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Pokemon Reborn Episode 12


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Excuse my poor punctuation if any occur, this is not english class but I do try to sound legible.

I joined the fanbase of this wonderful game back in March when I started experimenting with Pokemon RPG Maker games. Pokemon Zeta led me to this due to the fact these games hold more potential than GBA rom hacks. (I've grown very tired of them)

Shofu was doing a let's play of this game, so I figured why the hell not. In doing so I was completely blown away. 16 starter choices, atmosphere, making me EVEN more attached to the pokemon get since I can save them. This game symbolized fan creativity.

So, you can only imagine the wait I went through these last 3-4 months without an update. Which I completely understand, Amethyst is no employee at Nintendo or game freak. Life can get in the way of your hobbies. I guess that's what happens when your game is that good, you put so much into every detail.

Content creators always love being told their works are great, but also like hearing where they can improve. I'm sorry, Episode 12 was very underwhelming to me.

Terra was very entertaining since she was very spontaneous, but other than that, nothing really happens besides a gym battle. Nothing happens with Agate besides we know people are being put asleep, we finally meat Titania, whom appears intimidating, but that's all we know even at this point. All we ever heard before was whispers of Florina being traumatized by her. Route 2 was the major chunk of this episode, a frustrating chunk of it that took 2 hours. Albeit, it was mostly my fault for not talking to one of the vendors, but I wish I was pointed in that direction a little bit more. When you showed off those neat little field affects about a week or 2 ago, I was pretty interested how they would be introduced. I guess it's nice to have the player experiment, but I would have appreciated an optional super boss to show it off. Story wise, again it doesn't really add much to the previous ones. Did I enjoy it? A bit, Samson was fun even though I completely curb stomped him at the very low 60's. That's not Amethyst's fault though. I have 2 fairies and 2 psychics on my team. Again, I enjoyed Terra, really hilarious character. Seeing Aya and Cain be all awkward was pretty cute. The circus themed episode was pretty wacky which I thought was a good use of mood whiplash since the last episode was kinda moody (which I liked BTW). It would have been pretty short if I didn't get stuck on route 2 for 2 hours (YOU MONSTER) so I kinda felt empty. Oh and I almost forgot about the, "rebellion against team meteor thing" that was brought up. Nothing important happened with it, so I don't really count it as anything noteworthy at the moment. Even though I'm disappointed they weren't introduced better, I LOVE the new field effects. So darn creative!

I guess this is coming from me thinking the last episode was spectacular.

This was all my opinion but I guess I can list some improvements. Just gameplay, don't listen to fans about writing your own story. Rushing it is not a good idea. My complaint about nothing happening in the episode, most likely due to shorter content.

-Lag, it is a game entirely composed of 2D sprites. Even with 2 gigs of ram I am experiencing a horrendous amount of lag. I firmly think optimization is needed for the next release. Then again I'm not a programmer so I could be ignorant and wrong.

-EV reducer, I really want to buff up some of my pokemon's stats. Roserade while a timid nature only has 2 IV's in speed so I gotta buff that up!

-Iv increaser, same reasons as above.

-Optional bosses with a reward. When playing an rpg, we all enjoy those optional bosses that are really hard but reward you for your hard work. Since reborn is a hard game, I'd like to see you take this idea and go absolutely WILD. Since you, Amethyst, are a sadist when coming up with gym leader ideas.

-Level Grinding Area. Even though I'm surviving at the low 60's, I kinda want to get my Pokemon Up to snuff without spending 6 hours grinding against tauros.

That's all I have to say, this really doesn't make your game any worse. I'm still going to follow it to the end am looking forward to episode 13 6 months from now. I'm Kidding... I hope. I really do like this game.

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As for grinding around level 60s, if you're willing to, you can try the additional ADD-ON quests I'm going to release soon!

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Lag optimization is difficult to do. Amethyst has tried to do it, but the game does eat a lot of resources just due to the inefficiencies in RPG maker games. Make sure you don't run anything but the game when you play, and, if I may suggest it, I would get more than 2Gb of RAM. That's a rather small amount for today's computers.

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Even though I'm disappointed they weren't introduced better, I LOVE the new field effects. So darn creative!

