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Greetingz Soundwavez

I am Ruby, Alice or Vulpix Wuver on the server~

Now then, if you don't know PO then get to know it already, pokemon online in the reborn server is where a lot of awesome people are~

Now, because you are sound...I cannot burn you...however I CAN BURN THE AIR, THAN THERE WILL BE NOTHING FOR A WAVE OF SOUND TO VIBRATE AGAINST AND STUFF...that's how it works....right?

Either way, nice to eat meet ya. Hopefully we will all cya around on the server on forums a lot~

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  On 6/6/2014 at 1:21 PM, RubyHeart said:

Now, because you are sound...I cannot burn you...however I CAN BURN THE AIR, THAN THERE WILL BE NOTHING FOR A WAVE OF SOUND TO VIBRATE AGAINST AND STUFF...that's how it works....right?

Sadly not. Oxygen is a component of combustion but ultimately matter cannot be destroyed. The upshot of this is that whatever you produce through burning the air will in turn be able to carry a sound wave.

Anyway, welcome to the forums. Alice already covered PO so I guess I'll chip in with ask Tempest and Vinny (who will be along later to greet you, and I'll keep saying that until I'm proven wrong) loads of seemingly unimportant questions. They love that sort of thing.

Oh, and best not to hang on to your sanity around these parts.

See you round.

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Welcome to the madhouse Soundwave!

Hope you have fun around here, we're a bunch of crazy people but you'll get used to it (hopefully). See you around!

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