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Nidoqueen breeding


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Alright, it would reeeeeeally help with my Poison Semi-Monotype if I could get some extra moves onto Nidoqueen. Those moves would be Iron Tail and Stealth Rock. Is there any way to Breed both onto Nidoqueen? Or just Stealth Rock.

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the point is:

1, can nidoran (female) learn it? because the egg hatch will be nidoran female, so if nidoran cannot learn it, no0way you can breed it for her.

2, nidoran is in "field egg group", so basically ALL MOVES can be breed through Smeargle. Because-you know already- smeargle can learn ANY MOVES.

3, if that 2 points above is clear, just prepare a Male Smeargle with these moves you want to breed, and prepare a femala Nidoran, then enjoy :v

EDIT: i have just checked it, so nidoran CAN learn iron tail through breeding, even without smeargle at all. Aron-Aggron is the easiest way to go. But she CAN'T learn Stealth ROck through breeding. Sorry @@
But why don;t you try for Nidoking with this moveset: Earth Power/ Sludge Wave/ Thunderbolt/ Ice beam (basically Sheer Force ability can boost ALL THESE 4 MOVES, so the power will be: 120 STAB/ 125 STAB/ 120 Lightning/ 120 Ice. and as i remember Cain got Nidoking. How cool right :v

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How would I go about getting Thunderbolt and Ice Beam onto Nidoking without TMs?

I'd prefer a Nidoqueen. I need the bulk. Plus, move relearner gives it Superpower as opposed to Nidoking's Megahorn, and I could really use another fighting move. The set I'd go for would be Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Superpower and Iron Tail. With Sheer Force of course.

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you can see it from here, in page 1 and 2. Just breeding. My Nidoking got these moves. It OHKO anything got super eff move even equal or higher level than him. Bouffalant got OHKO by Sludge Wave with same level 52.


and from here for Smeargle Sketch:


Nidoqueen's attacking stats are really weak. Speed is low. And your moveset somewhat cannot OHKO anyone. 2 moves is physical and 2 move is special attacker. So what nature and EVs spread are you going to use??? And Superpower doesn't get boost by Sheer Force, and it lower your defense. And Iron tail's Accuracy is pathetic. Just my opinion.

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Fair enough. Well, I was considering Superpower so I would have more than just Toxicroak for fighting moves. Even if it's not boosted by SF, it's still 120 base power. But whatever. On second thought, even Nidoking is bulkier than most of my team. And having another potent attacker couldn't hurt... heck, I'll go with a Nidoking then. After getting it, I wouldn't have to wait too long to get to Smeargle anyways. Thank you very much!

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