To the stuff about the episode being underwhelming:

Darn, I was hoping Terra would be enough of a distraction no one would notice. Yes, it is, it's short and not much happens. This is because this episode happens to be the tipping point before all of the other various unrelated sub-plot lines for the past 11 episodes start to roll together. Calm before the storm, if you will.

For the field effects, I don't want to suddenly introduce new fields mid-new episode because when playing the completed game as a whole that's going to seem kind of random. That said, an introduction to field effects is veritably lacking in-game and I'm open to ideas on how to present them, aside from featuring them in gym battles and areas. Optional bosses could be nice for this and all, but it doesn't especially make sense to me to have like a random character parked under an arbitrary rainbow just to showcase that field, you know?

-Lag, it is a game entirely composed of 2D sprites. Even with 2 gigs of ram I am experiencing a horrendous amount of lag. I firmly think optimization is needed for the next release. Then again I'm not a programmer so I could be ignorant and wrong.

Tempest answer this fairly well, but as it turns out RPG Maker has terrible scalability. I'm sure there -are- improvements that could be made, but I'm really not a programmer either, and I don't know what they would be. I'm just a girl with a program she downloaded from 2005.

-EV reducer, I really want to buff up some of my pokemon's stats. Roserade while a timid nature only has 2 IV's in speed so I gotta buff that up!

There are EV-reducing berries from the regrettably in-accessible department store, but aside from that I only learned about XY's Reset Bag like last week. It may not be a priority for scripting over fixing the half-finished battle system, but maybe someday.

-Iv increaser, same reasons as above.

I'm currently not terribly interested in IV increasing because since natures and abilities can already be changed, IVs are the only thing left that can be Individual to a Pokemon. That said, I do want to update the breeding mechanics to give players better control over them.

-Optional bosses with a reward. When playing an rpg, we all enjoy those optional bosses that are really hard but reward you for your hard work. Since reborn is a hard game, I'd like to see you take this idea and go absolutely WILD. Since you, Amethyst, are a sadist when coming up with gym leader ideas.

There are a number of these through out the game already, I think, such as Biggles, Mechanightmare, Mafia Dons, etc, in addition to the player-decided initiative to defeat Garchomp and the Ditto-Arceus. I'm certianly going to make more, but I don't want them to feel out of place, so I try not to go too crazy.

-Level Grinding Area. Even though I'm surviving at the low 60's, I kinda want to get my Pokemon Up to snuff without spending 6 hours grinding against tauros.

The game is currently balanced around having a low-mid 60 team at the end of this episode, so I hope you don't need to grind that much. I suspect you didn't, based on how easily you dealt with Samson, types aside. I'm trying to avoid having to cause grinding, as much as possible.

That's all I have to say, this really doesn't make your game any worse. I'm still going to follow it to the end am looking forward to episode 13 6 months from now. I'm Kidding... I hope. I really do like this game.

I am trying to pick-up production speed. No word on if it's going to work, yet... Glad you've otherwise enjoyed it though
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I'm going to add onto Tmepest's answer on lag. First, an example; X&Y, having run on the 3/2ds systems, runs on ~21 gbs of RAM. 3D models would be to extensive to put into this game, plus there are no 3D model rpg makers out there (from my knowledge). While Reborn CAN be run with 2gbs of RAM, I run it on 6gbs, and get pretty decent results. Another thing you could try is un-parking your cores. OSs typically "park" (actively not use cores) cores of a build to save power, but this creates problems in running CPU/GPU/RAM intensive games, i.e. massive rpgs, AAA fpss, etc. Youtube videos on it and see if it helps....I'm no programmer, but from having played in the competitive scene in the battlefield series, I do know a bit about computers....

Edited by ShadowDefender
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i read the comments and amethyst was very helpful, never knew i missed such... odd but fun boss fights

also to the post above. never asked for 3d models. in pokemon zeta i can mod them in so if i ever feel like trying i can here too.

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PvP would be cool, albeit i enjoy the game for the game itself, not necessarily to take my team and face other people with it. would i face others? absolutely. however, i'm rather competitive, and EV training is already annoying without the items to make it easy. then again, as stated earlier, this game doesn't do easy.

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I believe there was a topic for this in the past.. but it would be a long time from now if Ame considered implementing PvP. If you do want to do battles online, try PO/Showdown.

EDIT: Well, it was for trading, but eh. Both trading/battling online work hand in hand.


Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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