'll access to 8-10 new pokemons in epi 12. and what will be the best? my thought:

1, Conkeldurr

I just saw some guys say: "give me assault vest, and my conkel will rule the world". That's just so sad. really. the reason is simple: what kind of moveset are you going to use for your conkeldurr?? It's stats is perfect. Its looking just like a demon. But its moveset IN-GAME is pathetic. All fighting moves he can learn through level up is useless. Drain punch and mach punch?? now that's what i'm talking about: you CAN'T breed both these moves to timburr at this moment. No-way. So you have to choose. anyother cover move?? "stone edge for flying type". Really? Almost every flying pkms are faster than your conkel, and 80% is too low. The only fighting pkm should use stone edge to cover Flying type is No Guard Machamp. And if you invest EVs or natures to speed, you don't know how to use a conkel really. And we CAN'T access to elemental punches right now (tks Ame). So basically what moveset are you going to use?? A beast with no weapon. It's useless.

Quite confused how you say Conkeldurr can't learn any other good moves, but you have a guide for breeding with Hitmochan and how it can learn the 3 Elemental Punches. And actually, Conkeldurr can learn Mach and Drain Punch at the same time, its just complicated.

Source: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/156511/teach-conkeldurr-drain%26mach-punch-pokemon-black-and-white

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say goodbye to Gyarados, and hello to some new guys. my post is very simple: we'll access to 8-10 new pokemons in epi 12. and what will be the best? my thought:

1, Conkeldurr

I just saw some guys say: "give me assault vest, and my conkel will rule the world". That's just so sad. really. the reason is simple: what kind of moveset are you going to use for your conkeldurr?? It's stats is perfect. Its looking just like a demon. But its moveset IN-GAME is pathetic. All fighting moves he can learn through level up is useless. Drain punch and mach punch?? now that's what i'm talking about: you CAN'T breed both these moves to timburr at this moment. No-way. So you have to choose. anyother cover move?? "stone edge for flying type". Really? Almost every flying pkms are faster than your conkel, and 80% is too low. The only fighting pkm should use stone edge to cover Flying type is No Guard Machamp. And if you invest EVs or natures to speed, you don't know how to use a conkel really. And we CAN'T access to elemental punches right now (tks Ame). So basically what moveset are you going to use?? A beast with no weapon. It's useless.

2, Braviary.

Now that's new. 123 base atk and 80 speed. not bad at all, especially when we can see his moveset: Brave Bird and Thrash for stab. Roost (i'm not 100% sure it can learn roost through breeding??) for healing. Superpower for Rock and Steel. Tailwind for speed. it's good. But it just remind me something: "hey, i got a Staraptor with 30 IVs atk and speed in PC, and it has reckless to boost Double edge and Brave bird as well, and Close Combat is 100 times better than Superpower, and 100 speed is way faster than 80, and...........". then why should i use this eagle, or hawk, or....weird bird??? ok if you don't have older version, this is a acceptable replace for staraptor, but no- it cannot be the best this epi.

3, Tynamo and Eelektross:

this guy's typing and ability got no weakness. but that's it. i don't know why Ame throw him out in epi 11, but he's not good. i can breed him some new moves, but maybe it still be useless. but anyway, welcome back...to the PC -_-

4, Mienshao:

this is it. my man. or chinese woman i don't know. This is the best PKM in epi 12 imo. speed 105 is ridiculous. atk 125 and sp.atk 95 even more surprising. who care about his HP or defense? and his moveset- omg, it's so good: High Jump Kick/ U- turn/ Knock Off/ Fake out or hidden power (IF ONLY you can get hidden power ice). max speed and atk, naive or jolly nature. Regenarator or Reckless are all good, but in the future i want to give him Life Orb, so Regen is way better than Reckless. Hidden power ice is ONLY for something got 4x weakness to it, so it's just situational move. and the best thing is you can breed U-Turn or Drain punch from Mienshao to a lot pkms need it (like Conkeldurr or Toxicroak). It's good in combat- scout- kill- break sash- heal himself- and even breeding. As i remember we can only get Mienfoo through an event, so basically only 1 Mienfoo. Remember to get a female one, so we can breed Knock Off to it. This is what Conkeldurr will be jealous all day till he can get other good moves.

Any other ideas?

. Guts + burn + 145 base attack + fighting gem = something is getting O Koed

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Quite confused how you say Conkeldurr can't learn any other good moves, but you have a guide for breeding with Hitmochan and how it can learn the 3 Elemental Punches. And actually, Conkeldurr can learn Mach and Drain Punch at the same time, its just complicated.

Source: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/156511/teach-conkeldurr-drain%26mach-punch-pokemon-black-and-white

That one person... female Hitmonchan what.

You can't breed both of them onto Conkeldurr- the only Pokemon that get Mach Punch and Drain Punch (the latter via breeding) are Ledyba, Ledian and Breloom. None of which are in the Human-shape egg group.

Not that it matters because that thing looks like it's going to wreck peoples' shit anyway. (I've never used Conkeldurr so I wouldn't know, lol. But I can make an educated guess.)

P.S. Drain Punching Shroomish is the best thing I've ever heard, omfg. I want one.

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That one person... female Hitmonchan what.

You can't breed both of them onto Conkeldurr- the only Pokemon that get Mach Punch and Drain Punch (the latter via breeding) are Ledyba, Ledian and Breloom. None of which are in the Human-shape egg group.

Not that it matters because that thing looks like it's going to wreck peoples' shit anyway. (I've never used Conkeldurr so I wouldn't know, lol. But I can make an educated guess.)

Oh lol, just noticed that xD. Well, guess I'm wrong.

