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Favorite Tank?


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I like Ferrothorn for my physical defense, Goodra for Special Defense, and Shuckle as the immortal.

Ferro with Leech Seed+Leftovers+Protect= all the recovery.

Assault Vest Specially Defensive invested Goodra can live a Draco from an offensive Latias and fire back one of its own.

Shuckle. Bruh. Better have brought a mon with Toxic or WoW because this thing is immortal otherwise. Highest defenses ever. No exception. Good luck killing this fella. You might need it.

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But let's not forget this little terror.


Shuckle @ Leftovers/Binding Band
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Rest
- Infestation
- Shell Smash
- Power Split/Toxic

Fixed <3

Edited by blasterman4
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I have yet to see Musharna. Though it's stats may not show it, I can assure you it is quite deadly as any wall and sweeper (In the right hands). You don't even need to Baton Pass, Musharna can do the job of sweeping itself!

P.S. This is my favorite pokemon.

Edited by ApatheticPanda
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Well, considering Milotic is tanky, and it's my favorite Pokemon of all anyway, yeah... Already having Special Defense as her highest stat, She can do rest/sleep talk to activate Marvel Scale and defend against Physical moves too! Also, she has access to recover which apparently a lot of tanky water types wished they could have.

But latley with my 6th gen run, I've gotta say I'm really into Slurpuff. He's not competitive by any means, but in Reborn he's done miracles, including TAKING DOWN SOLARIS' GARCHOMP (almost) SINGLE HANDEDLY. Already having a high defense, he can use Cotton Guard only twice to become all but immune to Physical attacks, and can use Draining Kiss (which can be made even stronger by a few fake tears) to replenish what HP he did lose. Plus, he has Play Rough, a consistently powerful move to fall back on.

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Klefki is my ultimate Tank/Utility support manager, Sweeping and walling a team of pure Ubers with nothing but a Klefk is common.


-Thunder wave



-Foul play

Its almost cheating because of how easy it is, so I rarely use one, even if I want to win for fucks sake.


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In Reborn Pangoro and Drapion are tied.

In all the official pokemon games I've ever played pretty much any Dragon type (I've never played a pokemon game with faries)

In showdown Suicune, Milotic, does Trevenant count?

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I've recently started using a Walrein on one of my Y competitive teams, and while I have to say it certainly isn't the best tank out there, it definitely gets the job done.

Have one with Hail, Toxic, Blizzard and Surf, with Ice body and Leftovers, and it can take hits like a champ while also dishing out some serious damage :)

Maybe it's not the most effective tank, but it's a great amout of fun to use ;)

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Not sure if he's been mentioned yet, but Trevenant would be one of my current favourite tanks right now.

Having an Impish Trevenant with Harvest, you can not only take a decent punch, but utterly harass the opposition. Moves like Will-O-Wisp and Leech Seed will come into play to constantly chase out attackers while you're burning up the opposition. Things get dicey, you can either run a Rest/Lum set, which completely heals you to continue the harassment, or run a Sitrus set, for constant survivablility.

Second favourite would be Vaporeon. Seriously, this thing won't die. Let it hold Lefty's with a Calm nature, Scald/Toxic/Protect/Wish. It's a pretty standard set, but as far as physical walls go, I accept no substitutes.

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What about eviolite dusclops? Sleep talk/rest or pain split. Not to mention will o wisp for physical attackers.

Dusknoir is pretty bulky as well with leftovers.

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Undead Nightmare Reaper: dusknoir.gif With Will-o-wisp, Confuse Ray, Shadow Sneak, and Shadow Punch for Chip Damage

pachirisu.gif Used Bide first turn against the first PULSE Tangrowth. It lived two Power Whips. Tangrowth didn't stand a chance.

weezing.gif This thing takes a surprising amount of hits. Combine with Sludge Bomb poisoning, Clear Smog removing stat changes, Shadow Ball removing Special Defense, and Destiny Bond suicide, Weezing has proven itself useful.

I would also list Golem, but she's much more focused on hitting hard.

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Weezing is an exceptional physical wall, in general. It can run WoW to cripple physical attackers, and coverage moves like flamethrower, thunderbolt, shadow ball to hit anything you need gone and have no other way of disposing. Add pain split, and it will outstall everything without a reliable recovery.

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