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Water Monotype Run


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One day I was like holy shit I'm bored, hey I wanna do a rock monotype, but then I realized there were no rock types early game, so I switched from rock monotype to water monotype for the extra challenge.

Self Made Rules:

1) Pokemon used in trainer battles has to be a water type at some point in the evolutionary line, Mega Evolutions(if there is any) and any forms also count, and you cannot hold back on evolving said pokemon when the time comes for the type advantage

2) Only 1 pokemon limited to using Rain Dance

3) Any Pokemon you use that does not abide by rule 1 cannot be used as death fodder, any use of illegal pokemon results in a lost battle

4) No items during battle except use of pokeballs

5) No more than 1 Mega capable pokemon on your team

6) Gyarados is banned




I chose Squirtle for my team as he was tanky, is the only water starter that can mega evolve, and I just really like turtles.

I took a dump on the first few trainers and went straight for the hidden reservoir, as the only thing that's ever gonna allow me to even get pass the first gym which I remind you is filled with annoying electric types is Goldeen with Lightningrod.

I took my squirtle and gave it as much fighting experience as possible before totally annihilating Julia with Goldeen. Let me tell you, all they did was repeatedly used electric moves on Goldeen while I just laughed away with spamming Horn Attack.

Oh of course, before all that, Squirtle evolved into Wartotle and Wartotle was level 19 with Goldeen being level 16 before the gym.

After making her look like a complete joke, Goldeen was level 19 and I went straight for the Park. Got to the park, went back to get the Cut TM and caught me a Bidoof. So now, I went into the forest thing or whatever, and guess what happened.

That Tangrowth embarassed the hell out of me. So I had to train both of my pokemon a little bit until they were level 25 and I did something I really wished I could have avoided, which was soft resetting for hax. I lead with my Goldeen to try to Confuse hax with Supersonic while spamming Peck, and after a couple hours of resets I finally made it with Tangrowth somehow using Thundershock instead of Mega Drain at his last slither of health and I was like yayyyyyyyyyy.

So now, I look up what other "viable" water types are available so I can somewhat prepare for the 2nd gym in an attempt to not get annihilated and the only option was Psyduck. Yes, a stupid Psyduck, so I'm like man, I definitely do not want to use this guy. even if I use Cloud Nine, he's just going to get me killed by their grass type moves. Then I remembered, oh yeah, rule 1 states that you can use any pokemon as long as it eventually becomes a water type through a form or evolution, so I went back and found out now Castform is available, so now I'm currently grinding up a Furret to trade for a Castform.


After grinding up for the castform, i went to face fern and god he was useless. At this time, I was like, fuck it, I'm going to get a moddy bibarel and hax my way out of this gym. But then the egg I got while farming for the castform hatched into a ducklett, and I was like, oh, great, let me train him up and see how it goes. I trained it up to level 20 before dumping on Fern after a couple of haxs. Then I went to face Flobot and shit hit the fan. Her team kept trashing my team and left my Wartotle to die to her Cradily alone.

So I had to train my Ducklett to level 23, and this time, I lead with Castform, spamming Powder Snow to kill Cacnea. Then I used my ducklett with aerial ace to kill maractus, breloom, and grotle. Needless to say, I managed to have my whole team survive to Cradily. I sent out my Castform, spammed Powder Snow, and then I was like fuck she's going to kill me. Guess what happened. I Powder Snow'd her cradily for the last time and got her to froze and that's when I knew it was over. Flobot was finally defeated.

Edited by Infinix
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In the words of many people on the forums: Without Gyardos, you're fucked. However I do commend you for having the balls to do a monotype run unlike me. But hey, there are a lot of good water types out there so I wish you teh best of luck!


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In the words of many people on the forums: Without Gyarados, you're fucked. However I do commend you for having the balls to do a monotype run unlike me. But hey, there are a lot of good water types out there so I wish you teh best of luck!


I didn't want to use Gyarados as I felt I would just be cheating if I used him. Oh and I'll look into using Azumarill if possible. Thanks for the suggestion.

Water mono on Reborn? With those first 2 gyms? Good luck man you'll need it (lots of it ^_^) you know that you can also get Finneon, Panpour, Surskit and Lotad before the second gym right? The last 2 might be useful against Flobot. As for the future Pokemon i can recommend: Sharpedo, Vaporeon, Kabutops, Empoleon and Swampert.

I'm aware of the first two, but I didn't get them because that would be way too many pure water types on my team and I really wanted some variety in my team. The last 2, yes you can get surskit, but you can't get Lotad until way later. Lotad is in the room in Coral Ward where you ride the ship to Apophyll Beach, which is locked until way after the 2nd gym. Regarding Surskit, it evolves into a Bug Flying Type so that's definitely not going to be on my checklist. Although, thanks for the suggestions, I'll consider them when the time comes.

Better use that swift swim , I'm sure you'll need it!

Yeah, my team is going to revolve around Rain Dance, my starter already uses Rain Dish which will further assert his bulkiness, so it'll be a good idea to use a couple more pokemon that have rain reliant abilities.

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Water mono on Reborn? With those first 2 gyms? Good luck man you'll need it (lots of it ^_^) you know that you can also get Finneon, Panpour, Surskit and Lotad before the second gym right? The last 2 might be useful against Flobot. As for the future Pokemon i can recommend: Sharpedo, Vaporeon, Kabutops, Empoleon and Swampert.

Edited by Gaunt
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I remember some one did a water mono when the whole mono thing was popular ( i did bug) but I can't remeber who.

RasenShot did it.

He made some monotypes spawn around these parts.

