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Help with Route 2


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I'll give you some hints here.

1. Remember there are many many ledges around so keep that in mind.

2. Later on, keep in mind that Crustles may come into play.

3. Those indentations on ledges aren't just clever designs.

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I'm lost. How do I even use the Crustles? This is freaking irritating. I've collected and made sure I have the powders and not spoiling them but all I can do are kill those freaking crustles. And encountering an impossible puzzle somewhere southwards, with no apparent way forward. Daheck??

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Use Sleep Powder on the Crustles, than just push them like they were Strenght rocks until you drop them on the hole. On the south part you need to get the westernmost path to get down on ground level.

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I don't know why so many people have problems with this puzzle, it took me about an hour to finish it (and i'm not very good with puzzles), as for tips...hmm...well the first thing is that you don't need the Rage Powder (at all) only the Sleep one (just safe before using the Crustles and if you make a mistake reload), as for the second (and last) one don't forget that you can push the sleeping Crustles down the slopes to get them to ground level.

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this isn't really helpful...

Hell, I'm still at the very beginning at route 2, twidlin my thumbs cause I can't figure out what the hell you all are talking about. been looking around that damn route for over three hours straight now...

What crustles? what ledge are they on? do you have to catch them in the grass or something? and where the hell are those plants where you're supposed to gather the powders from, because at the beginning of the route, there's a green and red one. I've interacted with both and gotten no response what so ever.

This would be so much freaking easier if someone could just post a screen shot or something for reference.

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The Crustles come out of nests, they look like mini mountains with a cave entrance. Basically hit C on the cave entrance to bring a Crustle out. The plants at the beginning of the route won't give you the powder. They're too small, you need the bigger ones further on. If you can't get past the first sequence of stepping stones, try jumping onto the ledge on the bottom edge of the pit.

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I figured it out. The puzzles can REALLY become a bother if you overlook a SINGLE opportunity to jump to the next ledge. Lesson learnt. Always look in 4 directions at all times.

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  • 2 months later...

Uh, hey guys. Does anyone still use this?

Anyways, I have a severe vision impairment. As a result, I can't tell the difference between the regular rocks you jump on and the cracked ones. This means that it is impossible for me to do Route 2 in Pokemon Reborn.

If anyone is willing, I would love it if someone could help me out by:

1. Telling me how to send someone my save.

2. Completing Route 2 for me, then sending my save back to me.

3. Telling me how to use the save I just got.

As you can see (haha) I'm very computer illiterate. If anyone is able to help, it would be much appreciated.

I really want to stay up-to-date with this, because it is really an incredible game. I'm also currently training up an Alakazam, and I REALLY don't want to quit playing now that my team is in the sixties.

Thanks to anyone who helps me out. I would be much appreciated.

Edited by Kappa689
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Here, put this file in your Data Folder and overwrite.

This erases the code that would drop your powder when stepping on those tiles. Hopefully you can get through with this. If you still have problems, let me know. One of my good friends in high school was legally blind and I helped her a lot with getting through her classes and everything, so I'm sympathetic to these sort of issues.


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Erm, I hate to be a nuisance. For all I know, I somehow did it wrong.

But I put the file in the 'Data' folder, but the powder still spoils if I go on certain tiles. I'm so sorry. It's okay. I'll give up. It clearly wasn't meant to happen. Just my luck to screw up putting a file in a folder. :(

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I just tested and the file does work. So let's check this:

1- Did it ask to overwrite? It should have, and say yes, of course.

2- Is it possible you put the file into a different copy of the game folder? Maybe the old/new episode and then ran the wrong one?

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It never asked me to overwrite; I just put the file in the folder then booted up the game and hit 'continue'. Where was it supposed to ask me to overwrite? And I apologise for how much of a pain I'm being. Seriously, it doesn't matter. Don't bother with me anymore. I'm just one player.

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You're fine, don't worry. Let's figure this out. There definitely has to be a CommonEvents.rxdata in the folder already, so if it didn't ask you to overwrite chances are it's in the wrong place some how. To make sure, could you peek inside that Data folder and see if it's in there now? Presumably it will be since you just placed it in there, but it'll also confirm that we're dealing with the correct folder. There should be a lot of Mapxxx.rxdata files in there too.

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The only CommonEvent.rxdata in that folder was the one I put in there. And it was the right folder because there are a lot of Mapxxx whatever files in there too. It did not ask me to overwrite and there were no other CommonEvent files. omg this is totally wasting your time!!! I have no idea what the problem could be.

OMG I think it's working! FINALLY!!! I have no idea what I did, but it's working. Thank you so much Miss Amythest!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Now all I have to do is figure out this insane puzzle...

You truly are a genius!


I know you're excited, but how about we try not to double post okay? :]

~B. Guardian

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