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. Guts + burn + 145 base attack + fighting gem = something is getting O Koed

THIS is what i'm talking about: perfect stats, perfect ability and SUCKS movepool. you can kill someone- of course, but you can't get too far. you don't get burn much in-game (except for the stupid Sabeyle burn my Guts Heracross once :v). and always need fighting gem isn't the option at all. the fact is he is too slow, you can't hope it kill someone without taking hit. drain punch maybe the only good option right now :(

Quite confused how you say Conkeldurr can't learn any other good moves, but you have a guide for breeding with Hitmochan and how it can learn the 3 Elemental Punches. And actually, Conkeldurr can learn Mach and Drain Punch at the same time, its just complicated.

Source: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/156511/teach-conkeldurr-drain%26mach-punch-pokemon-black-and-white

you got a wrong idea :v :v. Maybe i'm the most addicted person in this community about breeding. No-way you can make timburr learn both mach punch and drain punch from one pokemon. That Tyrogue or Chimchar in this guide post CANNOT learn Drain punch through breeding.The only option in premier seri games is breeding Mach Punch and then learn Drain Punch through Move tutor. And Timburr can't learn elemental punches through breeding. It can only learn through Move Tutor in gen V. I tried breed hitmonchan with Lucario to get Ice Punch---> didn't work. so...the idea of "Iron Fist+ 4 punches" or "Guts + Elemental Punches" is not availabel yet :(. So sad that this monster won't be useful at all. Anyone admire his stats and ability can play around with Hammer Arm or even Dynamic Punch, but seriously, when you taking him fighting Elite 4 without those moves i've mentioned, you will die badly

Basically, i want a "perfect" or at least mostly "perfect" for each pokemon. This is some pictures i want to tell you that how I'm crazy about perfection. I just breed these pokemon a few hours ago. That;s the reason i'll keep timburr for-ever in my PC when i got epi 12.

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Yeah, I'm keen for Mienshao as well. That thing's a beast. Still, you do realize that Conkeldurr gets hammer arm right? That's a 90% accuracy 150 base power (after STAB) hit coming off 140 base attack.

That's going to hurt anything that doesn't resist it. A lot.

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well, maybe some combo for Conkeldurr right now is: "Hammer Arm + Mach Punch (ignore speed reduce)" or "Bulk up + Drain Punch (increase bulk and heal himself)". But other than that- *so sad*. We're living in a world where Infernape, Blaziken, Breloom, Lucario, Heracross, Scrafty even Machamp rampage all over the road. Remind me why i should use Conkeldurr without good moveset??

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Based on Beta, the best pokemon is this pokemon called "Ameowl".

It's awesome.

"Ame" + "howl" or "Ame" + "Noctowl"????

*you've made my day vinny*

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Now I KNOW you ain't hating on my Stealth-Rock Destroyer. Braviary may not be the speed-demon that Staraptor is, but he can take a beating and dish it back.

Sheer Force Crush Claw hits like a truck with a Life Orb, which I don't know if we can get this time around but even without it, it's still a force to be reckoned with. I have won many a battle in Y because of my beloved Braviary. That's in the Metagame, btw.

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Now I KNOW you ain't hating on my Stealth-Rock Destroyer. Braviary may not be the speed-demon that Staraptor is, but he can take a beating and dish it back.

Sheer Force Crush Claw hits like a truck with a Life Orb, which I don't know if we can get this time around but even without it, it's still a force to be reckoned with. I have won many a battle in Y because of my beloved Braviary. That's in the Metagame, btw.

yeah i got this idea. basically Braviary exchange the lost of power (crush claw+ sheer force is 100 base, still <144 base of reckless + double edge almost 50% power) and 20 speed for more endurance and bulk. Got it. But I think the fact is Defiant is way better than Sheer Force in metagame, where Defog or Intimidate exist everywhere. But like i said: it's an acceptable replace for Staraptor. There must be good reason why Staraptor stays in OU for too long when Braviary still can play with NU teammates

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I'm glad to see I'm the only person whose bowels emptied when he mentioned elite four in the only game where the normal gym boss requires 2-5 attempts.

well, after 3-4 first badges, when i can reach day-care-man for breeding and good location to grind EVs, there is nothing like "2-5 attempts" at all. Mostly OHKO. Beat Luna by 3 pokemons in 7 turns. (still surprise why Umbreon can tank a high jump kick from max IVs, EVs, nature ATK blaziken). so please, don't even say something so funny like "attempts" to me. Rampage through Reborn. That's what i'm doing. Stop making me laugh :v

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I'll give you that, I think I saw your save file. But as a non-competitive poke-"man" I have serious trouble until I find items specifically tailored to each fight or just dumb luck.

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That Pokemon is just...scary to say the least (sorry Ame), just look at that smile, it's saying: I'll kill you very very painfully.

btw why should i ever use these new Pokemon when the ones i have are way better? Well there are people that like them but i'll stick with my Blaziken, Gyarados, Metagross + 3 Dragons team.

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Surprised to see nobody mentioned Cacturne .....WHY he is pissed now guys he WILL Stalk and Murder you ...isnt that right Fawful? Sableye Sableye(I Have Chortles!)

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Sableye Sableye Sabl Eye SABLEYE (How dare you Have the Soap to cal ameowl a God The soap I Am Fawful the sableye and i will RULE THE WORLD)

I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here but I'm getting the feeling you like Sableye, and don't want Ameowl to be a god.

I guess that's just too bad. 'Cause you know what you get for opening all of those X doors? That's right, a single glorious moment in the presence of Ameowl. Just before you black out from sheer terror.

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