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Following Pokemon

Celestia Ciano

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Hi Ame!

Well, you gave us an awsome story, harder gym leaders, a rival that is a pain in the... you know where, and riding pokemon in a great wide space (Actually, I would like to ride the equines pokemon like rapidash and the legendary dogs. But you're the Boss. You rule). So what about one more nice thing to put on the game? The following pokemon were one of the best things that we got on the video games series and would be plesant to see here. I still remember my totodile following me in my journey in Jotho. Amazing days. Please, Ame! If it's possible, following pokemon on Pokemon Reborn!

Ps: I don't have any idea of how it would impact the engine of the game, and I'm lay when it comes to program something. I'm here sole to give an ideia to you.

Thanks for hearing me!

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Certainly for what it's worth (like nothing) I'd be behind this. I think it'd make a fantastic addition.

However, as far as I'm aware, appropriate sprites only exist up to gen 4 pokemon, seeing as HG/SS were the last games to use the mechanic. This obviously means we'd run into problems with pokemon from gen 5 and gen 6. Maybe sprites that I don't know about exist, or maybe the people that are pretty handy with spriting could work their magic at Ame's behest but I reckon the job of recolouring all of the shiny sprites has got them busy enough at the moment.

Hopefully something can be done for this, but I won't hold my breath.

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Certainly for what it's worth (like nothing) I'd be behind this. I think it'd make a fantastic addition.

However, as far as I'm aware, appropriate sprites only exist up to gen 4 pokemon, seeing as HG/SS were the last games to use the mechanic. This obviously means we'd run into problems with pokemon from gen 5 and gen 6. Maybe sprites that I don't know about exist, or maybe the people that are pretty handy with spriting could work their magic at Ame's behest but I reckon the job of recolouring all of the shiny sprites has got them busy enough at the moment.

Hopefully something can be done for this, but I won't hold my breath.

Well, Pokemon Zeta has this doesn't it?

They have 1-4th gen pokemon following the trainer, but not Gen V and VI.

And like you pointed out, that's the thing: There's no sprite for Gen V and VI pokes. I don't believe Ame would want to add only Gen1-4th pokes. If sprites for Gen V and VI existed, then maybe.

The idea is nice, probably has been suggested before, but i doubt it's going to happen. I'm pretty sure it's not going to...

But hey, what do i know?

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Certainly for what it's worth (like nothing) I'd be behind this. I think it'd make a fantastic addition.

However, as far as I'm aware, appropriate sprites only exist up to gen 4 pokemon, seeing as HG/SS were the last games to use the mechanic. This obviously means we'd run into problems with pokemon from gen 5 and gen 6. Maybe sprites that I don't know about exist, or maybe the people that are pretty handy with spriting could work their magic at Ame's behest but I reckon the job of recolouring all of the shiny sprites has got them busy enough at the moment.

Hopefully something can be done for this, but I won't hold my breath.

There actually are such sprites for all generations, somewhere. At the very least, Zeta/Omicron has 'em. Here's an example of Aegislash:

Edited by 13243546
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So they do have *sprites for Gen V and VI? I didn't knew that.

Hmm... well, if Ame can use them, then maybe.

But even then, this idea was suggested before, so i don't think Ame is considering.

Maybe when the game is completed. Right now that's not a priority.

But as usual... what do i know?

Edited by Vinny953
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So they do have sprites for Gen V and VI? I didn't knew that.

Ditto to that.

I don't know much about RPGXP, but the addition of sprites could cause breaks and glitches in the game. Which, inevitably, would be exploited. Though it'd be fun to bring a Tauros into Aya's house.

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Ditto to that.

I don't know much about RPGXP, but the addition of sprites could cause breaks and glitches in the game. Which, inevitably, would be exploited. Though it'd be fun to bring a Tauros into Aya's house.

Riding a Tauros while a Tauros follows you?

And then Aya's mother has a heart attack.

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Moved to the correct section.

Anyways, as much as It to happen, we don't have sprites. If we did, it'd be done in a heart beat.

You could find them somewhere, they exist. At the very least, the creator of Zeta could tell you where to find/give you the sprites.

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You could find them somewhere, they exist. At the very least, the creator of Zeta could tell you where to find/give you the sprites.

Not as much for Gen V and certainly not for Gen VI... That said, I'll look into it.

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Does Zeta ever have the player team up with an NPC while also having a Pokemon follow you? I'm unsure how that would work

Moreover, as others have said, sprites are the biggest issue. The Aegislash in the screenshot is pretty shoddy and I would not feel comfortable putting that into Reborn (Also last I knew Zeta doesn't have all 6th gen pokemon anyway, even if those sprites were good). I actually have sprites for all 5th gen pokemon, but the lack of 6th gen plus the technical concern of it tripping over partner trainers makes me hesitant to do this.

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Nope, zeta never has any npc following you; it's all solo battles.

The only time you get an npc partner in zeta is in battle frontier pyramid. But it's still the pokemon following you in overworld, with the npc "magically appearing out of thin air" in battle.

Edited by Hally
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Does Zeta ever have the player team up with an NPC while also having a Pokemon follow you? I'm unsure how that would work

Well you could just have a little sequence where the pokemon is returned to it's ball right? If I remember correctly the same thing happens in HG/SS when you jump on the bike. Even if it doesn't I doubt it'll be that hard to implement. But yeah, there's still the sprites thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The sprites could easily be fixed. I just added this feature to my game, which is still a WIP and has no playable demo. It wouldn't be that hard to script if you follow this tutorial:


Also, the sprites could easily be found at spriters resource or other game developer art websites like Deviantart, etc. HOWEVER, people have uncovered that there was code and sprites for the gen 5 pokemon as well. They have been recovered from the game, and can be found in the Ultimate BW Pack 7 for Pokémon Essentials, which is what Reborn is made in. The following people behind you thing works with the following pokemon too. The only thing is acts like a caterpillar. You have the player then the pokemon then the partner. My reccomendation, whcih is what I have done in my game, is to have the partner get you to checkpoints, and heal you up, but he doesn't walk with you. He runs ahead marking the way to go.

Well, I repeat again. It's easily possible to tweak the scripts slightly to have pokemon following you.


Pokégod7020(pokécommunity)/Allgamesdude(Deviantart and Here and a lot of other places too :P)

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