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Favorite Quotes from Animes!


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So we all have those few animes that have extremely powerful, meaningful quotes or silly ones that we all desire to share. So feel free to do that here! ^_^

I'll start us off I guess. (don't be surprised if you see a lot of AoT from me.)

"Potatoes are much more delicious when they're hot." -Sasha Blouse, Attack On Titan

"I don't like the terms "good person" or "bad person" because it's impossible to be entirely good to everyone or entirely bad to everyone. To some you are a good person. while to others, you are a bad person. -Armin Arlert, Attack On Titan

"If you think it's natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that a single death can save many lives." -Mikasa Ackerman, Attack On Titan

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"Hero? No! We're pirates! I love heroes but I don't wanna be one! Do you know what heroes are?

Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquett and eat it but heroes will share it with other people.

I want all the meat!"

- Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

"With this Card I will RULE THE WORLD!"

- ANY YuGiOh!-Villain EVER!

(I just find it hilarious how a card game with holograms could destroy the world... WHY would any company produce those cards??)

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Forgot about a few of these that I've seen before, had to go find them again. But have some:

  • "Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form..."--Silvers Rayleigh, One Piece
  • "No matter where you are, you have to have the energy to keep on doing the things you like until the final moment."--Kagami Junichirou, Denpa Kyoushi
  • "You came into my life a story, you left as a legend."-- Reborn, Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • "If the world outside is void of hope, and if despair is contagious, then I'll just have to infect everyone with my hope. Living in despair really isn't living at all."--Makoto Naegi, Danganronpa
  • "Being frightened of a strong enemy is perfectly natural. Confidence is something you build up, triumph after triumph."--Rain, Rain

Enjoy. ^_^

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Quotes from G Gundam

Master Asia: The School of the Undefeated of the East! Domon: The winds of the Kings! Master Asia: Zenshin! Domon: Keiretsu! Master Asia: Tempa Kyouran! Domon & Master Asia: LOOK! THE EAST IS BURNING RED!!
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"What kind of mad scientist worries about not getting enough vegetables?" - Okabe Rintarou (Steins;gate)

"You can call me what you like, but I will be taking your cake." - L (Death note)

"Misa: I can't even imagine a world without Light (Character's name is Light Yagami)." L: "Well, yes. That would be dark" (Death note)

"This isn't one of your mangas!" - Can't remember, but mentioned in several separate different anime.

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Just about anything from Psycho Pass

I think the only time people really have value is when they act according to their own will.
Everything you've been taught is based on theories and logic. Soon, you'll come to realize how pointless they are.
To name a few.
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"If i get reincarnated...I wanna become a clam"

Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

"No one is born into this world to be alone"

Jaguar D. Saul (One Piece)

"I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobella Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre André Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third, don't hesitate to call."

Vash The Stampede (Trigun)

"Do you know why snow is white? Because it forgot what color it was."

C.C. (Code Geass)

"In case i don't make it, take care of my cat"

Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)

And my favorite:

"I know as much of games as I do of hugs and puppies, and care for them even less. Wake me for the end of the world."

Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Edited by chuckles
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  • 3 weeks later...

The two go together

"It's not as if everyone has something they love, like you. Some people are empty, like me. So..." -Naru Sekiya

"You have a lot of fun to look forward to, then. Well, "empty" just means that you have plenty of room to pile things in. Lots of fun things, precious things, painful things, and new things. You'll be totally, totally fine. Didn't I tell you? Anyone can be dazzling if they try hard enough." -Hana N. Fontainestand

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  On 6/6/2014 at 2:06 AM, Maelstrom said:

Quotes from G Gundam

Master Asia: The School of the Undefeated of the East! Domon: The winds of the Kings! Master Asia: Zenshin! Domon: Keiretsu! Master Asia: Tempa Kyouran! Domon & Master Asia: LOOK! THE EAST IS BURNING RED!!

I found this and figured you should have the whole scene in context.

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Well, I just recently finished watching Attack on Titan, so of course it's going to be on my mind. Possibly my favorite quote from it:

"...You seriously don't know why people eat potatoes...?" - Sasha Blouse

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