I should honor Hinaru-Sama and go for that normal monotype.

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I'm aware of the first two, but I didn't get them because that would be way too many pure water types on my team and I really wanted some variety in my team. The last 2, yes you can get surskit, but you can't get Lotad until way later. Lotad is in the room in Coral Ward where you ride the ship to Apophyll Beach, which is locked until way after the 2nd gym. Regarding Surskit, it evolves into a Bug Flying Type so that's definitely not going to be on my checklist. Although, thanks for the suggestions, I'll consider them when the time comes.

Are you sure about Lotad? i caught him in the Coral Ward on the pier (it was raining) not in the room with the boat.

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Are you sure about Lotad? i caught him in the Coral Ward on the pier (it was raining) not in the room with the boat.

Well either it's a glitch or I'm just blind but I can't find any Lotad even though it's raining here.

RasenShot did it.

He made some monotypes spawn around these parts.

I should honor Hinaru-Sama and go for that normal monotype.

Damn, if I had known that someone had done it before me, I probably would've thought twice about it. It's too late now though, but I'll be sure to steer clear from the pokemon he uses just so it doesn't look and feel like I'm copying him.

Nobody mentioned Carracosta..............................

Is that a new pokemon?
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As for the resetting for hax, don't worry, it happens when you take a monotype challenge. I think I spent around 15 hours of hax resetting to finally get past shade in my monotype.


Possible future dual water types not mentioned yet:

- You could eventually get a piplup from 7th street; will be really late, but it does get you a steel type.

- Poliwag could be obtained in the cove later on, giving you a fighting secondary type; sadly, no drizzletode yet.

- There's the mudkip in the wastes

- You can get a ducklette pretty early from an egg, but I don't remember exactly where.

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water type is good in-game. for starter, Greninja is the best, but i love that turtle too ^^. for the first gym, lightning rod Golden will be the best way to go. after that you got azumarill. next is sharpedo from side quest (but you need to breed waterfall for it, aqua jet is useless). in apocaphill beach you can get the most powerful set up- water sweeper in-game, name Barbaracle. Shell smash and then sweep. or someone with much power without boost anyway like Crawdaunt (Adaptability + Crabhammer in rain is just like Kyurem B's Outrage). then when you can located tanzan mountain, you can get poliwag- politoed drizzle (you can ONLY GET DRIZZLE POLITOED if you got king's rock from epi 9). for the museum to revive fossil, Omastar is the best. still shell smash and 2 stab (but if you got time, breed Ice beam for that thing). then Remoraid. Octllery with Moody and PumpBeam. Kabutop is good too. for tanker, Ludicolo is the best till now. leech seed and good type. But if you can manage to get Mudkip and Swampert or Gastrodon, it's a good tank too. then in 7th street you got Empoleon. too much choices. Personally I think water monois one of the easiest mono run ever. Maybe it needs some luck for the first or second gym, after that you can have A LOT OF powerful water pkms to deal with little problem.

Edited by gutten_tag
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water type is good in-game. for starter, Greninja is the best, but i love that turtle too ^^. for the first gym, lightning rod Golden will be the best way to go. after that you got azumarill. next is sharpedo from side quest (but you need to breed waterfall for it, aqua jet is useless). in apocaphill beach you can get the most powerful set up- water sweeper in-game, name Barbaracle. Shell smash and then sweep. or someone with much power without boost anyway like Crawdaunt (Adaptability + Crabhammer in rain is just like Kyurem B's Outrage). then when you can located tanzan mountain, you can get poliwag- politoed drizzle (you can ONLY GET DRIZZLE POLITOED if you got king's rock from epi 9). for the museum to revive fossil, Omastar is the best. still shell smash and 2 stab (but if you got time, breed Ice beam for that thing). then Remoraid. Octllery with Moody and PumpBeam. Kabutop is good too. for tanker, Ludicolo is the best till now. leech seed and good type. But if you can manage to get Mudkip and Swampert or Gastrodon, it's a good tank too. then in 7th street you got Empoleon. too much choices. Personally I think water monois one of the easiest mono run ever. Maybe it needs some luck for the first or second gym, after that you can have A LOT OF powerful water pkms to deal with little problem.

Well, water is the most common type in the game after all, so it's only natural that there are a lot of choices that can make up for the weaknesses. If I can steer myself away from the obviously overpowered water types, I think it'll be equally as challenging as other monotypes.

Well before I even get myself concerned with that, I can't even get past Fern even with Castform right now so brb when I finally come up with something good.

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Ok so apparently I just realized that you can get ducklett, got the egg earlier and didn't know what was in it until now.

Should I keep it all the way or just use him for the gym battle?

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Keep it for the (Upcoming) Ground-type Gym. Swanna completely wrecks said Gym like there's no tomorrow. (Immunity against Ground-Types, and also Super Effective STAB moves. Terra will probably be needing a gigantic vat of ice cream after you and Swanna are done with her.)

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In the words of many people on the forums: Without Gyardos, you're fucked. However I do commend you for having the balls to do a monotype run unlike me. But hey, there are a lot of good water types out there so I wish you teh best of luck!


Not Trying to be rude to gyarados lovers out there as i am one myself but i have NEVERnused one in reborn cuz i got it and boxed it for later and the forgot about iit

I just used Lanturn,Azumarill or Seismitoad

Keep it for the (Upcoming) Ground-type Gym. Swanna completely wrecks said Gym like there's no tomorrow. (Immunity against Ground-Types, and also Super Effective STAB moves. Terra will probably be needing a gigantic vat of ice cream after you and Swanna are done with her.)

Stufisk Says HIIIIII!

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